Semitic origin of European and Germanic languages


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014


Germania Semitica

Philologist Giovanni Semerano:

In his Semerano studies he argues that there are similarities and affinities between the lexicons of the Mesopotamian languages, particularly of Akkadian, the ancient languages of Europe, supported by numerous quotations from ancient and modern texts. The big Graziadio Isaia Ascoli, first among the Italian linguists, much appreciated by Semerano, was himself convinced of the "Aryan-Semitic nexus".
According Semerano, due to the continuous evolution of human language, it would not be helpful to the research suggest a "proto-language", which he believes is not really existed and which could still only represent a single moment in what is considered a "linguistic continuum with variations ": the concept and the" proto-language "abstract model should be rather understood as an instrument of statistics applied to the linguistic investigation. Semerano also considers it necessary to consider and investigate possible connections and thus the affinity or kinship, hybridizations, loans, mutual influences with all other contiguous human languages, such as the Afro-Asiatic languages of Africa and non-Indo Asia in a vision "phylogenetically" open.
Considers Indo-European reconstructed by traditional linguists an invented language, without a land without a people who would have spoken and the theory hypothesis kept alive because it is functional to an ideology defined etnorazzista (to other non-Indo-European peoples) and socioclassista and caste (within European societies). According Semerano, the history and the meaning of every human language is utterly and would in the context of all the other languages, which together would form the human language in general. All the world's languages would be comparable because they all belong to the same genus and the human species, regardless of their type, morphology, declensions, once words are broken down into their basic building blocks and the roots are identified, the central themes, I affix.


Dna tests have proven that arabs have up to 18% subsaharan dna.

If Europeans started in the middle east, they weren't semites.
Dna tests have proven that arabs have up to 18% subsaharan dna.

If Europeans started in the middle east, they weren't semites.

you are confused-----you seem to imagine that "arabs" are the prototype "semites"--------arabs are just a subgroup of semites. The subgroup ARAB was involved in the
sub-Saharan slave trade for something like more then 4000 years. There is a biologic principle---->>>>
SCREW. The slave trade brought arab semites into proximity with
sub-Saharans-----intensively and extensively
Dna tests have proven that arabs have up to 18% subsaharan dna.

If Europeans started in the middle east, they weren't semites.

you are confused-----you seem to imagine that "arabs" are the prototype "semites"--------arabs are just a subgroup of semites. The subgroup ARAB was involved in the
sub-Saharan slave trade for something like more then 4000 years. There is a biologic principle---->>>>
SCREW. The slave trade brought arab semites into proximity with
sub-Saharans-----intensively and extensively
So we are certain that the Queen of Sheba was not a sub-Saharan...
To say that the Arabs are not Semites would be like saying that jesus had allegedly not Jewish characteristics.

n Human Genetics haplogroup J (12f2.1, M304, P209, S6, S34, S35) of the Y chromosome is a human Y chromosome haplogroup, haplogroup IJK branch of the macro, and the most important among the
peoples of the Near East, namely that of the so-called "Abraham genetic"

Haplogroup J is linked, since the Iron Age, the great migrations and is mainly linked to the Semitic peoples. It is believed that the haplogroup IJ arose between 35,000 and 40,000.00 years between the Middle
East and the Arabian Peninsula, at a time when, during the Upper Paleolithic modern humans spread throughout the planet. About 35,000 years ago the members of haplogroup IJ emigrated from their native
areas, breaking into two distinct strains. The first went along the Anatolian peninsula, to the west, and then pass the Bosphorus (or from the North Caucasus region migrated to the west, passing north of the
Black Sea) and install themselves in Europe, where he later gave rise to haplogroup I (between 24,000 and 32,000 years approx). The second spread in the Middle East area, then also spreading toward the
south to the Arabian Peninsula, and giving rise to haplogroup J (about 30,000 years ago).
The spread haplotype J2 in the Mediterranean basin is often associated with the expansion of the agricultural peoples during the Neolithic period. Some scholars fit between West Asia and South-Eastern
haplogroups, associating the presence of archaeological remains of the Neolithic, as statuettes and painted pottery has been suggested that the subclade J2A-M410 belongs to the first farmers. However,
other scholars speculate a possible leakage event in the post-Neolithic, in particular linked to the domination of ancient Greece. In Europe, the J2 haplogroup frequency drops dramatically moving northward
from the Mediterranean.

