Sen. Ben Nelson won’t seek reelection

Hope when he leaves Washington he takes a bunch of those dumb assed Democrats with him.
About time! I'll bet Charlie Crist is kicking himself in the ass right about now. Had he let Rubio have the win without his stupid 3rd party run, he'd still be a Republican (INO) in good standing and would be a lock for the seat. I wonder if Kendrick Meeks will sign up for an ass kicking again?
About time! I'll bet Charlie Crist is kicking himself in the ass right about now. Had he let Rubio have the win without his stupid 3rd party run, he'd still be a Republican (INO) in good standing and would be a lock for the seat. I wonder if Kendrick Meeks will sign up for an ass kicking again?

Wrong Nelson...

Bill Nelson FL

But he's gone too..hopefully:cool:
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I call him Obamacare Nelson, he helped give us Obamacare which destroyed his career
It's too bad for the Democrats. Their best hope in the state is that Kerrey can somehow be coaxed into the thankless job that running for the Senate would be.

The good news, such as it is, is that it could be worse. When Bayh decided not to run, it converted an almost certain win into an almost certain loss. With Nelson deciding not to run, it converts a probable loss into an almost certain one. So this decision costs them maybe something like .25 Senate seats, whereas Bayh's cost them more like .80 Senate seats.
Blanche Lincoln, another blue dog, is gone. Now can we get rid of Mary Landrieu, Bill Nelson, and Lieberman.
Vote out any one of them that has done 2 terms or more.. They are owned now.
Scumbags..... all of them.
Nelson is a moderate but he did vote for Obamacare. Sealed his own fate.

He ain' t no dummy. He can see the writing on the wall.

He left the seat wide open for a Rep. as Kerry probably won't run.
Blanche Lincoln, another blue dog, is gone. Now can we get rid of Mary Landrieu, Bill Nelson, and Lieberman.

They all voted for Obamacare and the "stimulus" bill. So what is your problem with them?

They "compromised" a time or two and voted with republicans?

Interesting that the progressives rip the republicans for not compromising, then advocate getting rid of democrats who do compromise on occasion. Odd.
Buh bye, Ben, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Nelson, one of the blue dogs that voted with the cons.

Sen. Ben Nelson won’t seek reelection - The Washington Post

Good riddance. Maybe we can get a real Dem in there one day.

Yup. He was a DINO......

Nelson describes himself as "pro-life". In the 2006 election, he was endorsed by Nebraska Right to Life and Nebraskans United for Life, the two largest pro-life organizations in the state....

On March 15, 2007, Nelson was one of two Democratic Senators to vote against invoking cloture on a resolution aimed at withdrawing most American combat troops from Iraq in 2008.

In 2001, Nelson was one of a handful of Democratic Senators that helped craft the proposal to cut taxes by $1.3 trillion that was ultimately signed into law.

Nelson's votes in the Senate have often placed him at odds with the leadership of his party

Ben Nelson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's too bad for the Democrats. Their best hope in the state is that Kerrey can somehow be coaxed into the thankless job that running for the Senate would be.

The good news, such as it is, is that it could be worse. When Bayh decided not to run, it converted an almost certain win into an almost certain loss. With Nelson deciding not to run, it converts a probable loss into an almost certain one. So this decision costs them maybe something like .25 Senate seats, whereas Bayh's cost them more like .80 Senate seats.

WHy? He killed Single Payer.
Buh bye, Ben, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Nelson, one of the blue dogs that voted with the cons.

Sen. Ben Nelson won’t seek reelection - The Washington Post

well of course, cause when you all TALK about Bi-partisan, you all really mean as long as it's the Republicans voting WITH THE DEMOCRATS.

remember how you all LOVE Rep. Snow, Collins, etc etc.

maybe you can get another person so far to the left of a commie to run for his position.
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They all voted for Obamacare and the "stimulus" bill. So what is your problem with them?

They "compromised" a time or two and voted with republicans?

Interesting that the progressives rip the republicans for not compromising, then advocate getting rid of democrats who do compromise on occasion. Odd.

It's not odd at all. It's standard operating procedure for Dims. Remember, for them hypocrisy is a virtue.

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