See the vax numbers for yourselves in the highest vaxed countries, these mandates are far beyond criminal.

I’m not taking the same stance, because the data is clear these vaccines don’t work. I’ve made my stance clear. What aren’t you getting about that?

I myself am an RN. Anecdotally, what turned me on to there something being wrong with this vaccine is how many of my colleagues got extremely sick after getting the jab back in February and March of last year. I even know one who got long covid from the jab. And most recently my own father, whose a phd in pharmacology, who knows the science, who I told not to get the vaccine, who went and got it anyway because “he had such a good year in sales and didn’t want to get fired before getting that money”, got the jab and within a week went blind in 1 eye for 5 minutes. THATS MICROCLOTTING. He got his entire body and brain scanned for anything that’d throw off clots. Nothing. Not a thing. Gee, I wonder where that clot came from. Could it possibly be the goddamned spike protein known to cause micro clotting? Hmmm. Who knows

fwiw and I know not much, this was very suspicious to me too. Not only the heightened reactions to the vaccines, but the propaganda surrounding them. "It means your immune system is working". REALLY? I took my babies to all their vaccine appts and I myself have had flu shot and NEVER have I had to miss a day of work, or saw my children, get as sick as people did on those vaccines.

It made me very skeptical immediately. I think many more people would have been too if we weren't in a blown up Moral Panic about Covid.
So where do you get claiming anything about the "national" rate? There's a reason no one would seriously use a few "friends" as a surrogate for national data. There's so much bias in doing so, whether it's implicit bias, reporting bias or your own recall bias.

You want to believe something so you're only going to believe the sources that tell you what you want to hear.

Well here you go, from MI. Note that this goes all the way back to early Oct, before the Delta surge really began. I can tell you the numbers are much worse now, in mid-Nov. Nearly a third of hospitalized patients fully vaxxed; a quarter in the ICU.

In the last 30 days of complete data (Oct 7 – Nov 5), 28,842 (27%) of 105,043 cases, 404 (28%) of 1,423 hospitalizations, and 149 (24%) of 622 deaths were among fully vaccinated individuals

If you can find the peer-reviewed studies all day long displaying the efficacy of Ivermectin as a viable Rx to conquer Covid going back decades then do it rather than just beating your chest about it without presenting any bloody proof of your bogus claims!

I will agree that Ivermectin WAS efficacious in controlling worms in my cattle and sheep back in the day, but both my wife and I knew that livestock med was for critters and NOT PEOPLE for Covid-19!

The FDA has approved a treatment regime for humans of Ivermectin for Strongyloidiasis, an infection of roundworm in humans. But then roundworms are not Covid-19, nor any sort of virus!!!! Now, are you willing to share and cite all this evidence you claim exists or will you continue to piss into the wind?

Ivermectin was developed for humans. It’s a broad spectrum anti parasitic, not just for roundworm. It also works in cattle. So does fucking penicillin. Which was also developed for humans dipshit. It works for fish too. It kills parasites and is very well tolerated by most life forms unless you’re a parasite. Ivermectin won the fucking Nobel prize for use in humans. 4 billion doses administered, in humans. We don’t use it often in America because we don’t have a huge problem with parasitic disease. Is it not insane to you that our own FDA is trying to characterize a drug that was invented for humans, distributed over 4 billion times, and won the Nobel prize for use in humans as horse dewormer? Does that add up to you??

ivermectin put itself onto the map for covid because it showed efficacy with SARS COV 1 which is 80-90% similar to SARS COV 2. About 20% of all our prescribed drugs are used off label. Nitazoxinide, also a antiparasitic similar to ivermectin, IS USED OFF LABEL AS A ANTI VIRAL ALMOST MORE THAN AS AN ANTIPARASITIC. It also shows great efficacy against covid, maybe even better than ivermectin.

