Science Assaults The Bible Again: Black Holes and Our Universe

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Science Assaults The Bible Again: Black Holes and Our Universe

Could the new theory explain away the Bible stories once and for all? If the Big Bang can be explained by this, what does it mean for the wild and crazy idea that a great and all knowing supernatural being created man in his own image and created the world in 7 days?

For example, the big bang theory says the universe started as a singularity. But scientists have no satisfying explanation for how such a singularity might have formed in the first place.
If our universe was birthed by a white hole instead of a singularity, Poplawski said, "it would solve this problem of black hole singularities and also the big bang singularity."

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?

Bible Thumpers, be scared. Be very scared. Science is knocking on your doors.
Your idiocy is expanding.

Just because someone postulates that every black hole is another universe does not mean that anyone actually believes this, including the guy who postulated it. This does not even rise to the level of scientific theory, and it falls way short of proving anything.
doesn't this kind of get into string theory, with parallel universes and all that? I remember watching a video about this stuff, and it was saying that as one universe is expanding another is contracting, like squeezing the middle of a water balloon. of course it's all on a time-scale we can't comprehend.

I look at most of the bible like Aesop's fables; good lessons that are wrapped in hyperbole and metaphor, not a science textbook.
I think it's pretty obvious that primative man made up gawds and spirits to exlain things that he did't understand.

As man became more modern, he stopped believing in the "Gawd of the melon" and the "Gawd of the tree bark" and soon, dropped the number of gawds down to one. Only for Christianity it's actually three. They say they have one gawd, but it's actually an old gawd, a magic bird, and a young gawd who may or may not be his own father.
I think it's pretty obvious that primative man made up gawds and spirits to exlain things that he did't understand.

As man became more modern, he stopped believing in the "Gawd of the melon" and the "Gawd of the tree bark" and soon, dropped the number of gawds down to one. Only for Christianity it's actually three. They say they have one gawd, but it's actually an old gawd, a magic bird, and a young gawd who may or may not be his own father.

Interesting, even if it shows a complete lack of understanding of comparitive religion.
Science Assaults The Bible Again: Black Holes and Our Universe

Could the new theory explain away the Bible stories once and for all? If the Big Bang can be explained by this, what does it mean for the wild and crazy idea that a great and all knowing supernatural being created man in his own image and created the world in 7 days?

For example, the big bang theory says the universe started as a singularity. But scientists have no satisfying explanation for how such a singularity might have formed in the first place.
If our universe was birthed by a white hole instead of a singularity, Poplawski said, "it would solve this problem of black hole singularities and also the big bang singularity."

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?

Bible Thumpers, be scared. Be very scared. Science is knocking on your doors.

Any and all theory that tries to explain the universe is an assault on religion. That is nothing new.

Interesting theory however. The problem i have with it is that if there are black hole "outlets" there must be white hole "inlets" into this universe. That will be hard for them to explain. This theory for me works with string theory.
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Your idiocy is expanding.

Just because someone postulates that every black hole is another universe does not mean that anyone actually believes this, including the guy who postulated it. This does not even rise to the level of scientific theory, and it falls way short of proving anything.
"According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole."
doesn't this kind of get into string theory, with parallel universes and all that? I remember watching a video about this stuff, and it was saying that as one universe is expanding another is contracting, like squeezing the middle of a water balloon. of course it's all on a time-scale we can't comprehend.

I look at most of the bible like Aesop's fables; good lessons that are wrapped in hyperbole and metaphor, not a science textbook.

me too. and like A's Fabs, the B., is out of step and out of date with these times we live in.
I think it's pretty obvious that primative man made up gawds and spirits to exlain things that he did't understand.

As man became more modern, he stopped believing in the "Gawd of the melon" and the "Gawd of the tree bark" and soon, dropped the number of gawds down to one. Only for Christianity it's actually three. They say they have one gawd, but it's actually an old gawd, a magic bird, and a young gawd who may or may not be his own father.

can you explain why I get excited and howl at full moons?
I think it's pretty obvious that primative man made up gawds and spirits to exlain things that he did't understand.

As man became more modern, he stopped believing in the "Gawd of the melon" and the "Gawd of the tree bark" and soon, dropped the number of gawds down to one. Only for Christianity it's actually three. They say they have one gawd, but it's actually an old gawd, a magic bird, and a young gawd who may or may not be his own father.

Interesting, even if it shows a complete lack of understanding of comparitive[sic] religion.

he's not talking about comparative religion. try dealing with what he's actually saying.'

gawd, you're an infantile nitwit. If you're going to criticize his post for their context try learning to spell correctly in your content.
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Science Assaults The Bible Again: Black Holes and Our Universe

Could the new theory explain away the Bible stories once and for all? If the Big Bang can be explained by this, what does it mean for the wild and crazy idea that a great and all knowing supernatural being created man in his own image and created the world in 7 days?

For example, the big bang theory says the universe started as a singularity. But scientists have no satisfying explanation for how such a singularity might have formed in the first place.
If our universe was birthed by a white hole instead of a singularity, Poplawski said, "it would solve this problem of black hole singularities and also the big bang singularity."

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?

Bible Thumpers, be scared. Be very scared. Science is knocking on your doors.

Any and all theory that tries to explain the universe is an assault on religion. That is nothing new.

