Saudi Arabia's solution to 1300 dead Muslims? 28 more dead Muslims

Hey, Pogo, here is a Jewish site that has a link to the story written in Arabic.

And it links to the original story at the Lebanese ARabic news site here:

غدا قطع رأس 28 مسؤولا عن مجزرة منى

Sounds like you are talking out of your ass once again.


And again --- cites no source, no quote, no name, nothing.

And I see in the comments complaints about "fake news". Wonder why.

So ---- why couldn't ABNA link to that page? Why couldn't Jim Hoft find it?

Maybe the Saudis politely requested that they remove it?

I don't know, all I know is that you claimed to have read an English version of a news source that is only in Arabic. Where did you find your English source of that news site?

I clicked on the magic fairy called "Translate this page".
Hey, Pogo, here is yet another story that says a Saudi royal prince caused the stampede, thus giving motive for the Saudis to execute 28 people as scape goats for it instead.

PressTV-'Prince convoy caused Hajj stampede'

Hey FrigidWeirdo, this is the kind of government you want to live under? Ruled by murderous nitwits like this? Our government isn't that bad, at least not yet.

Yeah I saw that story, several times.

So where is that English site for Addiyar?
"According to Saudi activists". Exactly. Who aren't named or quoted or linked.

And you linked to a CNN iReport page. Which means it's a USER-GENERATED blog anyone can write. It's like starting a thread here.

Damn, you assclowns wouldn't last ten minutes in real journalism. :lol:

Here is the original from a journalist named Hawraa Zakery who also did the CNN iReport.

Saudi king orders mass beheadings after stampede

Hawraa Zakery

Are you starting to feel utterly stupid yet, doofus?
Maybe the Saudis politely requested that they remove it?

Obviously they didn't, since you found a site that links to it, and the link works.

So I repeat -- why didn't ABNA link to their source? Why didn't Jim Hoft?
As I said... undocumented and uncorroborated.

You see the pic of the Saudis scooping up the dead with tractors like they were trash?

If that's what it is. If that's even Saudi Arabia....

Well, surely the Saudi Arabians, being the fine upstanding people they are.....

It must be a hoax....

It didn't come from Saudi Arabia. It came from a Nosebook post by an activist in Montréal.
Don't you people read anything?
"According to Saudi activists". Exactly. Who aren't named or quoted or linked.

And you linked to a CNN iReport page. Which means it's a USER-GENERATED blog anyone can write. It's like starting a thread here.

Damn, you assclowns wouldn't last ten minutes in real journalism. :lol:

Here is the original from a journalist named Hawraa Zakery who also did the CNN iReport.

Saudi king orders mass beheadings after stampede

Hawraa Zakery

Are you starting to feel utterly stupid yet, doofus?

That's the same "report" on a different page. STILL has no quotes, no links, no documentation whatsoever.
Journalism requires two independent sources. This doesn't even have one.
Here is the Lebanese online paper, Pogo, show me where their English translation is, if you would be so kind.

If you cant, then how the fuck do you know it has no such story?


I've already been to that site. In English.


Shit, Pogo, you cant just make shit up, where is the fucking link?

What in the blue fuck is "ADDIYAR"? :dunno:

I told you before --- I clicked on "Translate this page". It gives you the whole thing in English.
Kinda slow aintchya?
Maybe the Saudis politely requested that they remove it?

Obviously they didn't, since you found a site that links to it, and the link works.

I found the Arabic site. You say there is an English translation of it, so where is the link to it?

So I repeat -- why didn't ABNA link to their source? Why didn't Jim Hoft?
As I said... undocumented and uncorroborated.

The obviously linked to a site that later dropped the page. You have never seen that before?

Oh, then it cant ever happen if Pogo hasn't seen it happen.
"According to Saudi activists". Exactly. Who aren't named or quoted or linked.

And you linked to a CNN iReport page. Which means it's a USER-GENERATED blog anyone can write. It's like starting a thread here.

Damn, you assclowns wouldn't last ten minutes in real journalism. :lol:

Here is the original from a journalist named Hawraa Zakery who also did the CNN iReport.

