Secrets About Our Founding Fathers


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Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Secrets About Our Founding Fathers
from The Complex Mag Blog

Unless you’re a complete idiot, you’ve probably figured out by now that America is all about hypocrisy. How else do we explain the fact that the same men who wrote things like “all men are created equal” went home and whipped the fuck out of their slaves? So in honor of our great country’s Independence Day, we thought it would be good to go beyond the myths and expose the side of our founding fathers that they don’t tell you in the history books.

Even aside from that whole “slavery” debacle, our country’s earliest leaders were no angels. A closer look at the lives of politicians like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton reveals that they all had a few unsavory incidents in their past. After the jump, read about five dirty secrets that the founding fathers wish we would forget.

Benjamin Franklin
Writer/Inventor/Declaration of Independence Co-Author
SECRET: He Paid His Baby Mama To Keep Quiet
Perhaps the man who’s face is now on the $100 bill was making it rain the night he met the woman who would bear his first child, William. While the identity of his baby’s mom is a carefully kept secret that has eluded historians, the gossip of the time claimed that she was a prostitute who the Franklin family secretly kept around as a maid. This might be a stretch, but friends of the statesman have revealed that she was an embarrassingly poor woman who Ben paid a “small provision” to in return for her silence.

Josiah Bartlett
Congressman/Governor/Declaration of Independence Signee
SECRET: He Was All About Incest
This New Hampshire physician, supreme court judge and well-known politician married his first cousin Mary, who was the daughter of his father’s brother. The couple then proceeded to pump out a whopping 12 inbred children. The President from TV’s The West Wing, also named Josiah Bartlett, was supposed to be a descendant of this great founding father/cousin fucker. Which explains a lot.

George Washington
First President Of The United States
SECRET: He Was A Golddigger
The first President of the United States wasn’t always the most powerful man in the country. Before he met his wife Martha, he was a simple farmer and soldier who was secretely in love with his homie’s wife, Sally Fairfax. But his luck changed when friends introduced him to Martha Dandridge, a crazy rich widow. Three weeks later, they were married, and George instantly became rich as fuck. In addition to control over her 18,000 acre estate, he was soon whipping 100 slaves and doubling the size of his own own family’s house. Cha-ching!

Alexander Hamilton
First Secretary Of Treasury/Constitution Signee
SECRET: He Got Blackmailed By His Mistress’s Husband
While the Clinton name has become synonymous with political sex scandals, Alexander Hamilton was actually one of the first to admit to it. He was carrying on an affair with 23 year old Maria Reynolds, when her husband found out and proceeded to extort upwards of $1000 out of Hamilton in exchange for his silence. But when the husband got knocked on counterfitting charges, he quickly exposed the affair to Hamilton’s foe, Aaron Burr, who put his business in the streets. Years later, the grudge remained—after being challanged to a duel, Burr finally shot and killed Hamilton.

Thomas Jefferson
Third President/Author Of The Declaration Of Independence
SECRET: He Knocked Up His SlavesDespite writing words like “the amalgamation of whites with blacks produces a degradation to which no lover of his country, no lover of excellence in the human character, can innocently consent,” Jefferson definitely loved to fuck his slaves. DNA tests have since proven that he had six children with his favorite light-skinned slave, Sally Hemings, who lived with Jefferson in France for two years. They’ll always have Paris!

Secrets About Our Founding Fathers from The Complex Mag Blog « The Vibe Source
The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin is a well-known Founding Father of our United States. However, most people know very little about him, other than he invented electricity (he didn’t – electricity has always been around) and a couple of other items. Franklin lived a long life, though, and he did a lot of things that most people don’t know about. Some of these things are sort of risque and they might shock you. Here are five dirty little secrets of this Father of Our Country:

Ben Franklin: The Dropout
Franklin is well-known for his scientific achievements and inventions, but did you know that Ben’s formal education didn’t get him past the second grade? His father originally wanted him to be a minister, but Franklin had a calling towards many things, including: Postmaster, printer, writer, and inventor. He was self-educated and was given an honorary doctorate. Even though he knew his education was lacking, he always went by “Doctor” Franklin. Not too bad for a guy who quit school at the age of six.

