Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

he delayed the release of the hostages in Iran by promising the Ayatollahs a better deal and he delivered

the American Embassy in Tehran.

Bani-Sadr was a moderate and, as he explained in an editorial for The Christian Science Monitor earlier this year, had successfully run for President on the popular position of releasing the hostages:

"I openly opposed the hostage-taking throughout the election campaign.... I won the election with over 76 percent of the vote.... Other candidates also were openly against hostage-taking, and overall, 96 percent of votes in that election were given to candidates who were against it [hostage-taking]."

Now, guy, you had maybe a legit point that trading arms for help in releasing hostages was a bad idea.

But then you went into crazy-land with the "October Surprise" conspiracy theory, which really is the kind of nutbaggery like Benghazi Conspiracy theories and 9/11 Truthers.

Even the liberal Politico states this is bunk.

Reagan s October Surprise is Still Getting Debunked - The Daily Beast
But Carter underestimated the lengths his opponent in the 1980 Presidential election, California Governor Ronald Reagan, would go to screw him over.
have you always been a commie sympathizer and excuse maker for any or all liberslime ?

if anyone here is a traitor, you come within a hair's breadth, careful or you may just trip over that hair :up:

:fu: .......... :asshole:
The October Surprise Was Real
However, Parry did not let go of the story. Years after the Congressional investigation ended, the reporter obtained access to the Task Force’s documents and found a letter from Iran’s Bani-Sadr, dated December 17 1992, in which he detailed the contacts between Khomeini’s associates and the Reagan-Bush campaign. According to Parry, “In the Task Force’s final report, issued on Jan. 13, 1993, Barcella’s team simply misrepresented Bani-Sadr’s letter, mentioning it only briefly, claiming that it was hearsay, and then burying its contents in a little-noticed annex to the report along with other incriminating evidence.” (8)

Bani-Sadr’s testimony is supported by Iranian admiral Ahmad Madani, who was minister of defense in 1979 and presidential candidate in the 1980 elections. Madani’s presidential campaign was financed by Carter’s CIA through financier and arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi (9).
But Carter underestimated the lengths his opponent in the 1980 Presidential election, California Governor Ronald Reagan, would go to screw him over.
have you always been a commie sympathizer and excuse maker for any or all liberslime ?

if anyone here is a traitor, you come within a hair's breadth, careful or you may just trip over that hair :up:

:fu: .......... :asshole:
None of your business rabbit
Y'know....maybe Walker could take on ISIS. Maybe he couldn't.

But the one thing we know for certain:

Obama WON'T
send your loved ones to fight ISIS bro...if Brainless43 had not invaded Iraq there would be no ISIS
Yea, we know your yellow back wont enlist, but we all know you love to cash those welfare checks.
You are just a blow hard yellow belly war monger as long as others die
Yea we all know who wears the skirt here , bitch
Bear you are a physical coward a yellow belly and a punk...Fk you asshole ...

The October Surprise Was Real
However, Parry did not let go of the story. Years after the Congressional investigation ended, the reporter obtained access to the Task Force’s documents and found a letter from Iran’s Bani-Sadr, dated December 17 1992, in which he detailed the contacts between Khomeini’s associates and the Reagan-Bush campaign. According to Parry, “In the Task Force’s final report, issued on Jan. 13, 1993, Barcella’s team simply misrepresented Bani-Sadr’s letter, mentioning it only briefly, claiming that it was hearsay, and then burying its contents in a little-noticed annex to the report along with other incriminating evidence.” (8)

Bani-Sadr’s testimony is supported by Iranian admiral Ahmad Madani, who was minister of defense in 1979 and presidential candidate in the 1980 elections. Madani’s presidential campaign was financed by Carter’s CIA through financier and arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi (9).
send your loved ones to fight ISIS bro...if Brainless43 had not invaded Iraq there would be no ISIS
Yea, we know your yellow back wont enlist, but we all know you love to cash those welfare checks.
You are just a blow hard yellow belly war monger as long as others die
Yea we all know who wears the skirt here , bitch
Bear you are a physical coward a yellow belly and a punk...Fk you asshole ...

