Dems have become so shameless they know no shame.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We all know there is no shaming the shameless....I’m convinced the Dem Party is so far gone they honestly have no clue that sane real Americans see them as the party of dog and pony shows...They seem to be tailoring their script for the compartmentalized weirdo groups of society...I’m certain that homosexual dude with no job, neck tattoos and a 14” green mohawk is loving the shit-show....but what about core Americans?
One of the core "principles" of Leftism is that, "The Narrative trumps the Truth." If I need to lie in order to promote a "larger truth" then the lie becomes not only acceptable, but mandatory.

"Hands up, don't shoot." Those words were never uttered by the thug in Ferguson, but it didn't matter; they have been etched in stone, in the minds of today's Leftists.

"Bush lied; people died." Utterly, provably false.

In the current case, the President's entirely reasonable and appropriate request for an investigation of Biden family corruption in Ukraine becomes, "...a demand for interference in the 2020 Presidential Election!" The President's refusal to expose the Executive inner workings to partisan examination without a court order becomes, "...obstruction of JUSTICE!"

The truth don't matter. It's the narrative that counts.
One of the core "principles" of Leftism is that, "The Narrative trumps the Truth." If I need to lie in order to promote a "larger truth" then the lie becomes not only acceptable, but mandatory.

"Hands up, don't shoot." Those words were never uttered by the thug in Ferguson, but it didn't matter; they have been etched in stone, in the minds of today's Leftists.

"Bush lied; people died." Utterly, provably false.

In the current case, the President's entirely reasonable and appropriate request for an investigation of Biden family corruption in Ukraine becomes, "...a demand for interference in the 2020 Presidential Election!" The President's refusal to expose the Executive inner workings to partisan examination without a court order becomes, "...obstruction of JUSTICE!"

The truth don't matter. It's the narrative that counts.

So true.
This is why I have grown to HATE the Right....for the last few decades they have literally done nothing to retaliate as the Left has programmed America by steering the narrative and via political correctness.
I always say...the Right are such pussies they couldn’t even keep white people and God cool in a nation founded by, built by and run by white christians.
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If I were a registered dem I would change that today.....not tomorrow not next week but today...they are making fools out of their own party members....
We all know there is no shaming the shameless....I’m convinced the Dem Party is so far gone they honestly have no clue that sane real Americans see them as the party of dog and pony shows...They seem to be tailoring their script for the compartmentalized weirdo groups of society...I’m certain that homosexual dude with no job, neck tattoos and a 14” green mohawk is loving the shit-show....but what about core Americans?

They have a long history and lots of practice.

"Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered." Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. " Georges Sorel

Considered a father of syndicalism, early socialism, fascism and progressivism, his contribution was the idea of the believable, motivational lie, or myth.

You see, the Left has not the same connection with either truth or reality that we on the Right have...cases in point include Hillary Clinton, Hussein Obama, and every Democrat candidate for President.

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