Science is back!

I share your hope, but the roadblocks are not small, they are profound and serious.
Science has always fought an uphill battle against those with a vested interest in ignorance.

Mimimimi, Galileo
Mimimimi, Galileo
Galileo Figaro! Magnifico

The renewed ascent will no longer be beset by the plethora of Trumpy banana peels.
Arrogant ignorance.

Kettle meet pot...Would you like to answer the post to you I have in your ridiculous thread Mac?

I always enjoy the hubris of scientismists and logical positivists. :auiqs.jpg:

What is Scientism?

". . . Physicist Ian Hutchinson offers an insightful metaphor for the current controversies over science:

“The health of science is in fact jeopardized by scientism, not promoted by it. At the very least, scientism provokes a defensive, immunological, aggressive response from other intellectual communities, in return for its own arrogance and intellectual bullyism. It taints science itself by association.” (13)

Noting that most Americans enthusiastically welcome scientific advancements, particularly those in health care, transportation, and communications, Hutchinson suggests that perhaps what the public is rejecting is not actually science itself, but a worldview that closely aligns itself with science—scientism (14). By disentangling these two concepts, we have a much better chance for enlisting public support for scientific research than we would by trying to convince millions of people to embrace a materialistic, godless universe in which science is our only remaining hope.. . . "

We can always argue with scientists regarding scientism, and by resorting to the fewest fallacies we can discover sublime Truth (value) through argumentation.

Right wingers only resort to right wing fantasy and insist they must be Right simply because they are on the right wing.

Science isn't political.

Scientism is.

Science follows facts where they go. Scientism starts with a set of preconceived notions of how the universe operates, and seeks facts to validate such notions.

Science uses a technical method to pursue it's goals to uncover truth. I.E. the scientific method, to test a hypothesis. I am sorry you are so ill informed on this.

Scientism is a dogma, much like any other world view, i.e., socialism, capitalism, fascism, etc.

Scientism depends on government and foundation funding to further it's goals, and it does not accept any questioning. Hence, big tech's banning of accredited scientists and medical doctors questioning of other immunologists and virologists of the COVID paradigm on platforms such as twitter and YouTube. REAL science encourages debate and discussion in the seeking of truth, not the suppression of dissent. The way this topic is being treated? It is akin to a DOGMA, or religion. . . hence, SCIENTISM.

The same is pretty much true with climate change.

Now you have been proven wrong, so shut up and go away.
View attachment 450420
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.

Failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers will no longer overrule public health experts and epidemiologists in matters of medicine!

Knowledge is good.
Biden is taking steps to restore scientific integrity to government actions after several controversies in which advocates say science was sidestepped or ignored by the Trump administration.

Biden this week created a task force to review agency scientific integrity policies. He’s also requiring that all federal research agencies have a chief science officer, and that all agencies have a scientific integrity official.

The steps come after the Trump administration was mired in several controversies, including accusations its COVID-19 policies didn’t always follow science.

The New York Times reported in September that federal guidance stating it wasn’t necessary to test people without COVID-19 symptoms wasn’t written by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and was posted online despite objections from government scientists. Politico reported that politically appointed aides have also sought to review and change CDC reports.

Separately, a recent inspector general investigation found that the White House pushed for a correction of a National Weather Service tweet that contradicted then-President Trump’s assertion that Hurricane Dorian in 2019 was endangering Alabama.

Much more broadly, Trump was criticized for refuting science that humans are contributing to climate change.

Biden has sought to send a signal that his government will listen to scientists on the need to fight climate change and other issues.

... [T]he president directed the top official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to start the scientific integrity task force. It is to review and publish findings on the effectiveness of scientific integrity policies at government agencies...

Galileo would have cheered the advance. He was condemned for his "heresy" - the empirical reality he had observed that the earth travels around the sun - and forced to submit to the ideological, earth-centered dogma dictated as the official propaganda of his day. Three hundred years later, the church/state arbiters of truth conceded. Galileo was not available for comment at the time.

Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.


"Oh, yeah, Einstein! Well, I can poop
the heavens with impunity!"

Just a reminder—Your side's “science” asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman. When your kind speak of “science”, what you are describing has little to do with what sane people understand the word to mean.
Was that better or worse than claiming the rise of the oceans slowed after Obama was nominated?
You'll have to refresh my memory on that one. Do you have a link you can provide?

Meanwhile, I think this is the all time classic example of Trump's overcoming mindless ideological dogma to provide his dispassionate, scrupulously data-based, scientific analysis:

View attachment 450568
"The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese
in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive!"