Interesting theory however. The problem i have with it is that if there are black hole "outlets" there must be white hole "inlets" into this universe. That will be hard for them to explain. This theory for me works with string theory.
I would think that when we understand what the hell makes up most of the universe (the hidden stuff), most theories will collapse as the few others that remain expand. :eusa_whistle:
Science Assaults The Bible Again: Black Holes and Our Universe

Could the new theory explain away the Bible stories once and for all? If the Big Bang can be explained by this, what does it mean for the wild and crazy idea that a great and all knowing supernatural being created man in his own image and created the world in 7 days?

For example, the big bang theory says the universe started as a singularity. But scientists have no satisfying explanation for how such a singularity might have formed in the first place.
If our universe was birthed by a white hole instead of a singularity, Poplawski said, "it would solve this problem of black hole singularities and also the big bang singularity."

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?

Bible Thumpers, be scared. Be very scared. Science is knocking on your doors.

Any and all theory that tries to explain the universe is an assault on religion. That is nothing new.

Interesting theory however. The problem i have with it is that if there are black hole "outlets" there must be white hole "inlets" into this universe. That will be hard for them to explain. This theory for me works with string theory.
I would think that when we understand what the hell makes up most of the universe (the hidden stuff), most theories will collapse as the few others that remain expand. :eusa_whistle:

As with all theory. That is why its called theory...its the best explanation they have at the time. lol. This is what religion fears the most, a better explanation then their own.

Yeah dark matter is fascinating, the spaces in between.
Any and all theory that tries to explain the universe is an assault on religion. That is nothing new.

Interesting theory however. The problem i have with it is that if there are black hole "outlets" there must be white hole "inlets" into this universe. That will be hard for them to explain. This theory for me works with string theory.
I would think that when we understand what the hell makes up most of the universe (the hidden stuff), most theories will collapse as the few others that remain expand. :eusa_whistle:

As with all theory. That is why its called theory...its the best explanation they have at the time. lol. This is what religion fears the most, a better explanation then their own.

Yeah dark matter is fascinating, the spaces in between.

with the latest science we are getting close to explaining and understanding things that 20 years ago people had thought would take generations. we're in a cycle were science and understanding is moving exponentially. It's fascinating and boggles the mind.

What would all the old scientists and philosophers of centuries ago (heck, even of the last century),say about religion and a creator god if they lived today?
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I would think that when we understand what the hell makes up most of the universe (the hidden stuff), most theories will collapse as the few others that remain expand. :eusa_whistle:

As with all theory. That is why its called theory...its the best explanation they have at the time. lol. This is what religion fears the most, a better explanation then their own.

Yeah dark matter is fascinating, the spaces in between.

with the latest science we are getting close to explaining and understanding things that 20 years ago people had thought would take generations. we're in a cycle were science and understanding is moving exponentially. It's fascinating and boggles the mind.

What would all the old scientists and philosophers of centuries ago (heck, even of the last century),say about religion if they lived today?

That has been an issue for a very long time. Scientists reconciling what they do with what they may religiously believe. I guess you could say that the light is going to have a hard time time being seen in the light.

We are living in a slip stream baby.
religion needs to learn to adapt to the new normal of science.

If it doesnt it will become exstinct.
"According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole."

Yes, I read the press story, but that does not it a theory.

In the sciences, a scientific theory (also called an empirical theory) comprises a collection of concepts, including abstractions of observable phenomena expressed as quantifiable properties, together with rules (called scientific laws) that express relationships between observations of such concepts. A scientific theory is constructed to conform to available empirical data about such observations, and is put forth as a principle or body of principles for explaining a class of phenomena.[1]
A scientific theory is a type of deductive theory, in that its content (i.e. empirical data) could be expressed within some formal system of logic whose elementary rules (i.e. scientific laws) are taken as axioms. In a deductive theory, any sentence which is a logical consequence of one or more of the axioms is also a sentence of that theory.

This postulate embodies no observable phenomena, no quantified properties, no laws or rules, and no data whatever. It is no more a theory than intelligent design or astrology.
I think it's pretty obvious that primative man made up gawds and spirits to exlain things that he did't understand.

As man became more modern, he stopped believing in the "Gawd of the melon" and the "Gawd of the tree bark" and soon, dropped the number of gawds down to one. Only for Christianity it's actually three. They say they have one gawd, but it's actually an old gawd, a magic bird, and a young gawd who may or may not be his own father.

Interesting, even if it shows a complete lack of understanding of comparitive[sic] religion.

he's not talking about comparative religion. try dealing with what he's actually saying.'

gawd, you're an infantile nitwit. If you're going to criticize his post for their context try learning to spell correctly in your content.

He is actually saying that comparative religion has it wrong. Am I supposed to ignore facts just because they inconvenience some posters? If that is the rule it would explain why you have a problem with my posts.
Your idiocy is expanding.

Just because someone postulates that every black hole is another universe does not mean that anyone actually believes this, including the guy who postulated it. This does not even rise to the level of scientific theory, and it falls way short of proving anything.
"According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole."

Your idiocy is expanding.

Just because someone postulates that every black hole is another universe does not mean that anyone actually believes this, including the guy who postulated it. This does not even rise to the level of scientific theory, and it falls way short of proving anything.
"According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole."


You can always tell when Dante knows he is making a fool out of himself, he resorts to quoting his own posts like they prove something.

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