Ben Franklin and His Bastard Child
It is well-known that Ben Franklin was a big flirt and some have rumored that he was truly the “father of our country”, however, he only had one child out of wedlock (only one…). The child, named William, was documented as Franklin’s son, yet the mother has been hidden to this very day. Some have speculated that she may have been a prostitute, yet other’s claim that she was a woman of very poor means that embarrassed the Franklin family with her impoverished background. She may have been a maid in the Franklin household and Ben paid for her living expenses her entire life.

Ben Franklin: MILF Chaser
Yes, you read that right. Benjamin Franklin liked older women and in 1745, when he was 39 years old, he wrote a letter to a younger friend, explaining to him why he should take an older woman as a lover. His friend was questioning about having sex without marriage and Franklin suggested that if he didn’t want to get married, he should go after an older woman. Here are some of his reasons:

Since they’ve been around awhile and are more knowledgeable about the world, you can have a better conversation with them.

No need for safe sex since older women have gone through menopause already.

Older women are more grateful at having sex than younger women because they don’t have it as often.

The Sin is less. She’s already had sex. You can’t ruin an older woman’s life!

As you can see, the way people thought about things were a little bit different when Franklin was coming with his list (that actually contains eight reasons). While we might think that Franklin was an old fashioned person, he was anything but…Franklin was a free-thinker for his time and quite uninhibited.

Ben Franklin And The Sex Club
Our ancestors were just as interested in sex as we are today. However, since they didn’t have the internet to look up free porn, they ended up going to “gentlemen clubs” to get their jollies. In Franklin’s case, the club was in England and was known as, the Brotherhood of St. Francis of Wycombe – or more commonly, The Hellfire Club. Some historians say that Franklin was a non-member, while others claim that he was spying on the members of the group, but it is known that he showed up at quite a few meetings in the days prior to the Revolutionary War. During the meetings, which happened twice a month with a week-long “convention” in the summer, consisted of orgies, rituals, “wenching”, and drinking. Who knew?

Ben Franklin: Serial Killer[/B
]What? Well, it is possible that Franklin might have been a serial killer. In 1998, in London, they were restoring Franklin’s old home at 36 Craven Street, near Trafalgar Square. While they were renovating, they came across ten bodies (four adults and six children) buried under the house. The bodies were more than 200 years old and from the time that Franklin lived at the premises, in London. The bodies had been sawed apart and some of the skulls had holes drilled in them. It is possible that Franklin – or another resident of the home – may have been doing medical experiments – but why bury them beneath the home? In Philadelphia, researchers tried to find more bodies, but never did. Was Franklin a serial killer or was he working on body-snatched corpses for autopsies – something also illegal, at the time, that would have landed him in prison?

The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin | myFiveBest
Secret Societies

- The world over has heard of Skull and Bones of Yale University. This elite secret society holds within its membership at least four U.S. Presidents. George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry are both members of Skull and Bones. This made the 2004 presidential election the first known election where two secret society members ran against each other. However, names like the Order of the Bull's Blood, Mystical Seven Society, The Order of Gimghoul , Burning Spear, and Machine are less familiar. Make no mistake these too are powerful societies. -
- by Altevia Wilborn -
(Posted here: Friday, December 22, 2006)

"You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons... and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him.. It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but your keeping your obligations."
[ Ronayne, "Handbook of Masonry" p. 183 ]

This means, for example, that if a criminal, who happens to be a Freemason, goes to court, and the judge is a Freemason as well, the judge's duty is to protect the criminal instead of obeying the law. Now, expand on this even further and you will draw a pretty horrifying picture. Wes Penre

Illuminati News: Secret Societies
The Deeper, Secret Roots of America's Founding
1994 Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson

The most intriguing hint about the secret, metaphysical dimensions of the founding of America is not actually hidden at all--in fact it can be seen in millions of places today--on every one dollar bill, which displays the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States. Here is the All Seeing Eye of God or Spirit, placed above a pyramid--a symbol representing spiritual vision that is found in many secret societies, including the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons.