That was not my post cupcakes.

Why are you trying to put false words in my mouth?
Can't win fair.
So the Biden administration will decide what is valid "science" -
He’s also requiring that all federal research agencies have a chief science officer, and that all agencies have a scientific integrity official.

Wait till you see what kind of whacknuts get these scientific integrity official jobs.

The irony of these dems touting science is too much. For example, if you were to draw up a counter example to the scientific method, you could not do worse than look into "climate science". Not a surprise though. Citing state sanctioned "science" as validation is an original pillar of Marxism. I'm sure that 90% of these useful idiots don't even know that.
View attachment 450420
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.

Failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers will no longer overrule public health experts and epidemiologists in matters of medicine!

Knowledge is good.
Biden is taking steps to restore scientific integrity to government actions after several controversies in which advocates say science was sidestepped or ignored by the Trump administration.

Biden this week created a task force to review agency scientific integrity policies. He’s also requiring that all federal research agencies have a chief science officer, and that all agencies have a scientific integrity official.

The steps come after the Trump administration was mired in several controversies, including accusations its COVID-19 policies didn’t always follow science.

The New York Times reported in September that federal guidance stating it wasn’t necessary to test people without COVID-19 symptoms wasn’t written by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and was posted online despite objections from government scientists. Politico reported that politically appointed aides have also sought to review and change CDC reports.

Separately, a recent inspector general investigation found that the White House pushed for a correction of a National Weather Service tweet that contradicted then-President Trump’s assertion that Hurricane Dorian in 2019 was endangering Alabama.

Much more broadly, Trump was criticized for refuting science that humans are contributing to climate change.

Biden has sought to send a signal that his government will listen to scientists on the need to fight climate change and other issues.

... [T]he president directed the top official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to start the scientific integrity task force. It is to review and publish findings on the effectiveness of scientific integrity policies at government agencies...

Galileo would have cheered the advance. He was condemned for his "heresy" - the empirical reality he had observed that the earth travels around the sun - and forced to submit to the ideological, earth-centered dogma dictated as the official propaganda of his day. Three hundred years later, the church/state arbiters of truth conceded. Galileo was not available for comment at the time.

Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.


"Oh, yeah, Einstein! Well, I can poop
the heavens with impunity!"

"Science".............from the crowd who claims there are 37 genders, and they can change daily. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.
What is remotely enlightened about Joe's decree that human biology is purely a matte of subjective choice
and males can be females, if they want to be, and compete against highly disadvantaged females in athletic
endeavors because he commands it be so!

Are you happy when females get reamed by Joe Biden's highly unscientific decree?
Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.
Ideological dogma certainly is impervious to science and human biology in Joe Biden's defective ideologically driven brain. And yours too, pathetic suck up.
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.
What is remotely enlightened about Joe's decree that human biology is purely a matte of subjective choice
and males can be females, if they want to be, and compete against highly disadvantaged females in athletic
endeavors because he commands it be so!

Are you happy when females get reamed by Joe Biden's highly unscientific decree?
Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.
Ideological dogma certainly is impervious to science and human biology in Joe Biden's defective ideologically driven brain. And yours too, pathetic suck up.
I accept an American's right to an identity based upon how a person understands himself, not an identity that the State imposes upon him. From my perspective, it's a personal matter, not dictated by politicians and bureaucrats.

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 12.40.26 PM.png

On the subject of medical science, Trump's doctor who had written him a note in 2015 declaring that his patient “will be the healthiest individual elected to the presidency” recently died without releasing his records on Trump's 43 predecessors.
I accept an American's right to an identity based upon how a person understands himself, not an identity that the State imposes upon him. From my perspective, it's a personal matter, not dictated by politicians and bureaucrats.
I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that you are a complete moron and the State does not demand
anyone accept the identity they "impose" on people.
Nature and biology has already done that by virtue of a penis or a vagina, as the case may be.
In any event if people find biology too constricting they may consider themselves whatever they wish.
The State does not attempt to stop Fred from insisting he is Ethyl, no matter how absurd that seems.

And in any event that's not even the point: The point is Joe Biden is unilaterally imposing a literally uneven
playing field on all female athletes by his imperious decree and crushing many dreams with this
heavy handed draconian edict.

Fortunately females are fighting back and they will win because science vindicates them. And all your
nonsensical blather is just so much rubbish on the garbage heap of history dispensed by idiots who thought
their ideology could trump science. You aren't just stupid. You are ironically stupid.
OP's hate for Trump and irrational pro-Biden attitude reeks of religious fervor if you ask me.

