Scott Walker (R) knows how to fire up the conservative Repub Base AKA-

the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian. your personal attacks on Walker were a lead in to your objection to Walkers personal attacks? And his personal attacks were that he didn't either personally attack or defend Obama?


He knows how to get elected as Wisconsin's governor, of that there's no doubt.
He knows how to govern the state to make it work for everyone, not just union pricks.
Remind me what Hillary knows about, other than illegal actiivities, lying, and munching carpet.

The failed Governor of Wisconsin is the worst governor in history

He does not have a single accomplishment
Yeah, that's why he was elected three times!!
See my sig line! You've filled your quota for today, nutsucker.

He was elected by low information voters
No, that was Obama. And he was elected by larger margins each time. The more people saw of Walker in action, the more they liked him.
A combination of low information voters and free stuff is all Walker has
Note: This isn't Rubber Room material, only threads disparaging of the Prophet of Progressives is worthy of the Rubber Room.
As usual, Repubs will do and say anything rather than address issues

And you weigh in a thread blasting Walker for not commenting on his opinion about Giuliani's statements about Obama by saying ... Republicans ... can't focus on issues.


What you people say, I couldn't make it up
He knows how to govern the state to make it work for everyone, not just union pricks.
Remind me what Hillary knows about, other than illegal actiivities, lying, and munching carpet.

The failed Governor of Wisconsin is the worst governor in history

He does not have a single accomplishment
Yeah, that's why he was elected three times!!
See my sig line! You've filled your quota for today, nutsucker.

He was elected by low information voters
No, that was Obama. And he was elected by larger margins each time. The more people saw of Walker in action, the more they liked him.
A combination of low information voters and free stuff is all Walker has

Then a Democrat criticizes a Republican for wanting to give away free stuff


Slow Monday for you morons?
The Marxists are terrified of Scott Walker. He's been elected three times in a Democrat leaning state that is heavily invested in unions despite giving the unions the middle finger they've deserved for a long time.
you DO realize that he just :up: shot himself in the foot as far as the Indies & Undecideds (AKA- the "election determining" voters) are concerned? :eusa_whistle:
Walker will learn that life on the national stage is very different than life on his little Wisconsin stage.


Like Obungles found out Chicago politics doesn't work so great on a national level?

Really? He was elected president - TWICE.

So was W...
The Marxists are terrified of Scott Walker. He's been elected three times in a Democrat leaning state that is heavily invested in unions despite giving the unions the middle finger they've deserved for a long time.
you DO realize that he just :up: shot himself in the foot as far as the Indies & Undecideds (AKA- the "election determining" voters) are concerned? :eusa_whistle:

So independents and undecideds are going to not vote for Walker because he didn't comment on Giuliani's comments. Touche, I give up, I can't make you people look any more stupid than you make yourselves look. I can see it in the debates. Hillary comes out with oh yeah, well, you didn't comment on Giuliani! Bam!

The Democrat Party, that is.

First they fear Cruz
Then they fear Palin
They lost interest in attacking her children
Then they vent their hate on Jeb
Now it's on to Walker

But funny thing.....

The stench of their fear never changes.
The strength of the stench never changes.
Hell, even skunks can ring a few changes....

They are pissed that Walker didn't take the bait.....
That's what has their panties in a bunch....
He dodged a "gotcha" question....

So now they will beat him up because he didn't answer the question....

Pretty pathetic by the Dems to be so obvious.
The Marxists are terrified of Scott Walker. He's been elected three times in a Democrat leaning state that is heavily invested in unions despite giving the unions the middle finger they've deserved for a long time.

he's gonna get recalled -- fer shure! this time!!
So now that attention is being paid to Walker he is held accountable for every republican in the country who says
something the Libs don't like.

Walker defends Guliani he's dead....
Walker sidesteps the issue he's dead for not answering.....

This is amazing.
Walker hasn't even announced yet....

This election might break records as to how dirty the Democrats will be in trying to hold the power of the WH....
So now that attention is being paid to Walker he is held accountable for every republican in the country who says
something the Libs don't like.

Walker defends Guliani he's dead....
Walker sidesteps the issue he's dead for not answering.....

This is amazing.
Walker hasn't even announced yet....

This election might break records as to how dirty the Democrats will be in trying to hold the power of the WH....
it's not every republican - just those that say crazy shit at dinners he's attending.

you do realize that giuliani made those comments with walker right there next to him, right?
So now that attention is being paid to Walker he is held accountable for every republican in the country who says
something the Libs don't like.

Walker defends Guliani he's dead....
Walker sidesteps the issue he's dead for not answering.....

This is amazing.
Walker hasn't even announced yet....

This election might break records as to how dirty the Democrats will be in trying to hold the power of the WH....
it's not every republican - just those that say crazy shit at dinners he's attending.

you do realize that giuliani made those comments with walker right there next to him, right?

Did Walker say it?.....
Walker should have told the press ....
Go ask Guliani if you like ...He said it.
The left isn't satisfied anymore with political correctness just being not saying things they object to, now political correctness is moving to include not saying things they want you to say
Yo, Scott Walker has a better chance at becoming President than Jeb Bush! Walker is known nationally for sticking a boot in the ass of Unions and the Radicals recalling him! He already talks like a "Real President" and not taking the bias questions the "Puppet reporters" are trying to catch him in a lie with, that is there job for the Socialist Party!

Well, we may now have the answer to why didn't Walker finish college. An inability to foresee likely future consequences.
He appears to have foreseen correctly his winning elections three times already.
He knows how to get elected as Wisconsin's governor, of that there's no doubt.
He knows how to govern the state to make it work for everyone, not just union pricks.
Remind me what Hillary knows about, other than illegal actiivities, lying, and munching carpet.
He cannot successfully run nationally outside the gop on his economic record, and he's just assured himself that he's going to be asked if he believes Obama is a patriot and Christian if, by some democrat miracle, he wins the nomination. And that would probably take both Jeb and Kasich both imploding.
Yeah who wants someone who cut taxes, cut government spending, and gave schools more power?
What will the Republicans run on in 2016?

Obama is not on the ticket, so running against him seems nothing more than vindictive.

They shut down the government, caused our national credit rating to take a tumble, all out of a fit of pique and ineffective leadership in the House.

So 'red meat' for Conservatives is the current President?

What is the vision of the future under Republican leadership?

What is Republi9can leadership? Where is it and what has it accomplished?

He's a real nowhere man living in his nowhere land...
He knows how to govern the state to make it work for everyone, not just union pricks.
Remind me what Hillary knows about, other than illegal actiivities, lying, and munching carpet.

The failed Governor of Wisconsin is the worst governor in history

He does not have a single accomplishment
Yeah, that's why he was elected three times!!
See my sig line! You've filled your quota for today, nutsucker.

He was elected by low information voters
No, that was Obama. And he was elected by larger margins each time. The more people saw of Walker in action, the more they liked him.
A combination of low information voters and free stuff is all Walker has

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