Scott Walker recall effort starts Tuesday


Feb 14, 2011
What tactics will Democrats use?

How will they overcome the fact that Walker's reforms are helping in areas where they have been applied? Some areas are still struggling but most of the areas which had to lay off staff are ones which didn't apply the reforms: most notably Milwaukee, Kenosha and Janesville.

Will they try to hang areas like Milwaukee which rejected his reforms and opted for layoffs around Walker's neck? Or will they try to change the subject?

One group is starting something called "Occupy Walker". As more and more average Americans become impatient with the Occupy movement will that work against the recall effort?

And most importantly - whom will the Democrats put up to run against Walker?
how many recalls are they going to lose before they stop playing these party over nation games?
Hopefully they will lose, but hey, if the people in Wisconsin are dumb enough to do send Walker packing, then they deserve the outcome. Stupidity should be painful. They can be the bad example for other states to learn from.
how many recalls are they going to lose before they stop playing these party over nation games?

So far..the recalls haven't been "losers". Quite the opposite..considering how hard recalls are. And none of you guys were complaining about Governor Davis' recall.

In any case, should be interesting.

I complained about both. They are all wastes of time.
Wisconsin reforms are WORKING! What was the leftist solution to a $3.7 billion budget short fall? Tax the rich! Yet that wouldn't even make a dent. Tax the corporations? First, we see it first hand in IL. Corporations will leave UNLESS they get a backdoor tax deal. The results in IL is corporations like Caterpillar, Novastar, Groupon, Motorolla, Sears, John Deere, etc now pay less in taxes! That would happen in WI.

This short video explains what led up to the need for reform and the results!

It's Working - YouTube
At the end of the day, it does not matter the party of the governor should Walker be recalled.
The economic realities will still be the same. Revenues are down, the people are fed up with out of control public worker unions and high taxes to pay them.
On a side note. The Ohio election that repealed their restrictive law regrading public worker rights, was the result of much higher turnout for registered democrats than GOP voters.
Twice as many Dem voters as GOP.
Many are scratching their heads as to why GOP turnout was so low in certain areas.
Anyway, the State of Wisconsin has a rapidly growing revenue issue as do many other states, Unable to tax their residents at higher rates, the first area to be cut is labor.
The economy will improve one thing though, hopefully those jobs will remain unfilled.
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Hopefully they will lose, but hey, if the people in Wisconsin are dumb enough to do send Walker packing, then they deserve the outcome. Stupidity should be painful. They can be the bad example for other states to learn from.

I have a stake in this fight. Hopefully we will be able to hold the line.

With all the mischief from outside people like, it could be tough. There's a lot of fatigue here.

But hopefully conservatives and independents who see the reforms working will be up for whatever comes our way.
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Wisconsin reforms are WORKING! What was the leftist solution to a $3.7 billion budget short fall? Tax the rich! Yet that wouldn't even make a dent. Tax the corporations? First, we see it first hand in IL. Corporations will leave UNLESS they get a backdoor tax deal. The results in IL is corporations like Caterpillar, Novastar, Groupon, Motorolla, Sears, John Deere, etc now pay less in taxes! That would happen in WI.

This short video explains what led up to the need for reform and the results!

It's Working - YouTube

Either link the special deal CAT got or admit you're LYING out of your ass.

Not only did CAT not get any special deals, they invested ONE BILLION more dollars in their Illinois plants.

Press Release

Although Oberlehman said there were no deals cut to keep Caterpillar in Illinois, he likely got some face-to-face assurances from Quinn that the governor’s office would take steps to address the company’s concerns about the state’s business climate.

CEO: Caterpillar Is Staying In Illinois « CBS Chicago
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how many recalls are they going to lose before they stop playing these party over nation games?

So far..the recalls haven't been "losers". Quite the opposite..considering how hard recalls are. And none of you guys were complaining about Governor Davis' recall.

In any case, should be interesting.

I complained about both. They are all wastes of time.

Not disputing your seem a straight shooter..but there was very little argument about installing Arnie into California from the right. And even a move to change the constitution so he could run for president. It's interesting now that the right has a problem with this? No?
how many recalls are they going to lose before they stop playing these party over nation games?

So far..the recalls haven't been "losers". Quite the opposite..considering how hard recalls are. And none of you guys were complaining about Governor Davis' recall.

In any case, should be interesting.

What does California have to do with Wisconsin?

Absolutely nothing in this case.

There is a difference between recalls for actual corruption and recalls purely for politics.

And the California Recall really didnt turn out that well. Arnold was hardly much better. America sacrificed good action movies for nothing
how many recalls are they going to lose before they stop playing these party over nation games?

So far..the recalls haven't been "losers". Quite the opposite..considering how hard recalls are. And none of you guys were complaining about Governor Davis' recall.

In any case, should be interesting.
Grey Davis ran California into the ground. Plus he was quite unstable. He was run out by fellow democrats in an entrenched democrat state.
WTF are you talking about/!!!!!!
Republicans disgusting tactics in Wisconsin.
Posted on his facebook page, an individual states, he will go get signatures on a petition to recall walker and then he will destroy the petitions.
Now, repubicans want to pass a bill in Wisconsin to make it illegal to sign more than one petition.
Great work. Underhanded tactics always work for these liars.
Republicans disgusting tactics in Wisconsin.
Posted on his facebook page, an individual states, he will go get signatures on a petition to recall walker and then he will destroy the petitions.
Now, repubicans want to pass a bill in Wisconsin to make it illegal to sign more than one petition.
Great work. Underhanded tactics always work for these liars.

What tactics will Democrats use?

Lies, for the most part...

Wisconsin Democratic Party says Walker supported a law that makes it easier for drunken drivers to escape punishment
But the statement implies the net effect of the law is tipped pro-defense. In OWI cases, that is an unknown at this point. Both sides -- defense and prosecution -- are subject to the new standards. And even defense-side experts don’t buy the "easier road" argument.

Finally, we think it’s misleading to suggest -- as the party’s statement did -- that the intent of the bill was to favor homicidal drunken drivers. It clearly wasn’t.

We rate the party’s claim Mostly False.

Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to freeze pay for state employees includes a 5.4 percent raise for himself.
Here’s the clearest answer possible: The claim is False.

"Nearly 14,000 Wisconsinites have lost their job since Governor Walker and the Republicans took over in January."
Miller has the right number for the increase of unemployed people. But it’s impossible to know how many lost their jobs this year vs. those who lost their jobs earlier and are now starting to look again.

We rate the statement False.

Mark Miller says Wisconsin Republicans enacted the most drastic cuts to K-12 schools of any state in the nation
Miller took to the airwaves to say that "Republicans enacted the most drastic cuts to K-12 public schools of any state in the nation." He cited media reports concerning a study by a liberal think tank.

Researchers we consulted poked no holes in the study, but it only covered about half the states. And while Wisconsin did indeed lead in cuts by one measure, it was third according to a second measure that is highlighted in the group’s report.

There’s an element of truth in Miller’s claim, but he pushed past the limits of the study. We rate the statement Mostly False.
Daily Kos is really going after politifact, claiming partisan hackery on thier part, so expect the source to be attacked by the usual leftwing drones of this board.
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Claims that the Wisconsin budget cuts "are working" are completely beside the point. As has been pointed out before (to no effect, because conservative politics isn't fact-based so pointing out facts generally accomplishes little), the unions had ALREADY AGREED to all of the proposed budget cuts BEFORE Gov. Walker and his cronies in the legislature passed their union-gutting act.

The issue is not the state budget. The issue is the rights of working people. Restoring the rights of working people will neither improve nor worsen the problems of the state budget.

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