I’m so sick and tired of the fucking parrots. 67 fucking studies, “but but but, it’s an anti parasitic, it’s not approved for use in covid”. The poison they’re currently using in hospitals, remdisivir, was originally developed for Ebola. They had to stop the fucking study because it was shutting down the liver and kidneys of the people it was supposedly curing them, killing more than half the patients. They did 1 fucking study for covid, 1000 patients, and fauci pushed this poison on the country. They don’t even use this supposed anti viral during the viral replication stages, so many whatever benefits it might have while poisoning you are completely moot. So you’re lips are blue and you go to the hospital, you’re experiencing a cytokine storm, they give you remdisivir for a virus that’s done replicating, shut down you kidneys, pump you full of fluids, what’s gonna happen? You drown in your own fluids, and they label it as covid pneumonia. How the fuck is it justifiable that fauci pushed this on hospitals?
Last edited:

Ivermectin was developed for humans. It’s a broad spectrum anti parasitic, not just for roundworm. It also works in cattle. So does fucking penicillin. Which was also developed for humans dipshit. It works for fish too. It kills parasites and is very well tolerated by most life forms unless you’re a parasite. Ivermectin won the fucking Nobel prize for use in humans. 4 billion doses administered, in humans. We don’t use it often in America because we don’t have a huge problem with parasitic disease. Is it not insane to you that our own FDA is trying to characterize a drug that was invented for humans, distributed over 4 billion times, and won the Nobel prize for use in humans as horse dewormer? Does that add up to you??

ivermectin put itself onto the map for covid because it showed efficacy with SARS COV 1 which is 80-90% similar to SARS COV 2. About 20% of all our prescribed drugs are used off label. Nitazoxinide, also a antiparasitic similar to ivermectin, IS USED OFF LABEL AS A ANTI VIRAL ALMOST MORE THAN AS AN ANTIPARASITIC. It also shows great efficacy against covid, maybe even better than ivermectin.

I’m so sick and tired of the fucking parrots. 67 fucking studies, “but but but, it’s an anti parasitic, it’s not approved for use in covid”. The poison they’re currently using in hospitals, remdisivir, was originally developed for Ebola. They had to stop the fucking study because it was shutting down the liver and kidneys of the people it was supposedly curing them, killing more than half the patients. They did 1 fucking study for covid, 1000 patients, and fauci pushed this poison on the country. They don’t even use this supposed anti viral during the viral replication stages, so many whatever benefits it might have while poisoning you are completely moot. So you’re lips are blue and you go to the hospital, you’re experiencing a cytokine storm, they give you remdisivir for a virus that’s done replicating, shut down you kidneys, pump you full of fluids, what’s gonna happen? You drown in your own fluids, and they label it as covid pneumonia. How the fuck is it justifiable that fauci pushed this on hospitals?
Given the full content of your response, perhaps you should, again, read my post to another to which you responded, but in full.

I, also, am not interested in the parrots, or the 67 untitled, unsourced, uncited, non-peer-reviewed studies pulled from another's nether regions! NOR am I interested in the history of the drug save that of the last 18 months or so, but facts and/or truth are another thing, all together!

However, the politicization of Ivermectin of late sure has broad factions of lemmings striding post haste toward the cliffs!! One questions both WHY and their sanity!
Well here you go, from MI. Note that this goes all the way back to early Oct, before the Delta surge really began. I can tell you the numbers are much worse now, in mid-Nov. Nearly a third of hospitalized patients fully vaxxed; a quarter in the ICU.

In the last 30 days of complete data (Oct 7 – Nov 5), 28,842 (27%) of 105,043 cases, 404 (28%) of 1,423 hospitalizations, and 149 (24%) of 622 deaths were among fully vaccinated individuals

Taking a percentage of cases as vaccinated or unvaccinated is only a starting point. You also need to consider the size of each population. This data is consistent with a rate of hospitalization and death that is on the order of 10x higher in the unvaccinated population.
That’s a lie. 100%. And you know it.The RCT studies, especially when used at the onset of symptoms, show great efficacy. RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS. The gold standard. In late stages it’s a mixed bag, but so would anything else. The damage is already done. There’s still efficacy though. Plenty of drugs passed wirh less efficacy.

