Scott Walker recall effort starts Tuesday

Maybe one day when I'm very bored I'll look through your old posts to see if you ever say anything of substance.

You wouldn't recognize substance if it crawled up your leg and yanked out three c-hairs. :thup:

I'm proud that I don't know what a "c-hair" is.

But keep posting your vacuous statements until you run out of gas. I'm going back to the issues affecting me in Wisconsin.

Have a lovely day.
You're in Wisconsin? Don't forget to sign the recall of that bastard Scott Walker!
So.. Is he gone yet?
The Republicans will first exhaust every single bureaucratic and legal maneuver they can think of, even though they "hate" government wasting taxpayer dollars, and even though they "hate" trial lawyers. #hypocrites


Yes... us evil classical liberals respect the Tenth Amendment and cringe at the notion of federal control..

You only call yourself a "classical Liberal" so that you can secretly call yourself a Liberal. Your envy is evident.

So yes I do hate anyone who circumvents the Tenth Amendment and promotes federal control.

What the fuck does the Wisconsin recall of Scott Walker, and the ensuing reaction from GOP lawyers have to do with the 10th Amendment?

I've had it with progressives shitting on the Bill of Rights... You only embrace freedom when you camp in parks to promote communism, which by the way contradicts the Bill of Rights.. So you use freedom to advocate authoritarian dictated economies.....

You don't think the 1st Amendment applies to everyone. I understand - you want to wage class warfare.
I was looking up the practice of "sick leave stacking" which is partially responsible for some Twilight-Zone-ish pensions here in Wisconsin and I found this site listing a lot of public union issues which need fixing.

Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4

The whole page is worth reading. Here is one example which jumped out as sad.

No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed

A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as a school crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of charge.

Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come and help these kids in the neighborhood."

But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that simple. Representatives didn't want to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.

here sone for you;)

what % of calif. safety professionals retire with disability add ons, as they put in their papers?
the petition requires upwards of 500.000 sigs...thats a LOT of sigs, they will need another oh, 65-100K to make sure they have enough after challenges and the inevitable flimflamming etc etc.

That will surpass a quarter of the number of people that voted IN the election itself for Walker.

good luck with that.

Are you taking bets as to whether or not they make it?

*shrugs* matters not to me, I think its iffy though, but, then again anything is possible so, no.
I was looking up the practice of "sick leave stacking" which is partially responsible for some Twilight-Zone-ish pensions here in Wisconsin and I found this site listing a lot of public union issues which need fixing.

Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4

The whole page is worth reading. Here is one example which jumped out as sad.

No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed

A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as a school crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of charge.

Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come and help these kids in the neighborhood."

But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that simple. Representatives didn't want to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.

here sone for you;)

what % of calif. safety professionals retire with disability add ons, as they put in their papers?

I don't know. How many?

I tried google but I probably don't have the right keywords.
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Scott Walker is going down.

He made the teachers his enemy and the Big Oil Koch brothers his friend.

Typical Republican.
IF Walker goes down, he will go down proud.

He fixed our budget and gave the state breathing room.

It will be hard to change what he has done for us. His reforms can't be undone until 2013 at the earliest. And once enough municipalities start to feel the benefits of being able to fix their budget woes without being boxed in by public unions, I don't see them willingly going back to being at the mercy of the unions.
IF Walker goes down, he will go down proud.

He fixed our budget and gave the state breathing room.

It will be hard to change what he has done for us. His reforms can't be undone until 2013 at the earliest. And once enough municipalities start to feel the benefits of being able to fix their budget woes without being boxed in by public unions, I don't see them willingly going back to being at the mercy of the unions.

Yes, teachers are your enemy, and the Koch brothers are your friend.

Because we all know that people become teachers to get rich, and Big Oil loves us.

Except for the BP oil spill of course...and that fracking thing....
Rebulican party of NO . NO to more taxes to pay for public unions benifits at the tax payers cost , no big Goverment ,no to unemployment,ect, ect. Dumacraps the party of fear, intimadation, thugery,class warfare, unemployment, the enemy of bussiness ( who provide jobs that pay for the taxes). why do we want to go back to higher taxes & unemployment . what has a dumacrap done for the state of Wis. taxpayers -more goverment , higher taxes to pay for there union buddies . why are all theses unions putting out of state money & people to change the face of our state , maybe Oboma needs Wis. to continue his REGIME!
Your totality of posts reveal a shallow and inconsistent understanding of economic matters.

And yet you cannot point to single example. Telling.

I have, elfatminor. Your entire display here on the board does not give one example of consistent and nuanced demonstration on economic matters.

You have to prove it. You have not. I can't give examples of what does not exist other than to point at your work.

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