Saudi SARS now spread to seven countries


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2013
Suspected new coronavirus case in France, Saudis report two more | Reuters

The new SARS-like coronavirus that has made an outbreak in Saudi Arabia is now up to 33 confirmed cases, meaning they've identified it for sure with electron microscopes: there must be more non-confirmed cases, of course, or it couldn't spread. Mortality rate is 60% so far, but that will change as the definition of "confirmed" cases change: they'll start assuming this disease if it spreads rather than testing each case, and presumably the mortality rate will go down. SARS ended up about 10%, which is very high for influenza, but still not as bad as some diseases of the past, like the English Sweate of 1485--about 1525, which had maybe 35% mortality but died out without spreading to other countries.

After apparently originating in Saudi Arabia (or from Pakistanis who work there), Saudi SARS spread to several Gulf states and now has been confirmed in Britain, France, and Germany, spread via Muslims who travel there or live in Europe.

A 65-year-old man in a French hospital is now confirmed to have it and he passed it to the man in the same hospital room, and then to his doctor, both hospitalized, and last night his nurse came down sick and was admitted.

That's a ratio of 3:1 infection rate..........

Anything even a fraction over 1:1 is an epidemic. Less than 1:1 contagion rate, the disease will die out. Do you see that, the math?

1.07:1 will spread slowly; 3:1 would be a raging epidemic as those three infect three more each and so on.

SARS had a very high infection spread rate, and had the odd feature of "superspreaders," a few people who infected a whole lot of people, nine to 17 each, just from touching elevator buttons or doorknobs. Not known why the superspreaders, but there were at least three known.

The bird flu now infecting more and more in China is spread apparently only thru poultry contact or maybe close family contact at worst, so I'd say the Saudi SARS new epidemic is the most problematic.

SARS nearly got away last time. Off and running, like the Spanish Influenza around WWI. But they stopped it, incredibly, after only a few hundred deaths.
Granny says is God dealin' with all dem can-can dancin' FiFis Larue's...
3 suspected cases of SARS-related virus in France
10 May`13 — French health officials said Friday they are investigating three suspected cases of a deadly new respiratory virus related to SARS, in people who had close contact in the hospital with France's only confirmed case.
Beatrice Degrugillers, a spokeswoman for the regional health agency in France's Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, said a nurse at the hospital where the man was hospitalized in late April has herself been under watch at the hospital in Douai since Thursday night. A doctor and a former hospital roommate who had each been in contact with the first patient also remain hospitalized. Test results are expected later Friday. If confirmed, the additional cases would heighten concerns about the virus' ability to spread easily between people. Health authorities have previously said the new coronavirus has spread in limited circumstances between people in very close contact, such as relatives taking care of family members.

In 2003, the spread of SARS in hospitals in Asia ultimately sparked a global outbreak. Officials consider any spread of a new virus in hospitals to be the first sign it is gaining the ability to infect humans easily. On Wednesday authorities announced the 65-year-old Frenchman was France's first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus, which has killed 18 people since being identified last year in the Middle East. The patient fell ill after returning from a nine-day vacation in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates as part of a package tour, the Health Ministry said.

The man, whose identity was not released, returned from Dubai on April 17. He was hospitalized with respiratory problems in the northern French city of Valenciennes on April 23, and transferred to a more advanced facility in Douai on April 29. Paris' Pasteur Institute analyzed the man's virus and confirmed that it is a novel coronavirus.

Since September 2012, the World Health Organization has been informed of 30 confirmed cases of the virus, and 18 of the patients have died. Cases have emerged in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE, Qatar, Britain and Germany, and health officials say the virus has likely already spread from person to person in some circumstances. Since the virus emerged last year, European authorities have put in place monitoring measures. In France, 20 people have already been examined for suspected cases of the virus, but the other 19 turned up negative, Health Minister Marisol Touraine said. The patient who traveled to Dubai is the only positive case. His family members have been tested and are not infected.

Wonder if the CDC is getting it's funds cut in the sequester?

With two nascent pandemics developing, I would hope not..... besides, it doesn't fit the "make it hurt" dictum from the White House. Nobody notices the CDC, not like airport travel.
Two points re the Saudi SARS:

1. Mostly men are getting it. This is because, I assume, only men are allowed to walk around freely and socialize in Saudi Arabia! The women have to stay at home in purdah most of their lives. Hey, SARS couldn't happen to nicer guys......

2. The French situation of a doctor, a visitor, and a nurse catching Saudi SARS from this patient shows that in a viral epidemic, the LAST place anyone wants to be is in a hospital. The original SARS also spread in hospitals and group homes for the aged (in Canada) and hospitals are the main way Ebola spreads in Africa, that and laying-out practices. The last known smallpox outbreak was a lab accident in London and the casualties were mainly hospital patients sharing rooms with the infected person or hospital visitors (they were pretty scared about all the buses she took, but that hadn't infected anyone, apparently).

