Senate and Whitehouse want to prosecute AGW skeptics


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The AGW inquisition is getting into full gear now. The anointed priests of the cult now want to use RICO to prosecute anyone who disputes their scam. These people go around calling themselves "liberal" and "tolerant." Hilarious, isn't it?

Sen. Whitehouse: Bring RICO Charges Against Climate Wrongthink

By Walter Olson on 6.5.15

Another step toward criminalizing advocacy: writing in the Washington Post, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) urges the U.S. Department of Justice to consider filing a racketeering suit against the oil and coal industries for having promoted wrongful thinking on climate change, with the activities of “conservative policy” groups an apparent target of the investigation as well. A trial balloon, or perhaps an effort to prepare the ground for enforcement actions already afoot?
Link from the OP.........

Sen. Whitehouse Bring RICO Charges Against Climate Wrongthink The American Spectator

By the mid-2000s, calls were being heard, especially in other countries, for making denial of climate change consensus a legally punishable offense or even a “crime against humanity,” while widely known advocate James Hansen had publicly called for show trials of fossil fuel executives. Notwithstanding the tobacco precedent, it had been widely imagined that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution might deter image-conscious officials from pursuing such attacks on their adversaries’ speech. But it has not deterred Sen. Whitehouse
Read more at Sen. Whitehouse Bring RICO Charges Against Climate Wrongthink The American Spectator

There's that ASS HAT James HANSEN AGAIN..........................TAR AND FEATHER...................SUE THAT.
WRONGFUL THINKING LAWSUITS..............................

Perhaps we could SUE THE HELL OUT OF LIBERALS IN RETURN............

That would be a HOOT................................................

Uh oh better get into the fetal position Bripat! They're coming for you! :eek:

They are indeed, asshole. Liberals are indistinguishable from Stalinists. If they ever get full control of this country people like me will be sent to a gulag.
More proof that the THEORY of man-made global warming is a religion to the left. The same generation that used to say "never trust anyone over 30" is now unconditionally supporting an unproven concept that seems to be politically driven. Even when it is proved that "scientists" fudged the figures to keep the federal grants flowing and compared selected data and ignored other data the true believers simply say "you gotta have faith". Now it seems the religious left even has a name for unbelievers similar to middle age "heretics". People who aren't invested in the theory are called "deniers" and the religious zealots want to prosecute "deniers" and presumably burn them at the stake.
Senate and Whitehouse want to prosecute AGW skeptics-OP
Actually, it's one Senator named Sheldon Whitehouse and that's it. It's not the Senate nor is it the Whitehouse!
This OP is a huge lie. Bripat, what exactly are you trying to pull?
From the link:
"Another step toward criminalizing advocacy: writing in the Washington Post, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) urges the U.S. Department of Justice to consider filing a racketeering suit against the oil and coal industries for having promoted wrongful thinking on climate change, with the activities of “conservative policy” groups an apparent target of the investigation as well. A trial balloon, or perhaps an effort to prepare the ground for enforcement actions already afoot?"
Also mentioned in a separate matter, "And Sen. Whitehouse, along with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Edward Markey (D-Mass.), has been investigating climate-dissent scholarship in a fishing-expedition investigation that drew a pointed rebuke from then-Cato Institute President John Allison as an “obvious attempt to chill research into and funding of public policy projects you don’t like…. you abuse your authority when you attempt to intimidate people who don’t share your political beliefs.”
Read more at Sen. Whitehouse Bring RICO Charges Against Climate Wrongthink The American Spectator
Read more at Sen. Whitehouse Bring RICO Charges Against Climate Wrongthink The American Spectator
See Bri, this is what you get when you just read the title of an article but don't read the article. :laugh:

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