See what putting all your eggs in one basket.....

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
- oil, leads to?

Saudi unrest escalates, police fire on protesters - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -
CAIRO — Saudi police opened fire Thursday to disperse a protest in the mainly Shiite, oil-producing east, leaving at least one man injured, as the government struggled to prevent a wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world from reaching the kingdom.

Word of the protest helped drive oil prices back up on international markets.

Another reason to diversify.
The Dow is down 225 today.

The world holds its collective breath for tomorrow's rally in Saudi.

Peak is here. There is no more elasticity in ramping up spare capacity production. Whereas Saudi could always ride to the rescue in past oil crisis (Suez, Iraq/Iran, Gulf Wars), it no longer can do so. That's because Ghawar is dying. All their major fields are dying.

Add a bit of growing unrest across the region and market panic, and you have the perfect shit storm.

But no. Global resource depletion? Skyrocketing food costs? That's all just a myth put forth by liberals and speculators!! :eusa_whistle:
I promote diversifying. The status quo is too tenuous and drilling in ANWAR doesn't seem like a good idea.
Look at the people who get fabulously wealthy off of our dependence on oil too. Pretty sad.
I assume you're speaking to speculators because diversifying is not something the average american home and automobile can do. We need to drill for now. When alternate energy is affordable and realistic, people will use it.
I assume you're speaking to speculators because diversifying is not something the average american home and automobile can do. We need to drill for now. When alternate energy is affordable and realistic, people will use it.

As long as alternative energy is forced to be on the margins due to artificially low prices of petroleum products, they won't improve. The "true" cost of a gallon of gas doesn't include the use of the military and the associated consequences.
Peak is here.

Was here. 2005. Simmons and Deffeyes and Ruppert said so. Do try and keep up with your own ignorant Priests of Peak please.

JiggsCasey said:
There is no more elasticity in ramping up spare capacity production. Whereas Saudi could always ride to the rescue in past oil crisis (Suez, Iraq/Iran, Gulf Wars), it no longer can do so. That's because Ghawar is dying. All their major fields are dying.

All fields producing today are dying. Its what oilfields spend a century DOING you oil-ignoramus. Your religious beliefs on this topic are irrelevant. Go find someone with an IQ of 10 to sell your garbage to, maybe there are still a few of them left who haven't figured out your scam.
It isn't just an economic concern (its cheap/has been cheap) As I've said, the costs of wars and various other ongoing military actions aren't factored into the price one pays at the pump. It's a national security concern yet most conservatives I encounter seem to think relying solely on oil is just fine.
So, I guess as the rest of technology continues to advance, the over-a-century-old combustible engine technology will continue on.
Why is it that the world has seen the greatest advances in technology ever during the last 50 years but we are still stuck on a ancient form of technology in regards to one of the biggest needs of civilization,,,energy?
The brain washed mentality of drill baby drill basically comes with a rider, just say no to alternative energy. Let's stay dependent on oil. That's putting all your eggs in one basket and at the same time substantially weakening your country's security. Let's stay in the stone age.
Why are people so against alternative energy and how did they get that way?
It isn't just an economic concern (its cheap/has been cheap) As I've said, the costs of wars and various other ongoing military actions aren't factored into the price one pays at the pump. It's a national security concern yet most conservatives I encounter seem to think relying solely on oil is just fine.

You hang out with some mighty ignorant conservatives.

No one who is actually involved in the petroleum industry (at least not here in the U.S.) would make such a claim. What you might be told is that it is bad energy policy to punish oil and gas for its successes, to take tens of billions of dollars of its revenues solely for the purpose of creating artificial markets for "green" technologies, to equate "Big Oil" with the small independent companies who actually drill 80% of the wells in this country, or to assume that oil prices will remain high for all time.

The presence of U.S. warships in the Arabian Gulf are to ensure safe passage of oil cargos destined the world over, not just here.
Was here. 2005. Simmons and Deffeyes and Ruppert said so. Do try and keep up with your own ignorant Priests of Peak please.

Behold! The very definition of the forum troll, in its natural habitat!

Peak IS here. It's a plateau with tiny undulations along that plateau. It is NOT a pyramid with a sharp apex.