During the SARS epidemic, I recall that Johns Hopkins Health System made that point forcibly --- DO NOT come to the hospital if you think you have SARS. And there was one such person in Baltimore who did get it and they just moved all sorts of hospital equipment and nurses into his own apartment and locked it down, much to the concern of others in the building, but it didn't spread in the USA.
Why did God have to go and make us all so horny?

To spread venereal diseases like AIDS and syphillis. You just THINK God is interested in people: actually, He's interested in disease organisms: he made so many more of them, after all.
Two points re the Saudi SARS:

1. Mostly men are getting it. This is because, I assume, only men are allowed to walk around freely and socialize in Saudi Arabia! The women have to stay at home in purdah most of their lives. Hey, SARS couldn't happen to nicer guys......

2. The French situation of a doctor, a visitor, and a nurse catching Saudi SARS from this patient shows that in a viral epidemic, the LAST place anyone wants to be is in a hospital. The original SARS also spread in hospitals and group homes for the aged (in Canada) and hospitals are the main way Ebola spreads in Africa, that and laying-out practices. The last known smallpox outbreak was a lab accident in London and the casualties were mainly hospital patients sharing rooms with the infected person or hospital visitors (they were pretty scared about all the buses she took, but that hadn't infected anyone, apparently).

During the SARS epidemic, I recall that Johns Hopkins Health System made that point forcibly --- DO NOT come to the hospital if you think you have SARS. And there was one such person in Baltimore who did get it and they just moved all sorts of hospital equipment and nurses into his own apartment and locked it down, much to the concern of others in the building, but it didn't spread in the USA.
Muslim women don't cover themselves at home with family.
Muslim women don't cover themselves at home with family.

They shouldn't cover their heads anywhere and they should go out and do what they like.

I am ashamed whenever I see women so spineless as to obey that headcovering deal.

And actually you see more women here, black Muslims, wearing actual burkahs. I've seen two locally just in this calendar year. People simply run to get a look at them in the supermarket aisles. I guess the idea (of the black men who own and run them) is to show they are enemies to American values.

Shockingly bad and immoral behavior all around, and I include the women in that. They are being offensive, and they know it.
I'm wondering what the tipping point will be: assuming this Saudi SARS continues to spread, what will be the moment when the world media and Americans take real notice of it? When it comes here? When the number of confirmed infected is over 100? When deaths are over 100? Would the CDC have to make a warning statement?

Well, they may stamp it out. They stamped out SARS and that was big, so they may get this killed out despite the Saudi's lack of cooperation.
Granny says, "Dat's right - It's just a plane ride away, we all gonna die...
Saudi Arabia Confirms 6 New Cases of SARS-like Virus
May 14, 2013 — Saudi Arabia has confirmed six new cases of the SARS-like novel coronavirus in its Eastern Province, state media reported on Monday and Tuesday, citing the health ministry.
It reported four new cases late on Monday and a further two late on Tuesday. One of the new cases has been treated and the patient was released from hospital, while the other new cases were still being treated, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia said it had had a total of 24 confirmed cases since the disease was identified last year, of whom 15 had died. In its latest outbreak in its Eastern Province, it said it had had 15 confirmed cases, of whom nine had died.

World Health Organization officials visiting Saudi Arabia to consult with the authorities on the outbreak said on Sunday it seemed likely the new virus could be passed between humans, but only after prolonged, close contact.

The new virus (nCov) can cause coughing, fever and pneumonia. A virus from the same family triggered the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that swept the world after emerging in Asia and killed 775 people in 2003.

French authorities announced on Sunday that a second man had been diagnosed with the disease after sharing a hospital room with France's only other sufferer, who had recently traveled in the Middle East.

I'm wondering what the tipping point will be: assuming this Saudi SARS continues to spread, what will be the moment when the world media and Americans take real notice of it? When it comes here? When the number of confirmed infected is over 100? When deaths are over 100? Would the CDC have to make a warning statement?

Well, they may stamp it out. They stamped out SARS and that was big, so they may get this killed out despite the Saudi's lack of cooperation.

The main thing is we know how things spread now, and with enough planning, can at least try to isolate the infected and slow the spread down.

And you previous point is right that often the mortality # seems high due to only the worst cases showing up. Usually the worst cases are in people with existing conditions that make the infection far more dangerous.
Epidemic and pandemic diseases are the best argument for having some kind of governments known to man.

Sooner or later we are going to realize that we all live downstream, we all live down wind and we all share the same concerns about things like CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.

That is why, in this increasingly smaller world we are creating, we must ultimately understand that we are INDEED our brothers' keepers.

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