Who favors super-elite more? Liberals or conserviatives?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Evidently we have alot of meathead dummies caught up in the established matrix browsing this forum........

Bush was horrible.........Obama is worse!!!!

Bush Was a Horrible Crony Nepotist, Who Favored the Super-Elite at The Expense of the Little Guy … Obama’s Worse

Posted on May 10, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog
Obama Names Top Fundraisers to Major Political Posts

Glenn Greenwald notes today:

Last week, the Obama administration announced its choice to lead the Federal Communications Commission: Tom Wheeler, who is not only a former telecom lobbyist but also a huge bundler for the Obama campaign. The New York Times Editorial Page today explains that this choice is “raising serious questions about [Obama's] 2007 pledge that corporate lobbyists would not finance his campaign or run his administration.” It also notes that “given his background, it is almost certain that [Wheeler] raised money [for Obama] from people whose companies he would regulate, creating potential conflicts of interest.”

Last week, President Obama named another big bundler of his, the billionaire heiress Penny Pritzker, to be his Commerce Secretary; at the Nation, Rick Perlstein details just some of the interesting questions about that choice that need to be explored. At this point, the only surprising thing is that there are any more bundlers left for Obama to appoint to important administration positions.

While despicable, this is nothing new.

The Center for Public Integrity reported in 2011 that Obama had rewarded as many big money bundlers in 2 years as Bush had appointed in 8:

Source: Public Citizen, iWatchNews analysis. Graphic: Jeremy Borden/iWatch News.

The Center wrote:

As a candidate, Obama spoke passionately about diminishing the clout of moneyed interests and making the White House more accessible to everyday Americans. In kicking off his presidential run on Feb. 10, 2007, he blasted “the cynics, the lobbyists, the special interests,” who he said had “turned our government into a game only they can afford to play.”



• Overall, 184 of 556, or about one-third, of Obama bundlers or their spouses joined the administration in some role. But the percentages are much higher for the big-dollar bundlers. Nearly 80 percent of those who collected more than $500,000 for Obama took “key administration posts,” as defined by the White House. More than half the ambassador nominees who were bundlers raised more than half a million.

• The big bundlers had broad access to the White House for meetings with top administration officials and glitzy social events. In all, campaign bundlers and their family members account for more than 3,000 White House meetings and visits. Half of them raised $200,000 or more.

• Some Obama bundlers have ties to companies that stand to gain financially from the president’s policy agenda, particularly in clean energy and telecommunications, and some already have done so. Level 3 Communications, for instance, snared $13.8 million in stimulus money. At least 18 other bundlers have ties to businesses poised to profit from government spending to promote clean energy, telecommunications and other key administration priorities.


Bundling is controversial because it permits campaigns to skirt individual contribution limits of $2,500 in federal elections. Bundlers pool donations from fundraising networks and as a result “play an enormous role in determining the success of political campaigns,” according to Public Citizen. The group has tracked bundlers on a website Public Citizen in the belief that they are “apt to receive preferential treatment if their candidate wins.”

Bush Was a Horrible Crony Nepotist, Who Favored the Super-Elite at The Expense of the Little Guy ? Obama?s Worse | Washington's Blog

Time for people to pull their heads out of their asses!!!!:up::up::up:
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The fact that you ask such a question suggests that you have as yet not realized that the "elite" control both parties to their own benefit.

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