The main subcladi haplogroup J are: J-M267 (J1) and J-M172 (J2). While the J1 group rappresents the southern branch Middle East / Arabian, and that's what the so-called "genetic Ishmael", the J2 is the
Middle Eastern branch Northern / Anatolian, and that's what the so-called "genetic Israel."

J1a2b P 58 / Page8 / PF4698; typically Semitic line, which constitutes the majority of the male population of the Arabian Peninsula ..

J1a2b2 L147.1; the main Arab group, and is among the Jews the majority of the Cohen Group, whose common ancestor is identified as Aaron, brother of Moses ..

J2a1h L24 / S286, L207.1; the most common of subclade J2A, with a distribution ranging from the Middle East to Europe, North Africa and South Asia ..




Dna tests have proven that arabs have up to 18% subsaharan dna.

If Europeans started in the middle east, they weren't semites.

you are confused-----you seem to imagine that "arabs" are the prototype "semites"--------arabs are just a subgroup of semites. The subgroup ARAB was involved in the
sub-Saharan slave trade for something like more then 4000 years. There is a biologic principle---->>>>
SCREW. The slave trade brought arab semites into proximity with
sub-Saharans-----intensively and extensively
So we are certain that the Queen of Sheba was not a sub-Saharan...

She is described as dark in complexion and with a word that suggests her origin
was in an around Ethiopia and Arabia. The people of Ethiopia and in and around arabia are mixed lots with persons of sub-Saharan origin
Dna tests have proven that arabs have up to 18% subsaharan dna.

If Europeans started in the middle east, they weren't semites.

you are confused-----you seem to imagine that "arabs" are the prototype "semites"--------arabs are just a subgroup of semites. The subgroup ARAB was involved in the
sub-Saharan slave trade for something like more then 4000 years. There is a biologic principle---->>>>
SCREW. The slave trade brought arab semites into proximity with
sub-Saharans-----intensively and extensively
So we are certain that the Queen of Sheba was not a sub-Saharan...

She is described as dark in complexion and with a word that suggests her origin
was in an around Ethiopia and Arabia. The people of Ethiopia and in and around arabia are mixed lots with persons of sub-Saharan origin
Oh dear God no!
Dna tests have proven that arabs have up to 18% subsaharan dna.

If Europeans started in the middle east, they weren't semites.

you are confused-----you seem to imagine that "arabs" are the prototype "semites"--------arabs are just a subgroup of semites. The subgroup ARAB was involved in the
sub-Saharan slave trade for something like more then 4000 years. There is a biologic principle---->>>>
SCREW. The slave trade brought arab semites into proximity with
sub-Saharans-----intensively and extensively
So we are certain that the Queen of Sheba was not a sub-Saharan...

She is described as dark in complexion and with a word that suggests her origin
was in an around Ethiopia and Arabia. The people of Ethiopia and in and around arabia are mixed lots with persons of sub-Saharan origin
Oh dear God no!

you can bet your white ass on it


Germania Semitica

Philologist Giovanni Semerano:

In his Semerano studies he argues that there are similarities and affinities between the lexicons of the Mesopotamian languages, particularly of Akkadian, the ancient languages of Europe, supported by numerous quotations from ancient and modern texts. The big Graziadio Isaia Ascoli, first among the Italian linguists, much appreciated by Semerano, was himself convinced of the "Aryan-Semitic nexus".
According Semerano, due to the continuous evolution of human language, it would not be helpful to the research suggest a "proto-language", which he believes is not really existed and which could still only represent a single moment in what is considered a "linguistic continuum with variations ": the concept and the" proto-language "abstract model should be rather understood as an instrument of statistics applied to the linguistic investigation. Semerano also considers it necessary to consider and investigate possible connections and thus the affinity or kinship, hybridizations, loans, mutual influences with all other contiguous human languages, such as the Afro-Asiatic languages of Africa and non-Indo Asia in a vision "phylogenetically" open.
Considers Indo-European reconstructed by traditional linguists an invented language, without a land without a people who would have spoken and the theory hypothesis kept alive because it is functional to an ideology defined etnorazzista (to other non-Indo-European peoples) and socioclassista and caste (within European societies). According Semerano, the history and the meaning of every human language is utterly and would in the context of all the other languages, which together would form the human language in general. All the world's languages would be comparable because they all belong to the same genus and the human species, regardless of their type, morphology, declensions, once words are broken down into their basic building blocks and the roots are identified, the central themes, I affix.



There are recent studies. And they rely on real material evidence.

