Schumer to GOP: Cancel 'conspiracy hearings' on origins of Russia probe


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Friday that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) should force members of his caucus to call off hearings and business meetings scheduled next week as part of GOP investigations tied to the Obama administration.

Schumer, in a letter sent to Senate Democrats, said Republicans have become the "conspiracy caucus."

Schumer to GOP: Cancel 'conspiracy hearings' on origins of Russia probe

29 May 2020 ~~ By Jordain Carney
"The Republican-led Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees — two powerful committees with broad jurisdiction over issues related to the coronavirus — have instead used their majority to chase wild conspiracy theories to appease President Trump," Schumer wrote.
"They have failed the American people by turning the institutions of the Senate into an extension of the President’s re-election campaign. ... [The] Republican Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold yet another hearing, not on the pandemic, but on baseless conspiracy theories related to the 2016 election. Leader McConnell should instruct these committees to cancel these conspiracy hearings," Schumer added.

Schumer's letter to Senate Democrats comes as Republicans are ramping up their controversial investigations into Crossfire Hurricane, the name of the FBI's investigation of Russian election interference and the Trump campaign.
Both Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) — the chairmen of the Judiciary and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees, respectively — are scheduled to hold subpoena votes next week.
Democrats have fumed over the investigations, accusing Republicans of using their gavels to dig into Trump's political enemies ahead of the November election and inadvertently spread Russian misinformation.

Hmm...., suddenly Democrats not interested in investigating a conspiracy involving Russia. How things change.
Democrats are terrified. Much of this insurrection may be an attempt to shut Congress down and prevent the hearings.
For three years we've heard "Democrats" shouting Collusion, Russia, Russia, Impeach... Well now we have the opportunity to get to the bottom of of the Russian collusion.
As the recent declassified documents have been revealed, Democrats, the former president and his administration may have much to answer for...
Schumer's weekly and incessant whining, moaning and crying about something and the media soaks it up each time.
If the heroes of Flight 93 came back from the Great Beyond, surely they would wonder if a noxious ingrate like Chuck Schumer was worth sacrificing their lives.
Schumer hates Republicans because we're in his way for his nihilistic plans for the Constitution. Sorry, Chuckie. We welcome you to resign for trying to heist everyone's freedom but your dufuses in stranglehood of the House.
Schumer should STFU and do something to control the out of control Democrats who are rioting and burning our country. Schumer probably has something to hide
Schumer wants to avoid being outed as a seditious creep trying to sell out America's Constitutional Freedom for a full takeover of this nation by inuring people into the worst imaginable government form--communism that requires killing the opposition, hoodwinking people into servile positions in society while they take in all the national assets in a coup.
As the left always cries if he wasn't trying to hide something he would have no problem with it being investigated.

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