Saudi Arabia: Friend or frenemy?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Why did Saudi Arabia kill an influential Shi’ite cleric, despite US back-channel requests to spare his life?

Saudi Arabia’s executions damage prospects for peace in Syria - The Boston Globe
Because Saudi Arabia is uncivilized, slaveholding and terrorism-upkeeping state, existing only because of greed and political games of some top politicians and businessmen, who like "fishing in a muddy water", ignoring the values of democracy, humanism and civilization...
Because Saudi Arabia is uncivilized, slaveholding and terrorism-upkeeping state, existing only because of greed and political games of some top politicians and businessmen, who like "fishing in a muddy water", ignoring the values of democracy, humanism and civilization...
Republicans want to kill gays.

Republicans go to kill the gays rally - Google Search

The only difference is doing it and wanting to do it. Can you see why Republicans want to change the constitution?
One of his charges had something to do with seeking foreign meddling. I have heard a lot in the media 'bout what a swell this guy was. Kinda suspect. I would like to hear more about that seeking foreign meddling. Saudi Arabia is a sovereign nation.
Because Saudi Arabia is uncivilized, slaveholding and terrorism-upkeeping state, existing only because of greed and political games of some top politicians and businessmen, who like "fishing in a muddy water", ignoring the values of democracy, humanism and civilization...
Republicans want to kill gays.

Republicans go to kill the gays rally - Google Search

The only difference is doing it and wanting to do it. Can you see why Republicans want to change the constitution?

There's many a slip between the cup and the lip...
1:iran and suidi are in cold war now.
2:saudi arabia cuts diplomatic ties with iran and make coaliton
3:they want destroy iran.they want that iran will be country like north korea
4:but they need usa for this.
4:suidi arabia want republican president for usa.because republican are against iran deal
5:terrorist attack will rise republican vote.because republican are anti imigration or anti moslem
6:when you gambling for do anything for it
7:american and european people must wait for suidi terrorist dogs
1:iran and suidi are in cold war now.
2:saudi arabia cuts diplomatic ties with iran and make coaliton
3:they want destroy iran.they want that iran will be country like north korea
4:but they need usa for this.
4:suidi arabia want republican president for usa.because republican are against iran deal
5:terrorist attack will rise republican vote.because republican are anti imigration or anti moslem

6:when you gambling for do anything for it
7:american and european people must wait for suidi terrorist dogs
6) they aren't anti immigrant, they are anti criminal. and who isn't against being killed?
Granny says, "Dat's right - dis picture says it all...

Pressure on Obama to unseal records pointing to possible Saudi role in Sep 11 attacks
Monday 18th April, 2016 | WASHINGTON DC - Since September 11 2001 the terrorist attacks of that day have been blamed entirely on Osama bin Ladin and the al-Qaeda terrorist organisation.
In the next few weeks the release of 28 pages in the 9/11 Commission Report will likely implicate members of the Saudi Arabian government in the events of that day. If the information is declassified, and it does indeed reveal a Saudi role in the September 11attacks, it will end a 15-year cover-up instigated by the Bush administration, and extended by the Obama administration. It will also embroil the United States in a huge diplomatic row with one of its closest allies, one repercussion of which will be a possible wholesale sell-down of the Saudi government's portfolio of U.S. treasury bonds, worth an estimated three-quarters-of-a-trillion dollars. "I believe that there is material in the 28 pages and the volume of other documents that would indicate that there was a connection at the highest levels between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the 19 hijackers. I believe that the plot would not have occurred but for the support and protection that the hijackers were receiving primarily from Saudi Arabia," former Senator Bob Graham told Michael Smerconish in his "Smerconish" program on CNN on Saturday. Graham co-chaired a joint congressional investigation into the 9/11 attacks.


The W takin' his friend fer a walk inna Rose garden​

U,S. presidential candidate Donald Trump has canvassed the declassification of the 28-pages in the commission's report, promising to do so if elected president. Barack Obama has also on two occasions promised he would unseal contents of the report, but has yet to do so. In January last year the White House said the matter was under review. Reports on the weekend indicated there are plans afoot to prepare the nation for a change of narrative and the release of the documents. It should be said that on page 172 of the authorised edition of the report's summary, which was released in book form, it says in part, "Our investigation has uncovered no credible evidence that any person in the United States gave the hijackers substantial financial assistance. Similarly, we have seen no evidence that any foreign government - or foreign government official - supplied any funding."

So if the Saudi government was not simply providing money, what possible role could it have played? Only the declassification of the redacted pages will reveal that. What is known is that 15 of the nineteen hijackers that staged the attacks were Saudi nationals. The founder of al-Qaeda, bin Laden, was also a Saudi national as were a large number of his followers. It is however also known that bin Laden was disowned by the Saudis and had his passport cancelled long before 9/11. His assets in the country were frozen and his citizenship revoked in 1994. Complicating matters is the release of a report by the CIA into failings that the agency was responsible for in the lead-up to the September 11 attacks. Although concluded after the 9/11 commission in June 2005, sections of the report remained classified until mid-last year. The investigation, according to the report, "encountered no evidence" that the government of Saudi Arabia "knowingly and willingly supported" al-Qaeda terrorists.

Ryan wants to take a closer look at Saudi 9/11 lawsuit bill...

House leader wants review of 9/11 bill that would let Americans sue Saudis
Tue Apr 19, 2016 - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan did not immediately endorse a Senate bill on Tuesday that would allow Americans to sue the government of Saudi Arabia over the Sept. 11 attacks, saying it should be reviewed to ensure it would not hurt diplomatic relations.
With President Barack Obama traveling to Saudi Arabia Tuesday, lawmakers have been discussing the "Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act," which passed the Senate Judiciary Committee in January but has not been scheduled for debate in the full Senate or the House of Representatives. "I think we need to review it to make sure that we're not making mistakes with our allies and that we're not catching people in this that shouldn't be caught up in this," Ryan, a Republican, told reporters.


Some U.S. citizens whose relatives were killed in the 2001 attacks want to be able to sue Saudi Arabia because most of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals. The al Qaeda militant group, then based in Afghanistan, was blamed and the United States and its allies invaded the country. No U.S. investigation to date has reported finding evidence of Saudi government support for the attacks. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama did not support the legislation and would not sign it. Obama will seek to reassure Gulf allies about Washington's support on his trip.

Some lawyers working with the Sept. 11 victims' families have insisted that the bill would come up for a vote quickly and easily pass Congress. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, said no vote has been scheduled. Senate aides said there was at least one Republican "hold" on the measure. "I'm still looking at it," McConnell told reporters, calling the measure an "important" bill.

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letting Americans sue the Saudi govt, opens the door to all other people in the world who think they have a grievance, sue us, sue our gvt....

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