Seattle is the first area in the US where residents can vote via smartphones


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
King County, where Seattle is located, announced on Wednesday that it’s implementing smartphone voting for an upcoming board of supervisors election.

King County’s 1.2 million residents can use their cellphones to vote in the election, which begins on January 22nd and continues until 8PM PT on February 11th.

The program is a collaboration between King County Elections; the county’s conservation district; mobile-voting nonprofit Tusk Philanthropies; the National Cybersecurity Center; and Democracy Live, a technology firm that develops electronic balloting.


The board of supervisors election is one of many “pilots” that Tusk plans to implement over the next five years in counties around the US. There’s no indication yet of whether King County plans to expand the system to statewide or national elections.

Seattle is the first area in the US where residents can vote via smartphones

What could possibly be the problem with this? Good Gawd!
Do you see the trend here? Leftists do everything possible to facilitate voter fraud. This is just the latest initiative.

In a sane world, every voter would have to show up in person, show a government-issued picture ID, demonstrate that they are literate and aware, then cast their vote. And if you can't show up in person, you'd better have a damned good reason why not, and absentee ballots would have to be individually notarized.
Do you see the trend here? Leftists do everything possible to facilitate voter fraud. This is just the latest initiative.
In a sane world, every voter would have to show up in person, show a government-issued picture ID, demonstrate that they are literate and aware, then cast their vote. And if you can't show up in person, you'd better have a damned good reason why not, and absentee ballots would have to be individually notarized.

Agreed, and I would like to have the stakeholder provisions for voting: property owning and/or known income source. NO voting by homeless/impoverished ne'erdowells.
Well that city is lost forever...just like the one party rule LA and Shit stained San Fransiko....
Left is bad, real bad. What amazes me is all these advantages they have in their favor, including TV, music, Hollywood, internet, education system, the unwise and illiterate.

Yet they fucking lose anyway.

Still very concerning.
Another small step for citizen voter disenfranchisement, one Big Leap for Dem-Prog One Party Statism!

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