It’s not just ivermectin. Nitazoximide might be even better. Another anti parasitic with many off label antiviral applications. Fluvoxomine is another great one, especially for preventing long covid symptoms since it crosses the blood brain barrier.

I don’t know how many more lies you need to see before you realize it’s a hit job on these cheap but effective treatments. I mean, the fucking FDA was trying to characterize it as horse dewormer. We all know that’s a fucking lie.
RCTs are only as good as the people running them. And if they don't follow good methods, they are a problem.

This was a retraction of (as far as I can tell) the largest trial with the strongest effect of Ivermectin in COVID. When this paper was pulled out of meta-analysis, the benefit essentially vanished.

I'm fine with using cheap and effective medications. I just wish that we would actually focus on things that DO work. Ivermectin is not one of them.
Given the full content of your response, perhaps you should, again, read my post to another to which you responded, but in full.

I, also, am not interested in the parrots, or the 67 untitled, unsourced, uncited, non-peer-reviewed studies pulled from another's nether regions! NOR am I interested in the history of the drug save that of the last 18 months or so, but facts and/or truth are another thing, all together!

However, the politicization of Ivermectin of late sure has broad factions of lemmings striding post haste toward the cliffs!! One questions both WHY and their sanity!
Your mistake will have been to dismiss the history of ivermectin. It physically attaches to SARS-CoV-2, and there’s nothing you can do about that history, either. It is a scientific fact. Any discourse must proceed from this premise, established at the Icahn School of Medicine, Mt. Sinai, New York.
Given the full content of your response, perhaps you should, again, read my post to another to which you responded, but in full.

I, also, am not interested in the parrots, or the 67 untitled, unsourced, uncited, non-peer-reviewed studies pulled from another's nether regions! NOR am I interested in the history of the drug save that of the last 18 months or so, but facts and/or truth are another thing, all together!

However, the politicization of Ivermectin of late sure has broad factions of lemmings striding post haste toward the cliffs!! One questions both WHY and their sanity!
You didn’t actually read the link. You’re a liar. These are peer reviewed and sourced and all that, dipshit. You cannot claim that you’re not a parrot, and then right after, sqwauck out the very same parrot talking points. This is evidence based medicine. That little thing they drilled in our heads at nursing school.

You want to spew lies about this “not being sourced, or peer reviewed” or whatever, when all you have to do is a little bit of reading to realize what you just said is moronic. But yet you don’t hold remdisivir to the same standard. It literally kills more people than it saves.

I’m really tired of the fuckheads who get their education from the news try to tell us how this whole medicine thing works. I’ve read more med lit than anyone on this site. So yeah, I sniff the bullshit out pretty quickly. But despite the mountain of evidence, y’all insist on refusing to see it. There’s over 20 RCTs in that link I sent. Are you trying to tell me that a randomized controlled trial isn’t good enough for you?!? Nope nope nopitty nope. You don’t get to throw around buzz words you hear on the news like “peer reviewed” with me and think you’re going to get away with it.
RCTs are only as good as the people running them. And if they don't follow good methods, they are a problem.

This was a retraction of (as far as I can tell) the largest trial with the strongest effect of Ivermectin in COVID. When this paper was pulled out of meta-analysis, the benefit essentially vanished.

I'm fine with using cheap and effective medications. I just wish that we would actually focus on things that DO work. Ivermectin is not one of them.
Nope the benefits are still there and we’ve already been over the “errors“ in this study. What happened was a hit job. It’s been happening this entire time. Why would you classify ivermectin as horse dewormer, when it’s clearly Heavily used in humans and even one the fucking Nobel prize in humans.

despite that one study, there’s still 20 other fucking studies out there. I guess all those RCTs are bullshit? Then why do you have to say about The thoroughness of the studies for remdisivir, which is using every single hospital to treat Covid?