Actually, I was thinking of that the other day, how the Left's use of politics seems designed to fill their SPIRITUAL needs, more than actual political goals, or real self interests.

The conformity to the group and arbitrary rules, the original sin of slavery to feel bad about and/or attack others with, the Devil of wacism and the Patriarchy to fight against, ,the Heave (on earth) to reach for,

Very well said. I agree completely.

I read an article a while back that basically said the decline of christianity in the west gave rise to a new religion. Racism and all forms of "discrimination" became the ultimate sin and Hitler the personification of evil. Even conservatives fell victim to it, having to constantly cede ground and abandon their principals to the left in fear of being branded with "the mark".

The true believers will stop at nothing to root out every last vestige of evil from this world and that is a very scary thought.
View attachment 450420
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.

Failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers will no longer overrule public health experts and epidemiologists in matters of medicine!

Knowledge is good.
Biden is taking steps to restore scientific integrity to government actions after several controversies in which advocates say science was sidestepped or ignored by the Trump administration.

Biden this week created a task force to review agency scientific integrity policies. He’s also requiring that all federal research agencies have a chief science officer, and that all agencies have a scientific integrity official.

The steps come after the Trump administration was mired in several controversies, including accusations its COVID-19 policies didn’t always follow science.

The New York Times reported in September that federal guidance stating it wasn’t necessary to test people without COVID-19 symptoms wasn’t written by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and was posted online despite objections from government scientists. Politico reported that politically appointed aides have also sought to review and change CDC reports.

Separately, a recent inspector general investigation found that the White House pushed for a correction of a National Weather Service tweet that contradicted then-President Trump’s assertion that Hurricane Dorian in 2019 was endangering Alabama.

Much more broadly, Trump was criticized for refuting science that humans are contributing to climate change.

Biden has sought to send a signal that his government will listen to scientists on the need to fight climate change and other issues.

... [T]he president directed the top official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to start the scientific integrity task force. It is to review and publish findings on the effectiveness of scientific integrity policies at government agencies...

Galileo would have cheered the advance. He was condemned for his "heresy" - the empirical reality he had observed that the earth travels around the sun - and forced to submit to the ideological, earth-centered dogma dictated as the official propaganda of his day. Three hundred years later, the church/state arbiters of truth conceded. Galileo was not available for comment at the time.

Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.


"Oh, yeah, Einstein! Well, I can poop
the heavens with impunity!"

I share your hope, but the roadblocks are not small, they are profound and serious.
Basic biology will be hard to overcome. Tuck your wee wee like "Michelle" and go into the Girls Room

I am aware of a fringe calling for police defunding, a radical move that was rejected by President Biden, but who ever said, "I SURE WISH THE CAPITAL POLICE HAD SHOT ALL THOSE TRUMP SUPPORTERS"? Are you lying or do you have a link to your alleged quote and an attribution?

I'm not sure who your "leftists" are, but Trump's goons that were incited by him to attack democracy included several flavors of rightist wackos, about whom the FBI had warned.

FBI Director Christopher Wray says right-wing racist terrorism is a major threat...

How does your attempted diversion concern the renewed respect for science?
I can no longer find the quote. I retract.

Meanwhile, the leftist agenda has little to do with science. It's about control over individual lives.
View attachment 450420
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.

Failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers will no longer overrule public health experts and epidemiologists in matters of medicine!

Knowledge is good.
Biden is taking steps to restore scientific integrity to government actions after several controversies in which advocates say science was sidestepped or ignored by the Trump administration.

Biden this week created a task force to review agency scientific integrity policies. He’s also requiring that all federal research agencies have a chief science officer, and that all agencies have a scientific integrity official.

The steps come after the Trump administration was mired in several controversies, including accusations its COVID-19 policies didn’t always follow science.

The New York Times reported in September that federal guidance stating it wasn’t necessary to test people without COVID-19 symptoms wasn’t written by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and was posted online despite objections from government scientists. Politico reported that politically appointed aides have also sought to review and change CDC reports.

Separately, a recent inspector general investigation found that the White House pushed for a correction of a National Weather Service tweet that contradicted then-President Trump’s assertion that Hurricane Dorian in 2019 was endangering Alabama.

Much more broadly, Trump was criticized for refuting science that humans are contributing to climate change.

Biden has sought to send a signal that his government will listen to scientists on the need to fight climate change and other issues.

... [T]he president directed the top official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to start the scientific integrity task force. It is to review and publish findings on the effectiveness of scientific integrity policies at government agencies...

