Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston
So, another solar panel company that will never see the light of day..


Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all thread.....
Do we need more proof that this is a failed industry that IS NOT READY TO GO?

Yet Obama, in his stupidity will continue to push it, along with the failed Volt
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

With all of these green energy failures, just goes to show we should not be throwing money, particularly US Taxpayer Money, at such a failing proposition. I want to thank you for posting such a falicy about Romney. If he is to earn my vote, I need to certain that he has no sites on such failed venture using US taxpayer money.
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

With all of these green energy failures, just goes to show we should not be throwing money, particularly US Taxpayer Money, at such a failing proposition. I want to thank you for posting such a falicy about Romney. If he is to earn my vote, I need to certain that he has no sites on such failed venture using US taxpayer money.

Your name is LEFT OF LEFT and your pretending to be open to voting for Romney?

You're either really stupid or really stupid. Not sure which ......
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.
More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

They never should have started allowing liquor sales on the Reservations.

You really don't see the difference, do ya, Lakookoo?

Obama put us ALL on the hook for his "investment".
Do we need more proof that this is a failed industry that IS NOT READY TO GO?

Yet Obama, in his stupidity will continue to push it, along with the failed Volt

How is this industry ever going to get ready to go if no one ever invests in it?

We don't have a nuclear industry today because some plucky enterpeneurs said "let's do some nuclear stuff". We have it because the government pumped billions of dollars into the project.

Solar energy is a proven form of energy, guy. The sun is up there and it baths the planet in energy. We just need to learn how to harvest it economically.

The country that controls the next big thing will be the country that wins.
Do we need more proof that this is a failed industry that IS NOT READY TO GO?

Yet Obama, in his stupidity will continue to push it, along with the failed Volt

How is this industry ever going to get ready to go if no one ever invests in it?

We don't have a nuclear industry today because some plucky enterpeneurs said "let's do some nuclear stuff". We have it because the government pumped billions of dollars into the project.

Solar energy is a proven form of energy, guy. The sun is up there and it baths the planet in energy. We just need to learn how to harvest it economically.

The country that controls the next big thing will be the country that wins.

If it is viable and marketable private industry and investors will suck it up. Thats how a free marketr works. And I well aware of the industry. Dubai has the planets first magnifying solar collector towers. We are miles and years behind already. But since the sun is both free and abundent it really doesnt matter. Its not like someone can corner the market.
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.
More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

They never should have started allowing liquor sales on the Reservations.

You really don't see the difference, do ya, Lakookoo?

Obama put us ALL on the hook for his "investment".

Irrational prejudice coupled with refusal to see reality, what a combo. Gas is $3.69 a gallon, petroleum reserves are FINITE. Get used to alternate sources of energy. The alt sources are still in their infancy, the first cars, telephones, and gas stations were not reliable either.

This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

Evergreen Solar is the other company that filed chapter move to China last year.

Evergreen Solar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, two companies that have gone under in the last year dealt with Romney 9 years ago......and it's Romney's fault?

LOL. Sounds like desperation time for Obama.:lol:
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Irrational prejudice coupled with refusal to see reality, what a combo. Gas is $3.69 a gallon, petroleum reserves are FINITE. Get used to alternate sources of energy. The alt sources are still in their infancy, the first cars, telephones, and gas stations were not reliable either.

This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

Of course Western Union said that. They stood to be put out of business because of the new tech. lol

Irrational prejudice coupled with refusal to see reality, what a combo. Gas is $3.69 a gallon, petroleum reserves are FINITE. Get used to alternate sources of energy. The alt sources are still in their infancy, the first cars, telephones, and gas stations were not reliable either.

This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

And how many taxpayer dollars were used to back Alexander Graham Bell, Liar?
Did Romney back it with taxpayer money or his own money?

He backed it with taxpayer money, according to the article. The article is a little vague (something tells me there will be more reporting on this in the future) but it appears that Romney specifically chose Konarka as a loan-recipient and that the Massachusetts taxpayer will not be getting the loan repaid in full.

This seems very close to an exact parallel to Solyndra. The only thing missing would be a Romney donor or other crony who also invested in Konarka. Given that there was about $190 million invested in Konarka, it wouldn't surprise me if such a connection eventually emerges.
Did Romney back it with taxpayer money or his own money?

He backed it with taxpayer money, according to the article. The article is a little vague (something tells me there will be more reporting on this in the future) but it appears that Romney specifically chose Konarka as a loan-recipient and that the Massachusetts taxpayer will not be getting the loan repaid in full.

This seems very close to an exact parallel to Solyndra. The only thing missing would be a Romney donor or other crony who also invested in Konarka. Given that there was about $190 million invested in Konarka, it wouldn't surprise me if such a connection eventually emerges.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I like green energy, especially solar, and I never cheer when a solar company goes under regardless of who funded it. I think solar has a great future, but doubt it will be perfected in my lifetime. China dominates the solar market, heavily backed by its government, which puts American companies at a great disadvantage. If America doesn't fight for its share of the solar market, China and Asia will have it all.

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