Seattle public schools will start teaching that math is oppressive & example of Western imperialism!

Standardized testing has been shown to introduce inequalities quite often. Those inequalities make the mathematically derived results inaccurate. Are you against accurate results? In a subject like math, how close to accurate do you consider to be close enough?
Further evidence of cultural rot and insanity. Great point in the OP citation: kids who can afford to flee the public schools (like Seattle) will get a solid curriculum of core classes.
The poorer kids will be sentenced to second class educations and second class lives. The Seattle education board should be sued for educational malpractice, if this goes through as planned.

Once again, lefty promotes failure, victimhood, mediocrity, confusion, hatred, anger, strife. . . .

This is the heart of lefty's agenda:

The young people who are going to learn real math are those whose parents can afford to put them in private schools. The public school kids of all races are going to get dumber and dumber … and this is going to compel the wokesters in charge of Human Resources at institutions along life's way to demand changing standards to fit political goals. Eventually, bridges are going to start falling down. That too will be the fault of Whiteness.

Along with the fundamental laws of logic, mathematics not only comprise the universally objective and absolute forms, categories and axioms of human cognition, but are the terms of the universal language of God and the cosmos.

Actually, this is just another reason among many that my wife and I homeschool our children and another reason for universal school choice.
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Standardized testing has been shown to introduce inequalities quite often. Those inequalities make the mathematically derived results inaccurate. Are you against accurate results? In a subject like math, how close to accurate do you consider to be close enough?

Utter BS and diversity propaganda.

Standardized testing REVEALS those students wanting an education.....and those preferring to smoke pot or act like assholes instead of preparing for life.

People like BullShitDog want everyone to get the same participation award regardless of their personal efforts. That's how socialist, third world countries are built but NOT how you build the greatest nation on the Planet.
The end result will be that blacks wont know their paycheck is incorrect when it reads fifty cents. Nor will they know anything about the civil war (that's racist too).

Can you add 2 & 2 and see where this is heading?
The end result will be that blacks wont know their paycheck is incorrect when it reads fifty cents. Nor will they know anything about the civil war (that's racist too).

Can you add 2 & 2 and see where this is heading?

Hold on there....wait justa minute....

Not ALL blacks are as dumb as IM2
If it isn't broken don't fix it.

This is interjecting politics into math. Utter Garbage.........

Math is math.........has nothing to do with Ethics.......Race .......or the other BS some Brain Washing Liberals want taught...........

Seattle........another Liberal Nut job Hive location.
Standardized testing has been shown to introduce inequalities quite often. Those inequalities make the mathematically derived results inaccurate. Are you against accurate results? In a subject like math, how close to accurate do you consider to be close enough?

If your paycheck is supposed to be $498.75, and I hand you a check for $425.98, is that okay with you? Is that "close enough" to the a mount of money you were supposed to be paid?

What's with the anti-Semitism and racism, you lousy piece of excrement. A pox on you too.
Well...while all of you idiots sit and wax masturbatory about 'Left' this and 'Republican' that I cut straight to the root cause.
As more of this (article in question) is increasingly shoved down societies throat people like me will be come more commonplace. keep on with your fantasies and sociopolitical LARP.
As long as Americans continue to vote for Dimocrats, and appoint progressives to boards, councils, etc, this sort of absurdity will continue and get worse.
Actually, they are not talking about teaching MATH; the discussion is about teaching ethnic studies. A focus on mathematics and hard sciences is prominent in Western European culture and some others, but not so much in the African nations from which African Americans were taken. Why is this difficult to grasp?
Seattle public schools will start teaching that math is oppressive & example of Western imperialism!

The district has proposed a new social justice-infused curriculum that would focus on "power and oppression" and "history of resistance and liberation" within the field of mathematics. The curriculum isn't mandatory, but provides a resource for teachers who want to introduce ethnic studies into the classroom vis a vis math.
Seattle's four-page framework is still in the proposal stage. If adopted, its ideas will be included in existing math classes as part of the district's broader effort to infuse ethnic studies into all subjects across the K-12 spectrum.
If the frameworks are approved, teachers would be expected to incorporate those ideas and questions into the math they teach beginning next fall, Castro-Gill said. No districtwide—or mandated—math/ethnic studies curriculum is planned,

Have you noticed that the title is misleading the true intentions of the article which has not started nor is it planned yet but the OP's title says that the schools will start teaching... Which is not the truth now is it?
Actually, they are not talking about teaching MATH; the discussion is about teaching ethnic studies. A focus on mathematics and hard sciences is prominent in Western European culture and some others, but not so much in the African nations from which African Americans were taken. Why is this difficult to grasp?
The OP did graduate from the fifth grade..

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