The pyramid was used by some ancient cultures, such as the Egyptian and the Mayan, as an initiation chamber. The All-Seeing Eye seems to be placed as a capstone at the top of the pyramid. If you stand at the base of the pyramid, there are many different viewpoints, depending on which of the four sides you are standing on and looking out from. But at the top, all the viewpoints unite, because there we see with the Eye of Spirit. What an important message for us today! The various religious and political groups stand at the base of each side of the pyramid, fighting for their limited view, when they need to climb higher to see the more inclusive, higher vision from the top—the radiant Eye of Spirit.

The reverse of the Great Seal was minted in 1789 but it wasn’t used until 1933 when President Roosevelt put it on the dollar bill at the urging of Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace, who was a follower of Nicholas Roerich, founder of the Agni Yoga Society. The first Congress appointed Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Ben Franklin to design this Seal, and major revisions were added by Charles Thomson and William Barton. The United States is the only country today with a two-sided national seal. Isn’t it time to pay more attention to what’s on the reverse of this Seal? It’s a powerful symbol of the soul of America.

Several intriguing Latin phrases can also be found on the Great Seal and the dollar bill: Annuit Coeptus ("God Fa*vors our Undertakings") and Novus Ordo Seclorum ("The New Order of the Ages"), as our Founding Fathers were visionaries planning for a new age. E Pluribus Unum ("Out of Many, One") not only reflects the unity of the original thirteen states, but on a deeper level reflects the One Life, the Divine Presence, which pervades all life and creates unity in diversity.

The eagle on the front side of the Seal represents spiritual vision as the eagle is the only creature which looks directly into the sun. In one foot the eagle holds a sheaf of arrows, symbol of war, and in the other the olive branch of peace. Unlike in traditional heraldry, the bird looks to the West, to peace, rather than to the East and to war.

The number thirteen is used thirteen times in the Great Seal--in the number of stars, clouds around the stars, stripes, arrows, leaves and berries in the olive branches, feathers in the tail, layers of stones in the pyramid, number of letters in E Pluribus Unum and in Annuit Coeptus, and the number of letters (three times thirteen) in the title: "The Coat of Arms of the United States of America."

Thirteen is not only the number of the original colonies, but more significantly is the number of transformation, as it adds the catalyzing number one to the completed cy*cle of the magical twelve—for example, the twelve disciples plus Christ, the twelve signs of the zodiac plus the sun, the twelve knights of the round table plus King Arthur. For better or worse, the United States has had a major trans*forming role in the world--sometimes positively, as with her exportation of democracy, and sometimes negatively, as with her exportation of an exces*sively materialistic life-style.

Francis Bacon
The seeds for America's founding were planted much earlier by the wise initiates of many cultures, from ancient Egypt and Greece to latter-day England and France. Francis Bacon wrote of America before its founding as "the new Atlantis” in his book by that name. He was also a member of the company that Bacon, known as the "Father of Modern Science," is thought by many researchers to be the founder of modern Freemasonry and the head of the Rosicrucian Order, a secret metaphysical society which taught the inner laws of nature, spiritual principles for self-transformation, and keys for creating a better world.

George Washington

The role of Divine guidance in America's founding was acknowledged by George Washington himself in his first inaugural address: "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of Providential agency."[1]

Washington believed he was constantly guided by higher sources in direct*ing his troops to outsmart the British. He was often called clairvoyant be*cause it seemed he could look into the future and predict troop movements with amazing accuracy. According to a report by Anthony Sherman, who was with Washington at Valley Forge where the incident occurred, Washington had a vision of an Angelic presence. He was shown the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States in three great crises where enemies within and without challenged the Union, but it persevered. He was told that "while the stars remain and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Republic last. The whole world united shall never be able to prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land, and the Union."[2]

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
There are many intriguing hints that Thomas Jefferson was a Rosicrucian (the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross) as evidenced by a secret code he used that was known only to high initiates of the order and the fact that he designed the building of the University of Virginia in a pattern relating to a Kabbalistic metaphysical design. [3] Letters on display at Jefferson's home at Monticello in Virginia also indicate that he was a vegetarian like the Rosicrucians of the time.