The data is indefensible. The government mandates are indefensible aside from the ethical arguments. I’ve been saying this for months, back when the data was showing red flags, not deafening klaxons like it is now. No, I’m not a prophet. This is basic understanding of virology and immunology. We do not have a vaccine for HIV because it is a rapidly mutating RNA virus. We certainly have the tech to make one, the problem is once you put it out there, it creates an evolutionarily pressure on the virus that it can easily defeat. Same with SARS COV 2. It is also a rapidly mutating RNA virus. What’s even more insane is that the supposed immunity granted by the vaccines is severely narrow. A single protein. One of many on the virus. This means the virus doesn’t have to make drastic changes to beat the vaccine, it merely needs the equivalent of the fake glasses with the nose and mustache as a disguise to beat the vaccine.

The “need” for “boosters” will never end. The boosters will not work. The “vaccine” will never catch up.

Protect yourselves. The single best thing you can do is take vitamin D supplements. At least 5000 iu a day (same dose heir fauci takes). Winter is here, you’re wearing more layers of clothes. The little time you actually spend in the sunlight is being blocked by you long sleeves and pants. Obviously vitamin C is also great. Also take vitamin K2 to help with absorption of those supplements. The correlation of vitamin D deficiency and covid hospitalization is immensely strong. Vitamin D is a crucial hormone for immune function , as well as many other bodily functions.

Please please please heed this advice. whether you believe the vaccine stuff or not. Do the research yourselves on vitamin D if you wish.
The WHO have said that countries with low Vax rates, COVID infections are surging. Oh, also, they said countries with the highest COVID Vax rates, infections are surging.

Nope the benefits are still there and we’ve already been over the “errors“ in this study. What happened was a hit job. It’s been happening this entire time. Why would you classify ivermectin as horse dewormer, when it’s clearly Heavily used in humans and even one the fucking Nobel prize in humans.

despite that one study, there’s still 20 other fucking studies out there. I guess all those RCTs are bullshit? Then why do you have to say about The thoroughness of the studies for remdisivir, which is using every single hospital to treat Covid?
Something important intelligent people should do is to make the Indian Covaxin connection to ivermectin, not only because India has used ivermectin. Therefore, the reader-prisoner should not pretend not to notice, as if SARS-CoV-2 also pretends not to notice ivermectin attaching to it, these scientific facts:

1.) India’s Covaxin whole-virus vaccine deactivates and stablilizes the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2, with propiolactone.

2.) Sensitivity to ivermectin links to the chemistry in the Indian vaccine:
1992 Dictyocaulus viviparus / Ivermectin Affects Propionyl Esterase
’....propionyl esterase.’

Dictyocaulus viviparus is a lungworm of bovines. Thus, the report from Belarus linking yaks to SARS-CoV-2.
Given the full content of your response, perhaps you should, again, read my post to another to which you responded, but in full.

I, also, am not interested in the parrots, or the 67 untitled, unsourced, uncited, non-peer-reviewed studies pulled from another's nether regions! NOR am I interested in the history of the drug save that of the last 18 months or so, but facts and/or truth are another thing, all together!

However, the politicization of Ivermectin of late sure has broad factions of lemmings striding post haste toward the cliffs!! One questions both WHY and their sanity!
Sourced and peer-review vetted:

“Meta-analysis of 15 trials, assessing 2438 participants, found that ivermectin reduced the risk of death by an average of 62% (95% CI 27%–81%) compared with no ivermectin treatment [average RR (aRR) 0.38, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.73; I2 = 49%]; risk of death 2.3% versus 7.8% among hospitalized patients in this analysis, respectively (SoF Table Table22 and Figure Figure3).3). “

We’ll post the Belarus yak study, and this connection was just found: Wiki page for the bovine lungworm links it to Pilobolus, a fungus in pastures. We would suspect yaks in Yunnan pastures, and at least it’s known that Chinese females ride yaks in Yunnan, home province of SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, RaTG13. A vaccine target for this lungworm links to SARS-CoV-2:

