See the vax numbers for yourselves in the highest vaxed countries, these mandates are far beyond criminal.

That there are possible side effects does NOT mean something does not work.

Yeah, it works at making clots, heart attacks, strokes, numerous other injuries. We also know that it offers very little protection, doesn't provide immunity, doesn't stop spread, will not keep you out of the hospital, etc. We have no idea of what the long term effects are. Its impossible to know.
Yeah, it works at making clots, heart attacks, strokes, numerous other injuries. We also know that it offers very little protection, doesn't provide immunity, doesn't stop spread, will not keep you out of the hospital, etc. We have no idea of what the long term effects are. Its impossible to know.

Hey, you wont get COVID for a few months, but you will have a heart attack!

It works!


These lefties are too much.
Well, you science-denying sheep just keep on using your Ivermectin meds so you keep your pastures worm-free!

That same ol liberal media propaganda and lies. They never mention that ivermectin has been used for decades to treat illnesses. They always run to the horses and whine about worms. The liberal mainstream are the worms.

The data is indefensible. The government mandates are indefensible aside from the ethical arguments. I’ve been saying this for months, back when the data was showing red flags, not deafening klaxons like it is now. No, I’m not a prophet. This is basic understanding of virology and immunology. We do not have a vaccine for HIV because it is a rapidly mutating RNA virus. We certainly have the tech to make one, the problem is once you put it out there, it creates an evolutionarily pressure on the virus that it can easily defeat. Same with SARS COV 2. It is also a rapidly mutating RNA virus. What’s even more insane is that the supposed immunity granted by the vaccines is severely narrow. A single protein. One of many on the virus. This means the virus doesn’t have to make drastic changes to beat the vaccine, it merely needs the equivalent of the fake glasses with the nose and mustache as a disguise to beat the vaccine.

The “need” for “boosters” will never end. The boosters will not work. The “vaccine” will never catch up.

Protect yourselves. The single best thing you can do is take vitamin D supplements. At least 5000 iu a day (same dose heir fauci takes). Winter is here, you’re wearing more layers of clothes. The little time you actually spend in the sunlight is being blocked by you long sleeves and pants. Obviously vitamin C is also great. Also take vitamin K2 to help with absorption of those supplements. The correlation of vitamin D deficiency and covid hospitalization is immensely strong. Vitamin D is a crucial hormone for immune function , as well as many other bodily functions.

Please please please heed this advice. whether you believe the vaccine stuff or not. Do the research yourselves on vitamin D if you wish.
I will Not submit to their Fucking 'shot'
No Matter what..
That same ol liberal media propaganda and lies. They never mention that ivermectin has been used for decades to treat illnesses. They always run to the horses and whine about worms. The liberal mainstream are the worms.
Where are the studies which display the efficacy of Ivermectin as a treatment against Covid? Cite the journals in which those studies and results are peer-reviewed! can't make those citations? Well, it appears that your farm store bag you tote your wormer around in is a bit empty of the truth and facts, and all you have in your quiver is the propaganda you mentioned!
Where are the studies which display the efficacy of Ivermectin as a treatment against Covid? Cite the journals in which those studies and results are peer-reviewed! can't make those citations? Well, it appears that your farm store bag you tote your wormer around in is a bit empty of the truth and facts, and all you have in your quiver is the propaganda you mentioned!

I can find studies all day long, going back decades. I know a couple of people who took the tablet form a couple of months ago and their symptoms went away in three days.

I can find studies all day long, going back decades. I know a couple of people who took the tablet form a couple of months ago and their symptoms went away in three days.

I took nothing and my symptoms were gone in a day.

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