Scorecard on U.S. Interventionism

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
It's not good. The whole mantra about the terrorists hating us for our freedoms was nothing more than Bush & Co. propaganda for easily swayed idiots. The fact is they hate us because we've been fucking with their region of the world for 70 years and we still haven't appeared to learn our lesson.

Scorecard on U.S. Interventionism Ivan Eland
Bullshit. It really doesn't matter why, or even if, they hate us. I don't know of anyone that has a big problem with them hating us. It's that whole murdering, raping, blowing up thing most people find offensive.
They have been hating people over there since the 7th Century.

With Caliphate after Caliphate to kill all those then they hated...........Being before the time that America was even a blip on the radar.
Harry Truman sent U.S. Troops to Korea on an executive order and subsequently bungled the mission so badly that a couple of months turned into a three year quagmire and the loss of 50,000 Americans. The media didn't blame Truman or MacArthur, they merely called it the "forgotten war" and forgot about it and that's the way Americans learn about it. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam under a fake crisis the media called "the Gulf of Tonkin". LBJ and democrats set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Bill Clinton didn't ask congress, he sought permission from the socialist commandant of NATO to bomb a defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down. George Bush demanded that Saddam comply with about a hundred U.N. sanctions or face the consequences and gave Iraq about a year to comply. Bush asked for congressional approval for boots on the ground in Iraq and received it including 36% democrats. Saddam called his bluff and found himself on the wrong end of a hangman noose. But wait, with the cooperation of the liberal media democrats decided to turn traitor and un-approve the mission and undermine it as long as a republican was president. Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid actually told the Military "the war is lost" just before the Troop surge and democrats purchased a full page ad in the NY Times calling the combat commander "Betray-Us" while Cindy Sheehan's maniac demonstrators were lynching the president in effigy. When Barry Hussein was elected the demonstrators disappeared although the Military was in the same situation. Barry Hussein managed (with the full cooperation of the liberal media) to abandon the mission and leave the Iraqi people on their own and American Troops without a leader or support.

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