Sen Warnock on guns: We're not safe in our schools. We're not safe in our workplaces. We're not safe in the grocery store, today you can add hospitals

Sure he does, otherwise he would demand that the illegals that are repeatedly committing felonies by reentering the country after being deported, be prosecuted and jailed. I can think of at least one mass murder that could have prevented.

his kids almost got shot. shame on you. you are sick
Is he wrong? you don't think all these mass shootings are a problem? how heartless can you be? and i do think the crisis at the border is also tragic, they are BOTH problems!
He is correct that the shootings are bad

But libs like him have idea how fix the problem that they are responsible for
his kids almost got shot. shame on you. you are sick

That's a fucking lie, some schools went into lockdown while police searched for the perp. The exact same thing happened here because police had reported sightings of the illegal that killed the family of illegals. Six schools in the Conroe area were in lockdown on Monday, were the kids in those six schools almost shot? Stop being a drama queen.

CNN is covering it. it's national news now that his kids almost got shot, and people in the conservative bubble still think it's all a conspiracy

Let's arm Ukrainians because they have a right to defend themselves.

Let's also disarm US citizens because " we are not safe in our schools, work places, grocery stores, and hospitals".

This makes sense to who?
There are approximately between 95 and 100 million people owning 393 million firearms in the United States. The number of people committing crimes with firearms amounts to a small handful in each substantial city. In other words, 99.9% of the firearms owners (which includes those with semi-automatic rifles that take detachable magazines) are completely law-abiding and not committing crimes with them, nor are their weapons sneaking out at night and committing crimes on their own.
Most of the gun crime is occurring between gangs in the inner-cities. You know, those "precious children" that are being killed, as the Democrats like to say. Personally, when a gang-banger dies, I don't give a damn. They stopped being "kids" when they got hold of a stolen gun and used it to commit a crime. Round up the gang members, lock them up and throw away the key. They are no value to society.
they are BOTH problems!
I don't think most rational people would disagree. Where we part ways is in the choice of solutions. A human being has an INALIENABLE RIGHT to defend their life and the lives of those they love. The most effective means for that defense in our modern society is the effective use of firearms.
Those who fear being killed by a crazy or evil individual with firearms, will never be one whit safer by taking those firearms ONLY from those who are NOT crazy or evil. Those who advocate for that are simply being childish. My RIGHTS do not end where their fears or feelings begin...
Is he wrong? you don't think all these mass shootings are a problem? how heartless can you be? and i do think the crisis at the border is also tragic, they are BOTH problems!
Yes, mass shootings are a problem. What's the cause?
All those places are perfectly safe where I live. Perhaps it's a local thing and this moron should stop generalizing the problems of urban shitholes as everyone else's problem.
Is he wrong? you don't think all these mass shootings are a problem? how heartless can you be? and i do think the crisis at the border is also tragic, they are BOTH problems!
what do rich peoople do to keep themselves and families safe??

gus you say,,,

well then we use guns to keep our families safe in public areas too,,

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