For example:
"A massive migration from the steppe brought Indo-European languages to Europe
4,500 years ago, humans migrated from the Eurasian steppe to Central Europe and thus may have contributed to the spread of the Indo-European languages

March 02, 2015

Almost three billion humans today speak languages belonging to the Indo-European family. The reason why these languages are related has been a mystery for more than two hundred years. Published in the journal Nature today, a new study by an international team led by scientists at Harvard Medical School and the Australian Center for Ancient DNA has shown that at least some of the Indo-European languages spoken in Europe were likely introduced by a massive migration from the Russian steppe. This new study challenges one of the most popular views about the origin of Indo-European languages in Europe, which is that the ancestor of all these languages arrived in Europe with early farmers expanding from the Near East more than 9,000 years ago."
More: A massive migration from the steppe brought Indo-European languages to Europe

German-Hungarian bioarchaeological research project in the Archaeological Institute of the Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
German-Hungarian bioarchaeological research project in the Archaeological Institute of the Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The so-called Indo-European languages, arose after those of the Semitic race, so much so that the earliest forms languages were Semitic.
Not to mention the countless terms, within the European languages that have an Akkadian origin, Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Arab or Jewish.

Demeo wrote:

"after 4000 BC, Europe was invaded in succession by ax peoples as kurgans, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Arabs, Mongols and Turks. Each of them was in turn to make war, to conquer, to pillage and generally transforming Europe towards increasingly patrist. The European social institutions progressively from matrismo veered toward patrism. The most western parts of Europe, particularly Britain and Scandinavia, developed patrist conditions much later and in a more diluted fashion Europe and the eastern Mediterranean, which were more profoundly influenced by Saharasiani peoples.

The settlements on the Nile or the Tigris-Euphrates, as the portions more humid highlands of the Levant, Anatolia and Iran were invaded and conquered by peoples who had abandoned Arabia and / or Central Asia continuously drying up."

Europe was invaded by more footage from populations from Central Asia and the Arabian penisoa.

Look, the real indigenous peoples of Europe are those who own haplogroup U. To europoidal mean haplogroup dominant in Europe, prior to the Neolithic Revolution / migration, and the Indo-European invasions

Haplogroup U is found in 15% of Indian caste and 8% of Indian tribal populations. Haplogroup U is found in approximately 11% of native Europeans and is held as the oldest maternal haplogroup found in
that region. In a 2013 study, all but one of the ancient modern human sequences from Europe belonged to maternal haplogroup U, thus confirming previous findings that haplogroup U was the
dominant type of Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in Europe before the spread of agriculture into Europe and the presence and the spread of the Indo-europeans in Western Europe.

Recently, the use of mitochondrial "mtDNA" (female lineage) and Y-chromosomal "Y-DNA" (male lineage) DNA-markers in tracing back the history of human populations has been started. For the paternal and maternal genetic lineages of Finnish people and other peoples, see, e.g., the National Geographic Genographic Project and the Suomi DNA-projekti. Haplogroup U5 is estimated to be the
oldest mtDNA haplogroup in Europe and is found in the whole of Europe at a low frequency, but seems to be found in significantly higher levels among Finns, Estonians and the Sami people..



Major European languages such English, German, French, etc are members of Indo-European family of languages.

Arabic and Hebrew languages do not belong to Indo-European family of languages.

So, it is hard to imagine that European languages have Arabic/Hebrew origin.
Major European languages such English, German, French, etc are members of Indo-European family of languages.

Arabic and Hebrew languages do not belong to Indo-European family of languages.

So, it is hard to imagine that European languages have Arabic/Hebrew origin.

BUT also the little Hungarian are members of Indo-European family of languages. :)

"It’s like singing," says one fan who can’t speak a word of it.
By James Thomson, for CNN 9 December, 2013
Hungarian: Europe's trickiest language? | CNN Travel
Uncertain origins

There are various theories about Hungarian’s origins, but its grammar and vocabulary suggest links to Finnish (and its close cousin, Estonian) and a handful of languages spoken in Russia -- together known as the Finno-Ugric languages.

Yet Hungary is not, like Finland, on the edge of Europe but slap-bang in the middle of it.

For that reason it’s traded words with some of the continent’s big linguistic players.

And although it’s borrowed some English and other foreign words in turn, there are fewer than you might expect and you won’t come across them -- or recognize them when you do -- very often.

English young learners speak about the Hungarian language. (English)
Last edited:
Major European languages such English, German, French, etc are members of Indo-European family of languages.

