Seattle At Oakland

All this proves is Oakland soon to cut players were better than Seattle soon to be cut players.

I am sure both teams are handing out bus tickets by the bushel basket full all weekend long. If you want an autograph by some 'have not' the bus station is the place to get them...for free.

My favorite "play" of the evening was when that moron Pryor threw a beautifull sideline pass to #10 Richardson who was all stretched out clearly will both tippy toes in bounds and the officials were waiting on Pete to throw his red flag. Carroll didn't take the bait. The official could be clearly emitting a "HAARRUUMFFPH !!!" as he turned away from the dissinterested Seattle coach and called an officials Time Out.. Then the refs had to take it upon themselves to explain their own blindness and award the Hawks a first down.

Talk about rubbing it in... LOL

Carroll is a CRUEL taskmaster... LOL
I have to assume that the seahawks were just coasting in this game looking ahead to this thursdays game.I have no doubt thats what they were doing,they werent even trying.Thats the only thig that makes any sense why sherman got beat by a ROOKIE quarterback and wide reciver who is hardly someone of the caliber of larry fitzgerald.

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