"Search" For Ways To Make Schools Safe ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This is beyond ridiculous. A headline in an internet report said >> "Florida authorities search for ways to make schools safe." Excuse me ? These "authorities" don't know how to make a school safe ? Wow.

EARTH TO AUTHORITIES: You put ARMED guards in the schools. You have some in uniforms, and others in plainclothes. In addition, you have a security office wih computer screens that monitor cameras places all over the area of the school, including parking lots.

If there are any teachers knowledgable about guns, thy could carry guns with CCW permits. You stop force with greater force. You also deter it, by making your greater force well-known.

Funny how highly-paid aiuthorities have to "search' for things that we all know
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To me, every armed person should wear regular clothes so that the dangerously arms people do not even know that they are there for enforcement. A uniform would only tell them who it is that needs to be shot at first.

God bless you always!!!

This is beyond ridiculous. A headline in an internet report said >> "Florida authorities search for ways to make schools safe." Excuse me ? These "authorities" don't know how to make a school safe ? Wow.

EARTH TO AUTHORITIES: You put ARMED guards in the schools. You have some in uniforms, and others in plainclothes. In addition, you have a security office wih computer screens that monitor cameras places all over the area of the school, including parking lots.

If there are any teachers knowledgable about guns, thy could carry guns with CCW permits. You stop force with greater force. You also deter it, by making your greater force well-known.

Funny how highly-paid aiuthorities have to "search' for things that we all know
There's no such thing as "safe." People are murdered in their homes, they are murdered on their way to and from work and on their way to and from school, they are murdered while in their workplace, in the school, while on vacations, in hotels, motels, restaurants, in their cars, at the bus stop, hiking, on ocean cruises and even in hospitals. There will always be someone being murdered and the methods vary; they use a handgun (the most popular method), a rifle, a knife, a ligature, a bat, a hammer, a screwdriver, an icepick, a motor vehicle, gasoline, an improvised explosive device, poison, the list goes on and on. No matter what method is used, it's the perpetrator, not the instrument that is at fault.
This is beyond ridiculous. A headline in an internet report said >> "Florida authorities search for ways to make schools safe." Excuse me ? These "authorities" don't know how to make a school safe ? Wow.

EARTH TO AUTHORITIES: You put ARMED guards in the schools. You have some in uniforms, and others in plainclothes. In addition, you have a security office wih computer screens that monitor cameras places all over the area of the school, including parking lots.

If there are any teachers knowledgable about guns, thy could carry guns with CCW permits. You stop force with greater force. You also deter it, by making your greater force well-known.

Funny how highly-paid aiuthorities have to "search' for things that we all know
There's no such thing as "safe." People are murdered in their homes, they are murdered on their way to and from work and on their way to and from school, they are murdered while in their workplace, in the school, while on vacations, in hotels, motels, restaurants, in their cars, at the bus stop, hiking, on ocean cruises and even in hospitals. There will always be someone being murdered and the methods vary; they use a handgun (the most popular method), a rifle, a knife, a ligature, a bat, a hammer, a screwdriver, an icepick, a motor vehicle, gasoline, an improvised explosive device, poison, the list goes on and on. No matter what method is used, it's the perpetrator, not the instrument that is at fault.
True. But people can recognize when they’re vulnerable and employ preventive measures.
Unless they’re too brainwashed to consider that.
This is beyond ridiculous. A headline in an internet report said >> "Florida authorities search for ways to make schools safe." Excuse me ? These "authorities" don't know how to make a school safe ? Wow.

EARTH TO AUTHORITIES: You put ARMED guards in the schools. You have some in uniforms, and others in plainclothes. In addition, you have a security office wih computer screens that monitor cameras places all over the area of the school, including parking lots.

If there are any teachers knowledgable about guns, thy could carry guns with CCW permits. You stop force with greater force. You also deter it, by making your greater force well-known.

Funny how highly-paid aiuthorities have to "search' for things that we all know
There's no such thing as "safe." People are murdered in their homes, they are murdered on their way to and from work and on their way to and from school, they are murdered while in their workplace, in the school, while on vacations, in hotels, motels, restaurants, in their cars, at the bus stop, hiking, on ocean cruises and even in hospitals. There will always be someone being murdered and the methods vary; they use a handgun (the most popular method), a rifle, a knife, a ligature, a bat, a hammer, a screwdriver, an icepick, a motor vehicle, gasoline, an improvised explosive device, poison, the list goes on and on. No matter what method is used, it's the perpetrator, not the instrument that is at fault.
True. But people can recognize when they’re vulnerable and employ preventive measures.
Unless they’re too brainwashed to consider that.
No, they actually don't recognize when they are in a vulnerable situation, that's why people are murdered in all those locations mentioned and with the instruments cited.
This is beyond ridiculous. A headline in an internet report said >> "Florida authorities search for ways to make schools safe." Excuse me ? These "authorities" don't know how to make a school safe ? Wow.

EARTH TO AUTHORITIES: You put ARMED guards in the schools. You have some in uniforms, and others in plainclothes. In addition, you have a security office wih computer screens that monitor cameras places all over the area of the school, including parking lots.

If there are any teachers knowledgable about guns, thy could carry guns with CCW permits. You stop force with greater force. You also deter it, by making your greater force well-known.