ALL those men were and are correct. Sorry that that fact tilts you so much to where you straw man what they actually said. But again, it's what you clowns do.

All fields producing today are dying. Its what oilfields spend a century DOING you oil-ignoramus.

How existential! ... You should make an appearance in the abortion threads, and remind everyone on the inception of life! Tool.

Anyhow, to anyone being intellectually honest, "dying" in this context CLEARLY refers to fields beyond their peak production points.

Your religious beliefs on this topic are irrelevant. Go find someone with an IQ of 10 to sell your garbage to, maybe there are still a few of them left who haven't figured out your scam.

This paragraph applies to your pablum far more than anything I've presented. The irony is delicious.

You're actually dumber than Sarah Palin. Run along now, tool box. Take your time, use your words slowly. See you in a couple weeks, when you STILL haven't admitted shale gas production totals.
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- oil, leads to?

Saudi unrest escalates, police fire on protesters - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -
CAIRO — Saudi police opened fire Thursday to disperse a protest in the mainly Shiite, oil-producing east, leaving at least one man injured, as the government struggled to prevent a wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world from reaching the kingdom.

Word of the protest helped drive oil prices back up on international markets.

Another reason to diversify.

The US energy policy is hardly putting all its eggs in one basket.

But I agree with you that finding and or creating additional sources of energy other than petroleum is absolutely necessary.
capitalism at work

[ame=] Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives (9780312359072): Edwin Black: Books[/ame]
It isn't just an economic concern (its cheap/has been cheap) As I've said, the costs of wars and various other ongoing military actions aren't factored into the price one pays at the pump. It's a national security concern yet most conservatives I encounter seem to think relying solely on oil is just fine.

You hang out with some mighty ignorant conservatives.

No one who is actually involved in the petroleum industry (at least not here in the U.S.) would make such a claim. What you might be told is that it is bad energy policy to punish oil and gas for its successes, to take tens of billions of dollars of its revenues solely for the purpose of creating artificial markets for "green" technologies, to equate "Big Oil" with the small independent companies who actually drill 80% of the wells in this country, or to assume that oil prices will remain high for all time.

The presence of U.S. warships in the Arabian Gulf are to ensure safe passage of oil cargos destined the world over, not just here.

I know. I was on one of them before Gulf War I. As to price, who said anything about taking away revenue? How about taking away tax- payer subsidies such as being able to drill on publicly owned lands for pennies on the dollar?
- oil, leads to?

Saudi unrest escalates, police fire on protesters - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -
CAIRO — Saudi police opened fire Thursday to disperse a protest in the mainly Shiite, oil-producing east, leaving at least one man injured, as the government struggled to prevent a wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world from reaching the kingdom.

Word of the protest helped drive oil prices back up on international markets.

Another reason to diversify.

What a great idea. Let's drill for oil in the U.S. and build nuclear power plants instead of wasting money and destroying jobs by subsidizing non-economically viable Green Energy Let's Make Kleiner Perkins & Al Gore Even Richer boondoggles.
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It isn't just an economic concern (its cheap/has been cheap) As I've said, the costs of wars and various other ongoing military actions aren't factored into the price one pays at the pump. It's a national security concern yet most conservatives I encounter seem to think relying solely on oil is just fine.

You hang out with some mighty ignorant conservatives.

No one who is actually involved in the petroleum industry (at least not here in the U.S.) would make such a claim. What you might be told is that it is bad energy policy to punish oil and gas for its successes, to take tens of billions of dollars of its revenues solely for the purpose of creating artificial markets for "green" technologies, to equate "Big Oil" with the small independent companies who actually drill 80% of the wells in this country, or to assume that oil prices will remain high for all time.

The presence of U.S. warships in the Arabian Gulf are to ensure safe passage of oil cargos destined the world over, not just here.

I know. I was on one of them before Gulf War I. As to price, who said anything about taking away revenue? How about taking away tax- payer subsidies such as being able to drill on publicly owned lands for pennies on the dollar?

Hats off to ya, sailor. :thup:

Pennies on what dollar? Can you define that yardstick?

Yes- taking away revenues. That's what taxes do. "Subsidies" as they are misnamed, are the government's mechanism for allowing businesses to retain revenue for reinvestment.

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