Mar 2018 Germany / Dictyocaulus viviparus Asparaginyl Peptidase as Vaccine Target / Cathepsin-L

Oct 2021 Germany-Italy: SARS-CoV-2 / MG-132 Targeting Cathepsin-L

As we’ve already shown on another thread, the asparaginyl residues of SARS-CoV-2 spike at amino acid position 17 links to increased potential for breast cancer:
Gamma Variant Hyperrglycosylation / Breast Cancer

Sep 2020. Belarus: Yaks as Intermediate Hosts of SARS-CoV-2
Released today by Science:
“Despite assertions to the contrary (1), it is now clear that live mammals susceptible to coronaviruses, including raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), were sold at Huanan Market and three other live-animal markets in Wuhan before the pandemic (2, 3). Severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoVs) were found in raccoon dogs during the SARS outbreak, which was facilitated by animal-to-human contact in live-animal markets in China. However, because of the early public health focus on Huanan Market, it remains unclear whether the apparent preponderance of hospitalized COVID-19 cases associated with this market was truly reflective of the initial outbreak. Answering these questions requires resolving several crucial events that took place in December 2019 and early January 2020.”

Taking a percentage of cases as vaccinated or unvaccinated is only a starting point. You also need to consider the size of each population. This data is consistent with a rate of hospitalization and death that is on the order of 10x higher in the unvaccinated population.

Goalposts moving so fast no one can keep track. I remember "100% effective against hospitalization and death". Now, we know they don't stop you from getting sick; they don't limit transmission. Now, the best you're gonna get it "well the SIZE of the population makes this seem not SO bad"

Right. Yeah.
Released today by Science:
“Despite assertions to the contrary (1), it is now clear that live mammals susceptible to coronaviruses, including raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), were sold at Huanan Market and three other live-animal markets in Wuhan before the pandemic (2, 3). Severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoVs) were found in raccoon dogs during the SARS outbreak, which was facilitated by animal-to-human contact in live-animal markets in China. However, because of the early public health focus on Huanan Market, it remains unclear whether the apparent preponderance of hospitalized COVID-19 cases associated with this market was truly reflective of the initial outbreak. Answering these questions requires resolving several crucial events that took place in December 2019 and early January 2020.”

December is too late. One must go back to at least the Wuhan Military Games in Oct 2019 And Sep 2019 for increased hospital traffic in Wuhan.
Released today by Science:
“Despite assertions to the contrary (1), it is now clear that live mammals susceptible to coronaviruses, including raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), were sold at Huanan Market and three other live-animal markets in Wuhan before the pandemic (2, 3). Severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoVs) were found in raccoon dogs during the SARS outbreak, which was facilitated by animal-to-human contact in live-animal markets in China. However, because of the early public health focus on Huanan Market, it remains unclear whether the apparent preponderance of hospitalized COVID-19 cases associated with this market was truly reflective of the initial outbreak. Answering these questions requires resolving several crucial events that took place in December 2019 and early January 2020.”

This article does not mention that the 11 Dec case was a shrimp seller, nor that Wuhan lab bat lady, Zheng-li Shi, wrote on white spot virus disease of shrimp in 2006. Nor has this article mentioned what was for sale at Yanchahu market. The rural address north of Wuhan on the map is interesting, and again, this Science article does not mention any investigation of the various suppliers to either of the two markets, nor their itinerary shortly before the outbreak, before the seafood market was sanitized. It should be disturbingly easy to find out the source of Nycterueutes sold at the Hunan market. Who brought them there in the first place?
Edward Hooper mentions Worobey, and Hooper writes about the Wuhan Military Games of Oct 2019. This one suggests the origin was in Italy:

11 Nov 2021 A Flawed, Strange COVID-19 Origin Theory

Edward Hooper’s Origins Page
Goalposts moving so fast no one can keep track. I remember "100% effective against hospitalization and death". Now, we know they don't stop you from getting sick; they don't limit transmission. Now, the best you're gonna get it "well the SIZE of the population makes this seem not SO bad"

Right. Yeah.
Sorry, but you seem to have a problem with understanding statistics. Base rates have a huge influence on how to interpret incidences.