Funny how highly-paid aiuthorities have to "search' for things that we all know
You fucking dumb ass, we are already hunting for more revenue for our schools, and we are to add the costs of armed guards to that all too meager funding of our schools? When I went to school in the '50's, there were no problems like we have today. In fact, we have seen the increase, since Columbine, in almost exact proportion to the sale of the assault weapons to the general public. And the NRA is a part of that, and an accessory to the murder of our children.
What the asshole posters in this thread are trying to protect is the profits of the people that make and sell these instruments of murder. The AR and those weapons like it were made for one purpose only, to kill as many people as possible in as short of time as possible. And we have seen there efficiency in doing that in school classrooms, outdoor concerts, movie theaters, churches, and Christmas parties. Were we to confiscate all the war weapons, it would not prevent one person from hunting or any other outdoor activity. I have not suggested such a course, but that is what is going to happen if there is not some real action taken to prevent crazies from getting their hands on guns.
This is beyond ridiculous. A headline in an internet report said >> "Florida authorities search for ways to make schools safe." Excuse me ? These "authorities" don't know how to make a school safe ? Wow.

EARTH TO AUTHORITIES: You put ARMED guards in the schools. You have some in uniforms, and others in plainclothes. In addition, you have a security office wih computer screens that monitor cameras places all over the area of the school, including parking lots.

If there are any teachers knowledgable about guns, thy could carry guns with CCW permits. You stop force with greater force. You also deter it, by making your greater force well-known.

Funny how highly-paid aiuthorities have to "search' for things that we all know
There's no such thing as "safe." People are murdered in their homes, they are murdered on their way to and from work and on their way to and from school, they are murdered while in their workplace, in the school, while on vacations, in hotels, motels, restaurants, in their cars, at the bus stop, hiking, on ocean cruises and even in hospitals. There will always be someone being murdered and the methods vary; they use a handgun (the most popular method), a rifle, a knife, a ligature, a bat, a hammer, a screwdriver, an icepick, a motor vehicle, gasoline, an improvised explosive device, poison, the list goes on and on. No matter what method is used, it's the perpetrator, not the instrument that is at fault.
True. But people can recognize when they’re vulnerable and employ preventive measures.
Unless they’re too brainwashed to consider that.
No, they actually don't recognize when they are in a vulnerable situation, that's why people are murdered in all those locations mentioned and with the instruments cited.
Being in a school is not supposed to be a vulnerable situation.
But if someone is too stupid to take precautions when they walk down MLK Blvd at night then they deserve what they get.
There's no such thing as "safe." People are murdered in their homes, they are murdered on their way to and from work and on their way to and from school, they are murdered while in their workplace, in the school, while on vacations, in hotels, motels, restaurants, in their cars, at the bus stop, hiking, on ocean cruises and even in hospitals. There will always be someone being murdered and the methods vary; they use a handgun (the most popular method), a rifle, a knife, a ligature, a bat, a hammer, a screwdriver, an icepick, a motor vehicle, gasoline, an improvised explosive device, poison, the list goes on and on. No matter what method is used, it's the perpetrator, not the instrument that is at fault.
True, but we can increase the level of safety - from zero to near 100%.
No, they actually don't recognize when they are in a vulnerable situation, that's why people are murdered in all those locations mentioned and with the instruments cited.
I have found that liberals are in a state of mental disorder. Rather than see things objectively, for what they are, they follow a "line" set forth to them, by liberal leaders. This is what has led to the insane and very dangerous "gun-free zone" phenomenon, which has gotten hundreds of people killed, over the past few years.
You fucking dumb ass, we are already hunting for more revenue for our schools, and we are to add the costs of armed guards to that all too meager funding of our schools? When I went to school in the '50's, there were no problems like we have today. In fact, we have seen the increase, since Columbine, in almost exact proportion to the sale of the assault weapons to the general public. And the NRA is a part of that, and an accessory to the murder of our children.
1. What we call assault weapons, have been used in less than 3% of mass shootings in the US.

2. Florida spent twice as much "revenue" on VISIT Florida (an unnecessary item) as on school resource officers.

3. Arming teachers, administrators, and maintenance personnel who have firearms background (some already have CCW licenses) and allowing them to carry in the schools costs nothing. If we pay them a small stipend, it would be the best money we ever spent. The gun-free zone idea (one of the most idiotic/dangerous things liberals have ever devised) has got to go . NOW.

4. The NRA has supported good quality gun control measures such as the "Project Exile" started in Richmond, VA, and the gun control bills proposed by Republican US Senators Grassley and Cornyn, both voted down by Democrats. Your lockstep bashing of the NRA, without knowing the facts is typical of liberal robot mentality. Needlessly taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, helps the criminal shooters and increases gun crime.

5. Note that I got through all that without resorting to foolish profanity.
How about teaching boys to stop being violent assholes that want to have sex with their guns?

Teach them to be caring, compassionate and good.
:iagree: Would go a long way to setting things straight - and saving lives. Maybe the first things might be to supervise (and cancel) some TV they watch, rap "music" they listen to, and video games they play.
What the asshole posters in this thread are trying to protect is the profits of the people that make and sell these instruments of murder. The AR and those weapons like it were made for one purpose only, to kill as many people as possible in as short of time as possible. And we have seen there efficiency in doing that in school classrooms, outdoor concerts, movie theaters, churches, and Christmas parties. Were we to confiscate all the war weapons, it would not prevent one person from hunting or any other outdoor activity. I have not suggested such a course, but that is what is going to happen if there is not some real action taken to prevent crazies from getting their hands on guns.

Off Topic. Did someone mistakenly inform you that this thread was about gun control ? It's about school security, safety, PROTECTION. That is, arming the schools to defend themselves. Gun control is part of the overall picture too, but it is a more longrange thing. The IMMEDIATE problem is the mass shooter who might arrive at a school TODAY. Get it ?

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