Sen. Jim Inhofe, 79, Says Socialized Medicine Would Have Killed Him

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
This old dude thinks ObamaCare is Socialized Medicine .. or is he lying?< My comment

Recovering from a recent quadruple bypass, Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe explained that he would not have survived if he had been in a country with &#8220;socialized medicine like Obama is trying to impose upon America,&#8221; because insurance kills people. The 79-year-old senator is apparently unaware that millions of people his age are using government-run healthcare systems called Medicare and the Veterans Administration; doctors have so far withheld that information as he is still recovering from heart surgery.
During a routine colonoscopy, because apparently his heart is up his ass, doctors discovered that Inhofe&#8217;s arteries were dangerously blocked, and advised that he have immediate open-heart surgery.

Read more at Sen. Jim Inhofe, 79, Says Socialized Medicine Would Have Killed Him; Irony Not Covered By Medicare
Australia has socialised medicine. My sister had an infection in her heart that would have killed her within hours if she didn't have immediate surgery. She was rushed in as an emergency patient, spent more than a month in hospital, had a private room, her own private nurse, and months of rehab afterward, and even a nurse who drove out each day to give her antibiotics.

Four years on, she is alive, thanks to the taxpayers of Australia, who paid for her medical treatment.

Don't tell me that socialised medicine doesn't save lives. I have proof - my sister, sitting at the kitchen table.

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