Saudi Arabia Cares More About Their Citizens Than Biden Does About Americans

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Border security. No matter how you slice it, people are going to die. They will die in their arduous trek to the country they seek to brazenly and illegally enter. Traffickers and smugglers will kill them and anyone who stands in their way. The sleaze-fuck element in the migrant caravans will kill, rape and rob people in the county they invaded. They will bring death along with their illegal drugs. When you consider this (all of this), you must craft border security on the well-made assumption that people are going to die. The ONLY way to keep people from dying is to prevented them from coming. For example, we could close ALL immigration. Then we could cut off ALL public handouts so Americans will have to take the jobs we usually reserve for the migrants. They can put down their fucking bongs for 10 hours a day to pick strawberries. It is patently unfair that human waste leech off the taxpaying public and give nothing in exchange. I am talking about the little powder puff Gen-Y faggots too; the ones who feel they are entitled to prosper without putting in the time. Every last white TikTok user out there should be picking melons and strawberries for $2.00/hr. But I digress.

I am not saying that the Saudi model of border enforcement is the best. But it is certainly not the worst. After they whack enough scumbags the bulk will stop coming. In the end, I guarantee you that the net loss of life will diminish as a direct and proximate result of the border guards gunning these mad dogs down. In fact, the more they mow down, the more lives they will save, as the bigger the atrocity, the more media coverage there is. If all the UN groups and anti-American pro-immigrant groups REALLY wanted to save lives, then they would be advocating for the U.S. to patrolling our southern border with Hueys armed with mini-guns and incendiary explosive devices, among other tactics. But they are not interested in saving lives. They are interested in diluting the American state and, thereby, dissolving the American nation. And if it takes millions of the peasants to die in order for their narratives to work, then so be it, in their eyes.

I, on the other hand, want to preserve our republic AND prevent the necessary loss of life. With immigrants, we do this by killing the fuckers that illegally cross our borders. They word will get back to the masses and they will stop coming. This is not to say that they cannot come here legally, or apply for asylum the correct way (meaning they have to apply in a country contiguous to the shit-hole they crawled out of). They just cannot fucking cross our borders illegally. If they obey the fucking law, then nothing happens. If they break the law, then there will be consequences. What is wrong with that?

They main problem is that we are encouraging these fuckers to come here because they are doing so with no consequence. They are even being assisted in coming here by anti-American interests. But they are dropping like flies due to a number of reasons. So, let's stop them from coming here. There is no war going on in their countries. There is no famine. They are just poor, and that is not a valid reason for asylum.

Border security. No matter how you slice it, people are going to die. They will die in their arduous trek to the country they seek to brazenly and illegally enter. Traffickers and smugglers will kill them and anyone who stands in their way. The sleaze-fuck element in the migrant caravans will kill, rape and rob people in the county they invaded. They will bring death along with their illegal drugs. When you consider this (all of this), you must craft border security on the well-made assumption that people are going to die. The ONLY way to keep people from dying is to prevented them from coming. For example, we could close ALL immigration. Then we could cut off ALL public handouts so Americans will have to take the jobs we usually reserve for the migrants. They can put down their fucking bongs for 10 hours a day to pick strawberries. It is patently unfair that human waste leech off the taxpaying public and give nothing in exchange. I am talking about the little powder puff Gen-Y faggots too; the ones who feel they are entitled to prosper without putting in the time. Every last white TikTok user out there should be picking melons and strawberries for $2.00/hr. But I digress.

I am not saying that the Saudi model of border enforcement is the best. But it is certainly not the worst. After they whack enough scumbags the bulk will stop coming. In the end, I guarantee you that the net loss of life will diminish as a direct and proximate result of the border guards gunning these mad dogs down. In fact, the more they mow down, the more lives they will save, as the bigger the atrocity, the more media coverage there is. If all the UN groups and anti-American pro-immigrant groups REALLY wanted to save lives, then they would be advocating for the U.S. to patrolling our southern border with Hueys armed with mini-guns and incendiary explosive devices, among other tactics. But they are not interested in saving lives. They are interested in diluting the American state and, thereby, dissolving the American nation. And if it takes millions of the peasants to die in order for their narratives to work, then so be it, in their eyes.

