Say It Here.

America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success.
Sigmund Freud

This is why he thought it would not be a success.

Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
Sigmund Freud
America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success.
Sigmund Freud

This is why he thought it would not be a success.

Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
Sigmund Freud
So, SO true!!!

And goes a long way to explaining why, historically, America has been such a disaster.

You only have one life to live. Try too remedy your mistakes with works of kindness, humility and love.
Get it right, because we are all running out of time.
I agree with you. Most humans are repulsive, mindless, malicious garbage apes -- but I look on all of you with kindness, humility and compassion [certainly not love!!], you silly, stupid mugs!!

All except I liar,, of course!
It is my view that all people affected with Tourette's Syndrome should mercilessly be wiped off the face of the Earth!! · · :D

See what a hug can do!
One of my first two tomatoes! It is pretty big.

One of my first two tomatoes! It is pretty big.

got more italian lemons then I can use!

I was doing pretty good with my Meyers lemon tree, got about 9 lemons last year, but half of the plant seems to have gone bye-bye! I'm still taking care of the part that is left, it got some nice green growth, but I'm sure not going to get any lemons this year! Bummer.
One of my first two tomatoes! It is pretty big.

got more italian lemons then I can use!

I was doing pretty good with my Meyers lemon tree, got about 9 lemons last year, but half of the plant seems to have gone bye-bye! I'm still taking care of the part that is left, it got some nice green growth, but I'm sure not going to get any lemons this year! Bummer.
sorry to hear that.
my wife planted a walnut tree 17 years ago and still no nuts!!!!!
got more italian lemons then I can use!

I was doing pretty good with my Meyers lemon tree, got about 9 lemons last year, but half of the plant seems to have gone bye-bye! I'm still taking care of the part that is left, it got some nice green growth, but I'm sure not going to get any lemons this year! Bummer.
sorry to hear that.
my wife planted a walnut tree 17 years ago and still no nuts!!!!!

Maybe it's one of those trees where you have to plant two or more, for pollination? Try planting another one near by.

Nearly all commercial orchards are co-planted with a pollinator variety to ensure the main crop gets enough pollen to set nuts. In fact, at this time of year the pollinators can be readily identified in an orchard by the fact that the other trees will be putting out some leaves while the pollinators do not yet have any. In some orchards, entire rows of trees are put in as pollinators, which now appear as rows of leafless trees.
Neighbors: Walnut pollination

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