John Adams's forebears in England were said to belong to a sect of English Druids called the Dragons, which also included Sir Walter Raleigh and John Dee, Queen Elizabeth's astrologer. The Dragons sought to renew the ancient wisdom of earth energies and studied the astrological procession of the equi*noxes.[4]

Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin published an astrological ephemeris in his Poor Richard's Almanac and wrote an epitaph that seems to suggest he believed in reincarnation: "The Body of B. Franklin, Printer ... lies here, food for worms, but the work shall not be lost; for it will appear once more, in a new and more elegant Edition, Revised and corrected by the author."

Franklin also published the books of Johann Conrad Biessel, who founded Ephrata in Pennsylvania, the first Rosicrucian community in the New World. Franklin visited there frequently and brought gifts.[5] This commu*nity was a focus for the spreading of the Ageless Wisdom in America, and after its disbanding, most of its metaphysical library passed into Franklin's keeping.[6] George Washington was also a friend of the community and re*leased a prisoner at the request of one of its leaders, Peter Miller.[7]

In addition, Franklin spoke of the "Father of Lights," as the Rosicrucians do, and his speech to the Continental Congress reflects other Rosicrucian themes: "God governs in the affairs of men. If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?” [8] Some researchers believe that Franklin himself was secretly a Rosicrucian.[9]

The Freemasons
At least fifty out of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Indepen*dence, including John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, were Freemasons. Franklin and Jefferson had both been ini*tiated into a French Masonic lodge, and Washington was initiated into the Masonic Lodge of Fredericksburg, VA.[10] At the time of America's founding, the Masonic lodges were very different from the social clubs they’ve become today. They had a strong metaphysical orientation, which developed common values and purposes among members, as well as deep bonds of loy*alty. The tradi*tional secrecy preserved in Masonic lodges allowed members to communicate and organize the American Revolution with little fear of exposure. Several significant non-American contributors to the revolution were also Masons, such as the Marquis de Lafayette of France

The Boston Tea Party was the work of the Masons of the St. Andrews Lodge while tak*ing a "recess."[11] Paul Revere began his famous ride after he left an adjourned meeting of a Masonic lodge.[12] Through the lodges of the Freemasons, the ideas of such Age of Enlightenment thinkers as John Locke, David Hume, Francois Ma*rie Arouet (Voltaire), and Jean Jacques Rousseau became widely dissemi*nated in the new colonies.[13] The structure of the U.S. Constitution was based on Masonic ideals, and the federalism created by the Constitution is identical to the federalism of the Grand Lodge system of Masonic govern*ment created in 1723,[14] as well as to that of the Iroquois Confederacy.

The cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol Building was laid in a Masonic ceremony, with George Washington presiding as Grand Master. Masonic architects also laid out the city of Washington, D.C., in a meta*physical design to make the best use of the earth energies-called "ley lines," or "dragon lines," for creating healing or harmony. The original de*sign of Pierre-Charles L’Enfant was later modified by Washington and Jefferson to produce the specifically octagonal patterns incorporating the particular cross used by the Masonic Templars.[15]

Just as ancient sites such as Stonehenge are aligned to the positions of the sun and moon, the same is true of the Washington Monument. For example, a line of sight for the winter solstice can be established from the top of the monument to the southeast, down Virginia Avenue. Since the physical pattern of Washington is based on sacred architecture, could it not inspire future leaders to base policies on sacred principles of governance based on the Ageless Wisdom?

The Future

The metaphysical traditions studied by our Founding Fathers enlightened their efforts to create a new government, and were the deeper, secret source of their wisdom and inspiration. Today this ageless wisdom is no longer secret and is widely available. Could knowledge of the metaphysical sciences help enlighten our efforts today to create a better world? Could it help us learn to actually embody “E Pluribus Unum”—“Out of Many, One” by creating a true unity in diversity? And most importantly, can we allow the All Seeing Eye of Spirit to guide our national life as our Founding Fathers (and Mothers) did?

Secrets of America's Founding

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