Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS


Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI)
As Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker keeps talking in preparation for a 2016 presidential run, we're learning that his major foreign policy belief is that the way for a president or governor to demonstrate resolve against foreign enemies is by attacking American workers.

A vote for Walker is a vote for Tyrone Shitslop's insanity.

This will make politics fun, whiney liberal brats getting their panties in a bunch and wetting themselves, it doesn't get better than this.

Popcorn time!

Define rich, how about retired getting 100k a year off a state union job.

There are 1,106 former state of Oregon employees making over $100,000 on retirement. Many of their salaries were less than what they are receiving from their pension plans. There are several that make triple what they made in an annual salary.

In the 90's the state of Oregon asked the union to have Oregon employees contribute 3% to their retirement and the state workers blew gaskets over the idea. These former employees are making well above the average taxpayer in the state.

Top 2013 Oregon PERS beneficiaries - The Oregonian

Just ignore it again.

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Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI)
As Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker keeps talking in preparation for a 2016 presidential run, we're learning that his major foreign policy belief is that the way for a president or governor to demonstrate resolve against foreign enemies is by attacking American workers.

A vote for Walker is a vote for Tyrone Shitslop's insanity.

This will make politics fun, whiney liberal brats getting their panties in a bunch and wetting themselves, it doesn't get better than this.

Popcorn time!

you're easily entertained ... someone pass papa something shiny.

Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI)
As Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker keeps talking in preparation for a 2016 presidential run, we're learning that his major foreign policy belief is that the way for a president or governor to demonstrate resolve against foreign enemies is by attacking American workers.

A vote for Walker is a vote for Tyrone Shitslop's insanity.

This will make politics fun, whiney liberal brats getting their panties in a bunch and wetting themselves, it doesn't get better than this.

Popcorn time!

you're easily entertained ... someone pass papa something shiny.
Shitty to Tyrone Shitslop's rescue!

You guys keep whining and crying Walker. It's fun to watch you libtards bitch and moan.

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If he has no problem with private unions then why is he gung ho to pass right to work (for ALOT less) legislation. The term "right to work" is simply hogwash. I could respect him more if he came out and simply said this legislation is to weaken private unions, because any person with half a brain dwell firing knows this. An attack on middle class wages and benefits. And some who are in that class are way too dumb and uneducated to figure i9t out. WOrking for $15 an hour is a joke.
Either working class folk will figure it out or slowly but surely we will return to the industrial revolution. Watch for companies complaining about paying time and a half for overtime now. That will be the next thing to go. Nobody should consider working for an employer such as that.
Why does he not like PRIVATE unions? They can't hurt a precious business.

I have no issue with private unions. I dislike public unions, just as FDR did.

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You have no problem with Scott Walker being a pathetic toady to David Koch.....
I have issues with with both parties taking money from big business, I have issues with Clinton and Obama taking money from big business. The issue is which candidates don't? Neither party will have a candidate not taking big business money. They are all bought and paid for.

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That's crap. The demonization of unions has been so comprehensive that even people like you have fallen for it.

The demonization of unions happens because unions do so pretty awful things.

Joey, you APPROVE of those things, you fucking hypocrite!

I approve of some things they do. I don't approve of others, ditchweed.

I don't approve of the teacher who molests a kid and then gets his union to wrangle 10 years of salary out of the school district.

You approve of thuggery, you even approve of threatening someone's CHILDREN. You said that, Joey, now OWN IT!
Tyrone Shitslop flees, fails to answer any questions.

All he has got are pictures other people took and slogans other people wrote. No critical thinking, no imagination, just cut and paste, liberal laziness at its best.
Also you have to remember that a lot of kids who are politically active now who may not belong to a union themselves have mothers and fathers living on union know; the ones that Walker wants to eliminate. It's going to be an impossible sell regardless of union membership.

If your a kid and your parents are retiring in their 50's on union pensions, something is seriously fucked up with that.

Come on Joe...I said "politicallly active"meaning over 18 and voting. I also never said that people are retiring in their 50's although I can see if you start at a job when you're 18, work for 35-40 years, I don't see what would be so grotesque about retiring after 3-4 decades on the job.

There are people retiring from the MBTA in their 40's! More than 1/3 of retirees retired younger than 55, and there are over 1,000 who retired before age 50. (At least one is getting $64,800/year after retiring at 46!) It's not sustainable.

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