Arabic and Hebrew languages do not belong to Indo-European family of languages.

So, it is hard to imagine that European languages have Arabic/Hebrew origin.

BUT also the little Hungarian are members of Indo-European family of languages. :)

"It’s like singing," says one fan who can’t speak a word of it.
By James Thomson, for CNN 9 December, 2013
Hungarian: Europe's trickiest language? | CNN Travel
Uncertain origins

There are various theories about Hungarian’s origins, but its grammar and vocabulary suggest links to Finnish (and its close cousin, Estonian) and a handful of languages spoken in Russia -- together known as the Finno-Ugric languages.

Yet Hungary is not, like Finland, on the edge of Europe but slap-bang in the middle of it.

For that reason it’s traded words with some of the continent’s big linguistic players.

And although it’s borrowed some English and other foreign words in turn, there are fewer than you might expect and you won’t come across them -- or recognize them when you do -- very often.
View attachment 67298

English young learners speak about the Hungarian language. (English)

The basis of many European terms there are Semitic roots, according to studies by Semerano.
I speak the Lombard, belonging to the strain of the Gallo-Italic languages: is derived from the Vulgar Latin grafted on previous Celtic language spoken by the Gauls. With the passage of time has undergone several modifications, the most important of which took place during the Lombard dominations that have left terminologies Germanic revenue to be part of the common language.
Major European languages such English, German, French, etc are members of Indo-European family of languages.

Arabic and Hebrew languages do not belong to Indo-European family of languages.

So, it is hard to imagine that European languages have Arabic/Hebrew origin.

BUT also the little Hungarian are members of Indo-European family of languages. :)

"It’s like singing," says one fan who can’t speak a word of it.
By James Thomson, for CNN 9 December, 2013
Hungarian: Europe's trickiest language? | CNN Travel
Uncertain origins

There are various theories about Hungarian’s origins, but its grammar and vocabulary suggest links to Finnish (and its close cousin, Estonian) and a handful of languages spoken in Russia -- together known as the Finno-Ugric languages.

Yet Hungary is not, like Finland, on the edge of Europe but slap-bang in the middle of it.

For that reason it’s traded words with some of the continent’s big linguistic players.

And although it’s borrowed some English and other foreign words in turn, there are fewer than you might expect and you won’t come across them -- or recognize them when you do -- very often.
View attachment 67298

English young learners speak about the Hungarian language. (English)

The basis of many European terms there are Semitic roots, according to studies by Semerano.
I speak the Lombard, belonging to the strain of the Gallo-Italic languages: is derived from the Vulgar Latin grafted on previous Celtic language spoken by the Gauls. With the passage of time has undergone several modifications, the most important of which took place during the Lombard dominations that have left terminologies Germanic revenue to be part of the common language.

The truth is that this has no significance. Either true or not true. The important thing is that you are not a murderer or other criminals.
I think the best ever books about English is the following:


Winston Churchill went down very deep in the past, certainly. You've read it all?

Yes I did. I was in the service, single, and had lots and lots of time. Sir Winston started out as a war correspondent and was actually a proficient writer throughout his life. This came after I'd completed six months learning German at the Defense Language Institute and was a real eye-opener about my mother tongue and history in general.

I highly recommend it.
Major European languages such English, German, French, etc are members of Indo-European family of languages.

Arabic and Hebrew languages do not belong to Indo-European family of languages.

So, it is hard to imagine that European languages have Arabic/Hebrew origin.

BUT also the little Hungarian are members of Indo-European family of languages. :)

"It’s like singing," says one fan who can’t speak a word of it.
By James Thomson, for CNN 9 December, 2013
Hungarian: Europe's trickiest language? | CNN Travel
Uncertain origins

There are various theories about Hungarian’s origins, but its grammar and vocabulary suggest links to Finnish (and its close cousin, Estonian) and a handful of languages spoken in Russia -- together known as the Finno-Ugric languages.

Yet Hungary is not, like Finland, on the edge of Europe but slap-bang in the middle of it.

For that reason it’s traded words with some of the continent’s big linguistic players.

And although it’s borrowed some English and other foreign words in turn, there are fewer than you might expect and you won’t come across them -- or recognize them when you do -- very often.
View attachment 67298

English young learners speak about the Hungarian language. (English)

Hungarian, Estonian and Finnish do not belong to Indo-European family of languages.

Slavic languages such as Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, etc belong to Indo-European family of languages.

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