Saudi king orders mass beheadings after stampede

Hawraa Zakery

Are you starting to feel utterly stupid yet, doofus?

That's the same "report" on a different page. STILL has no quotes, no links, no documentation whatsoever.


Pogo, what you're really saying is thaf if a story can't be found on any of the liberal-approved mainstream media sites, i..e. NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN then it simply didn't happen.
Hey, Pogo, here is a Jewish site that has a link to the story written in Arabic.

And it links to the original story at the Lebanese ARabic news site here:

غدا قطع رأس 28 مسؤولا عن مجزرة منى

Sounds like you are talking out of your ass once again.


And again --- cites no source, no quote, no name, nothing.

And I see in the comments complaints about "fake news". Wonder why.

So ---- why couldn't ABNA link to that page? Why couldn't Jim Hoft find it?

Maybe the Saudis politely requested that they remove it?

I don't know, all I know is that you claimed to have read an English version of a news source that is only in Arabic. Where did you find your English source of that news site?

I clicked on the magic fairy called "Translate this page".

Can anyone here show me where translation icon is on this page?

غدا قطع رأس 28 مسؤولا عن مجزرة منى
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Pogo, what you're really saying is thaf if a story can't be found on any of the liberal-approved mainstream media sites, i..e. NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN then it simply didn't happen.

He is trying to imply that but he is too dishonest to be so blunt.
Pogo, what you're really saying is thaf if a story can't be found on any of the liberal-approved mainstream media sites, i..e. NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN then it simply didn't happen.

Nope. I need something more than some clown I've never heard of claiming something went down, yet they can't give a name.... can't quote anybody.... can't link their shit.... and every other repeat of the story goes right back to the first hearsay source. That dog don't hunt.

The internet is absolutely swimming in this shit, especially above all from the Middle East.

Gullible's travels...
Hey, Pogo, here is a Jewish site that has a link to the story written in Arabic.

And it links to the original story at the Lebanese ARabic news site here:

غدا قطع رأس 28 مسؤولا عن مجزرة منى

Sounds like you are talking out of your ass once again.


And again --- cites no source, no quote, no name, nothing.

And I see in the comments complaints about "fake news". Wonder why.

So ---- why couldn't ABNA link to that page? Why couldn't Jim Hoft find it?

Maybe the Saudis politely requested that they remove it?

I don't know, all I know is that you claimed to have read an English version of a news source that is only in Arabic. Where did you find your English source of that news site?

I clicked on the magic fairy called "Translate this page".

Can anyone there show me where translation icon is on this page?

غدا قطع رأس 28 مسؤولا عن مجزرة منى

It's a Google function, Dumbass.
Pogo, what you're really saying is thaf if a story can't be found on any of the liberal-approved mainstream media sites, i..e. NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN then it simply didn't happen.

Nope. I need something more than some clown I've never heard of claiming something went down, yet they can't give a name.... can't quote anybody.... can't link their shit.... and every other repeat of the story goes right back to the first hearsay source. That dog don't hunt.

The internet is absolutely swimming in this shit, especially above all from the Middle East.

Gullible's travels...

You are an idiot. There is plenty of different sources for this story and I even found a real journalist and gave you the links to her bio and the story she wrote.

Fuck you, you stupid ass hat, you wont believe anything that doesnt fit your Mr Rogers view of the world.
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Hey, Pogo, here is a Jewish site that has a link to the story written in Arabic.

And it links to the original story at the Lebanese ARabic news site here:

غدا قطع رأس 28 مسؤولا عن مجزرة منى

Sounds like you are talking out of your ass once again.


And again --- cites no source, no quote, no name, nothing.

And I see in the comments complaints about "fake news". Wonder why.

So ---- why couldn't ABNA link to that page? Why couldn't Jim Hoft find it?

Maybe the Saudis politely requested that they remove it?

I don't know, all I know is that you claimed to have read an English version of a news source that is only in Arabic. Where did you find your English source of that news site?

I clicked on the magic fairy called "Translate this page".

Can anyone there show me where translation icon is on this page?

غدا قطع رأس 28 مسؤولا عن مجزرة منى

It's a Google function, Dumbass.

Then give the link to the google translation shit head.