Galileo would have cheered the advance. He was condemned for his "heresy" - the empirical reality he had observed that the earth travels around the sun - and forced to submit to the ideological, earth-centered dogma dictated as the official propaganda of his day. Three hundred years later, the church/state arbiters of truth conceded. Galileo was not available for comment at the time.

Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.


"Oh, yeah, Einstein! Well, I can poop
the heavens with impunity!"

Was it "science" when Fauci said masks work, or when he said they didn't work?
View attachment 450420
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.

Failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers will no longer overrule public health experts and epidemiologists in matters of medicine!

Knowledge is good.
Biden is taking steps to restore scientific integrity to government actions after several controversies in which advocates say science was sidestepped or ignored by the Trump administration.

Biden this week created a task force to review agency scientific integrity policies. He’s also requiring that all federal research agencies have a chief science officer, and that all agencies have a scientific integrity official.

The steps come after the Trump administration was mired in several controversies, including accusations its COVID-19 policies didn’t always follow science.

The New York Times reported in September that federal guidance stating it wasn’t necessary to test people without COVID-19 symptoms wasn’t written by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and was posted online despite objections from government scientists. Politico reported that politically appointed aides have also sought to review and change CDC reports.

Separately, a recent inspector general investigation found that the White House pushed for a correction of a National Weather Service tweet that contradicted then-President Trump’s assertion that Hurricane Dorian in 2019 was endangering Alabama.

Much more broadly, Trump was criticized for refuting science that humans are contributing to climate change.

Biden has sought to send a signal that his government will listen to scientists on the need to fight climate change and other issues.

... [T]he president directed the top official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to start the scientific integrity task force. It is to review and publish findings on the effectiveness of scientific integrity policies at government agencies...

Galileo would have cheered the advance. He was condemned for his "heresy" - the empirical reality he had observed that the earth travels around the sun - and forced to submit to the ideological, earth-centered dogma dictated as the official propaganda of his day. Three hundred years later, the church/state arbiters of truth conceded. Galileo was not available for comment at the time.

Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.


"Oh, yeah, Einstein! Well, I can poop
the heavens with impunity!"

The science of transporting oil by pipeline removed by the corruption of transporting it by train. Just to start. Billions to be made as the peon pays for it. Can you imagine if we cut some of the corruption down how much it would benefit the people?
View attachment 450420
Ideological dogma displaced science under Trumpery, but the United States - largely indebted to science in its history of progress to global primacy in technology, medicine, and other scientific pursuits - is now getting back on that proven path of enlightenment.

Failed casino operators and faded reality-tv performers will no longer overrule public health experts and epidemiologists in matters of medicine!

Knowledge is good.
Biden is taking steps to restore scientific integrity to government actions after several controversies in which advocates say science was sidestepped or ignored by the Trump administration.

Biden this week created a task force to review agency scientific integrity policies. He’s also requiring that all federal research agencies have a chief science officer, and that all agencies have a scientific integrity official.

The steps come after the Trump administration was mired in several controversies, including accusations its COVID-19 policies didn’t always follow science.

The New York Times reported in September that federal guidance stating it wasn’t necessary to test people without COVID-19 symptoms wasn’t written by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and was posted online despite objections from government scientists. Politico reported that politically appointed aides have also sought to review and change CDC reports.

Separately, a recent inspector general investigation found that the White House pushed for a correction of a National Weather Service tweet that contradicted then-President Trump’s assertion that Hurricane Dorian in 2019 was endangering Alabama.

Much more broadly, Trump was criticized for refuting science that humans are contributing to climate change.

Biden has sought to send a signal that his government will listen to scientists on the need to fight climate change and other issues.

... [T]he president directed the top official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to start the scientific integrity task force. It is to review and publish findings on the effectiveness of scientific integrity policies at government agencies...

Galileo would have cheered the advance. He was condemned for his "heresy" - the empirical reality he had observed that the earth travels around the sun - and forced to submit to the ideological, earth-centered dogma dictated as the official propaganda of his day. Three hundred years later, the church/state arbiters of truth conceded. Galileo was not available for comment at the time.

Science is a self-correcting process in which progress is inherent. Ideological dogma is static and impervious to the accrual of knowledge.


"Oh, yeah, Einstein! Well, I can poop
the heavens with impunity!"

Will he start saying there are only two Genders, and men are men, and women are women?
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Oh, cool. Then you support an individual's right to carry concealed weapons in all 50 states if he's licensed to do so in one state.

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