100% effective against hospitalization and death was (if I’m not mistaken) amongst the study population. In real life, it’s never so rosy.

Still, I’ll take 90% effective over zero. That’s still pretty damn good.
You didn’t actually read the link. You’re a liar. These are peer reviewed and sourced and all that, dipshit. You cannot claim that you’re not a parrot, and then right after, sqwauck out the very same parrot talking points. This is evidence based medicine. That little thing they drilled in our heads at nursing school.

You want to spew lies about this “not being sourced, or peer reviewed” or whatever, when all you have to do is a little bit of reading to realize what you just said is moronic. But yet you don’t hold remdisivir to the same standard. It literally kills more people than it saves.

I’m really tired of the fuckheads who get their education from the news try to tell us how this whole medicine thing works. I’ve read more med lit than anyone on this site. So yeah, I sniff the bullshit out pretty quickly. But despite the mountain of evidence, y’all insist on refusing to see it. There’s over 20 RCTs in that link I sent. Are you trying to tell me that a randomized controlled trial isn’t good enough for you?!? Nope nope nopitty nope. You don’t get to throw around buzz words you hear on the news like “peer reviewed” with me and think you’re going to get away with it.
Here (directly below) is what I wrote responding to YOUR MISGUIDED POST referring to ANOTHER'S post that I answered and that YOU, in turn, responded as if my initial post to another was to you! My response was to another and had no relevance to your posts. This is my first post to you and you have placed me into the position of
Given the full content of your response, perhaps you should, again, read my post to another [Brown Trout post #57 on pg 4] to which you responded, but in full and the very same one you responded to

I, also, am not interested in the parrots, or the 67 untitled, unsourced, uncited, non-peer-reviewed studies pulled from another's nether regions! NOR am I interested in the history of the drug save that of the last 18 months or so, but facts and/or truth are another thing, altogether!

However, the politicization of Ivermectin of late sure has broad factions of lemmings striding post haste toward the cliffs!! One questions both WHY and their sanity!

This post you are reading to which you have responded is my first post to you and you have forced me into an unpalatable position. You either screwed up and mistakenly posted your ire toward the wrong target or purposefully directed that ire at another just to vent.

In any case, NO, I didn't read the link you or anyone else posted because I had no reason to get into the garden they were tending. So your right, I didn't read your "link" because I never replied to it! I'd say that was reason enough, in that I was replying to Brown Trout and my responses were to his comments and not you...following the logic there? Now that I have brosed the link and read the abstract I am totally UNDERWHELMED!

The study consisted all of 72 persons in Hospital, with three cohorts of 24 and a duration of five days in Bangladesh. The data from such a small study is rock bottom and unquantifiable at the small scale but useful as a guide for further larger study's if viewed potentially fruitful. You should have read the Abstract slick for the basic data about that one
You’re a liar. These are peer reviewed and sourced and all that, dipshit.
A liar, I am not angry One! You...well others can judge from immediately below and your own posts!

And where is the pool of peer's who will take time to review and analyze the data and write up their findings for a five day trial with only 72 participants in the small study if that is ever attempted?? Do you have any idea what that takes at that low level to get folks to carve time out of their own schedules for a small endevour like that? You are not what you pretend/wish to be in this moment.

And what very, very scientific language you use to outline the facets of science like this scientific jem, from your post, "You want to spew lies about this not being sourced, or peer reviewed or whatever, when all you have to do is a little bit of reading to realize what you just said is moronic." You're the one lying there, young one given I said/wrote nothing at all like that. Oh, and the whatever in the list is so very, very scientific.

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