The October Surprise Was Real
However, Parry did not let go of the story. Years after the Congressional investigation ended, the reporter obtained access to the Task Force’s documents and found a letter from Iran’s Bani-Sadr, dated December 17 1992, in which he detailed the contacts between Khomeini’s associates and the Reagan-Bush campaign. According to Parry, “In the Task Force’s final report, issued on Jan. 13, 1993, Barcella’s team simply misrepresented Bani-Sadr’s letter, mentioning it only briefly, claiming that it was hearsay, and then burying its contents in a little-noticed annex to the report along with other incriminating evidence.” (8)

Bani-Sadr’s testimony is supported by Iranian admiral Ahmad Madani, who was minister of defense in 1979 and presidential candidate in the 1980 elections. Madani’s presidential campaign was financed by Carter’s CIA through financier and arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi (9).
Skirt is a little tight on you ...
Fk you you are just bloviating the mother fucker Ronald Reagan is a traitor and a criminal ....and his being dead is a great thing...

This is about more than just the hostages for you. It's about what Reagan did overall, not that he sold some obsolete weapons for four times their value to get three hostages out of Lebanon.

Was it a stupid policy? Yup. Just as stupid as everything else we do in the middle east.
Fk you you are just bloviating the mother fucker Ronald Reagan is a traitor and a criminal ....and his being dead is a great thing...

This is about more than just the hostages for you. It's about what Reagan did overall, not that he sold some obsolete weapons for four times their value to get three hostages out of Lebanon.

Was it a stupid policy? Yup. Just as stupid as everything else we do in the middle east.
You are just an apologist for treason...there is zero Patriotism to the GOP ...Zero
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Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO - Thank a Union 36 Ways Unions Have Improved Your Life

I've worked both sides of the fence in my lifetime. There needs to be a reasonable balance between labor and management. Germany is a good example where they work well together.

According to Scott Walker and many others on the right, that makes them the same as terrorists who behead innocent people.

The right is at war with the American working class and will do whatever is needed to crush it.
This is hilarious, I love when liberals like Tyrone throw a tantrum...

It's so funny to read
This is hilarious, I love when liberals like Tyrone throw a tantrum...

It's so funny to read

There are no liberals in the scum of the earth dimocrap party. Only radicals.

Liberals have moved to the Libertarian side or given up completely.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth, they are NOT liberals, they are radicals.
Again it's not 1922 , the year is 2015

The unions today is not your great grand Pops union

Don't confuse them
You are just an apologist for treason...there is zero Patriotism to the GOP ...Zero

Guy, i think both parties are patriotic. I think they both try to do what is right.

So let's look at the "Arms for hostages" deal. There were a bunch of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon. You had their families getting on TV every night about why more wasn't being done to save them. (Forget these people had mostly put themselves in danger by BEING in Lebanon to start with.) You had some hostages who were murdered by their captors. Then someone says to the President, "Hey, we think we can get the hostages out, but it will mean selling weapons to the Iranians in contradiction to a policy you put up to not sell them weapons."

People did hold it against Reagan because they knew his heart was in the right place. And Lawrence Walsh spending 45 million to try to prove otherwise fell flat.

Now, my Mideast Policy would be, we dont support anyone over there, we don't pick sides in your fights, if you want weapons, you'd better have the cash to pay for them. If you kill Americans there will be consequences, but it you are an American who goes over htere and gets himself in trouble, shame on you.
This is hilarious, I love when liberals like Tyrone throw a tantrum...

It's so funny to read

There are no liberals in the scum of the earth dimocrap party. Only radicals.

Liberals have moved to the Libertarian side or given up completely.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth, they are NOT liberals, they are radicals.

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