Scott Walker responds to SCOTUS gay marriage decision, calls for NEW CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT

Walker sure is trying hard for those young voters....

What do you think Walker should do to get their vote? Start sucking cock? Take it up the ass?

Is that how Russ gets his votes?

that's all the left cares about is votes. THIS is about the Supreme court stepping over THE STATES RIGHTS

The States don't have rights. States have powers. People have rights. And rights trump powers.
Staph is having an epic melt down.

Im about to maybe make a staph sympathy thread for her feelings to recover. Maybe say a nice thing or two, like "you may be the dumbest person on this site, but at least youre not dumbest on the planet girl!"
CONTACT your congresscritters and tell them to get behind this. this court has NO RIGHT to step over the STATES rights


Scott Walker has penned his response to the Supreme Court decision, calling it a grave mistake and calling for a constitutional amendment to reaffirm that the states have the ability to define marriage:

“I believe this Supreme Court decision is a grave mistake. Five unelected judges have taken it upon themselves to redefine the institution of marriage, an institution that the author of this decision acknowledges ‘has been with us for millennia.’ In 2006 I, like millions of Americans, voted to amend our state constitution to protect the institution of marriage from exactly this type of judicial activism. The states are the proper place for these decisions to be made, and as we have seen repeatedly over the last few days, we will need a conservative president who will appoint men and women to the Court who will faithfully interpret the Constitution and laws of our land without injecting their own political agendas. As a result of this decision, the only alternative left for the American people is to support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to reaffirm the ability of the states to continue to define marriage.

all of it here:

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:lol: walker is butthurt as fuck.

"Unelected judges"

Since when is scotus elected?

Whining babies keep whining....ill give you your pacifier soon but i wanna hear a lil more first

Seismometers are picking up small quakes from all their foot stomping. The whole amending the Constitution jazz is nothing more then political theater and pandering. At this point they just look like sore losers.
Yea. Its quite fucking embarrassing

And I am eating it up with the spoon.
:lol: walker is butthurt as fuck.

"Unelected judges"

Since when is scotus elected?

Whining babies keep whining....ill give you your pacifier soon but i wanna hear a lil more first

Seismometers are picking up small quakes from all their foot stomping. The whole amending the Constitution jazz is nothing more then political theater and pandering. At this point they just look like sore losers.

There are 12 states that have voted in same sex marriage. Add California which now strongly supports it....and you have 13. Nixing the 3/4th necessary to pass an amendment.

Its noise.
CONTACT your congresscritters and tell them to get behind this. this court has NO RIGHT to step over the STATES rights


Scott Walker has penned his response to the Supreme Court decision, calling it a grave mistake and calling for a constitutional amendment to reaffirm that the states have the ability to define marriage:

“I believe this Supreme Court decision is a grave mistake. Five unelected judges have taken it upon themselves to redefine the institution of marriage, an institution that the author of this decision acknowledges ‘has been with us for millennia.’ In 2006 I, like millions of Americans, voted to amend our state constitution to protect the institution of marriage from exactly this type of judicial activism. The states are the proper place for these decisions to be made, and as we have seen repeatedly over the last few days, we will need a conservative president who will appoint men and women to the Court who will faithfully interpret the Constitution and laws of our land without injecting their own political agendas. As a result of this decision, the only alternative left for the American people is to support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to reaffirm the ability of the states to continue to define marriage.

all of it here:

Read more:

Keep it up. The only reason there had to be a SC ruling is because the gays got tired of being treated like second class citizens. If you would have just sold the damn cake in the first place, gay marriage wouldn't be legal in every state right now.
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Supreme Court has done conservatives a big favor this week. We will prevail in the long run. We are now a society governed by nine unelected rulers. This will not stand.
Supreme Court has done conservatives a big favor this week. We will prevail in the long run. We are now a society governed by nine unelected rulers. This will not stand.

When they overturned interracial marriage bans in the 60s, such bans had the support of 80% of the population. Gay marriage enjoys 60% support.

You simply don't have the numbers. You're not doing a thing.
Campaign rhetoric. Nothing more. It might help in the primary but it will hurt him in the general election.
They talked about gay marriage. Not sure they even mentioned straight marriage.

and what it means to marriage.
Walker sure is trying hard for those young voters....

What do you think Walker should do to get their vote? Start sucking cock? Take it up the ass?

Is that how Russ gets his votes?

that's all the left cares about is votes. THIS is about the Supreme court stepping over THE STATES RIGHTS

Oh please. You don't give a damn about state's rights. At least be honest about your position.

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