I, on the other hand, want to preserve our republic AND prevent the necessary loss of life. With immigrants, we do this by killing the fuckers that illegally cross our borders. They word will get back to the masses and they will stop coming. This is not to say that they cannot come here legally, or apply for asylum the correct way (meaning they have to apply in a country contiguous to the shit-hole they crawled out of). They just cannot fucking cross our borders illegally. If they obey the fucking law, then nothing happens. If they break the law, then there will be consequences. What is wrong with that?

They main problem is that we are encouraging these fuckers to come here because they are doing so with no consequence. They are even being assisted in coming here by anti-American interests. But they are dropping like flies due to a number of reasons. So, let's stop them from coming here. There is no war going on in their countries. There is no famine. They are just poor, and that is not a valid reason for asylum.
saudis are savages killing people escaping a war that the saudis are complicit in.
And you can enjoy holidays there now.
saudis are savages killing people escaping a war that the saudis are complicit in.
And you can enjoy holidays there now.

The Saudis endured 6 years of cross border attacks before they fought back. The Houthis are selling Ethiopians passage across a border that has been closed for 23 years.

What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you had a brain.

Border security. No matter how you slice it, people are going to die. They will die in their arduous trek to the country they seek to brazenly and illegally enter. Traffickers and smugglers will kill them and anyone who stands in their way. The sleaze-fuck element in the migrant caravans will kill, rape and rob people in the county they invaded. They will bring death along with their illegal drugs. When you consider this (all of this), you must craft border security on the well-made assumption that people are going to die. The ONLY way to keep people from dying is to prevented them from coming. For example, we could close ALL immigration. Then we could cut off ALL public handouts so Americans will have to take the jobs we usually reserve for the migrants. They can put down their fucking bongs for 10 hours a day to pick strawberries. It is patently unfair that human waste leech off the taxpaying public and give nothing in exchange. I am talking about the little powder puff Gen-Y faggots too; the ones who feel they are entitled to prosper without putting in the time. Every last white TikTok user out there should be picking melons and strawberries for $2.00/hr. But I digress.

I am not saying that the Saudi model of border enforcement is the best. But it is certainly not the worst. After they whack enough scumbags the bulk will stop coming. In the end, I guarantee you that the net loss of life will diminish as a direct and proximate result of the border guards gunning these mad dogs down. In fact, the more they mow down, the more lives they will save, as the bigger the atrocity, the more media coverage there is. If all the UN groups and anti-American pro-immigrant groups REALLY wanted to save lives, then they would be advocating for the U.S. to patrolling our southern border with Hueys armed with mini-guns and incendiary explosive devices, among other tactics. But they are not interested in saving lives. They are interested in diluting the American state and, thereby, dissolving the American nation. And if it takes millions of the peasants to die in order for their narratives to work, then so be it, in their eyes.

I, on the other hand, want to preserve our republic AND prevent the necessary loss of life. With immigrants, we do this by killing the fuckers that illegally cross our borders. They word will get back to the masses and they will stop coming. This is not to say that they cannot come here legally, or apply for asylum the correct way (meaning they have to apply in a country contiguous to the shit-hole they crawled out of). They just cannot fucking cross our borders illegally. If they obey the fucking law, then nothing happens. If they break the law, then there will be consequences. What is wrong with that?

They main problem is that we are encouraging these fuckers to come here because they are doing so with no consequence. They are even being assisted in coming here by anti-American interests. But they are dropping like flies due to a number of reasons. So, let's stop them from coming here. There is no war going on in their countries. There is no famine. They are just poor, and that is not a valid reason for asylum.
Damn the Constitution and their nixing of cruel and unusual punishment, it looks like you need to move to Saudi Arabia.

Border security. No matter how you slice it, people are going to die. They will die in their arduous trek to the country they seek to brazenly and illegally enter. Traffickers and smugglers will kill them and anyone who stands in their way. The sleaze-fuck element in the migrant caravans will kill, rape and rob people in the county they invaded. They will bring death along with their illegal drugs. When you consider this (all of this), you must craft border security on the well-made assumption that people are going to die. The ONLY way to keep people from dying is to prevented them from coming. For example, we could close ALL immigration. Then we could cut off ALL public handouts so Americans will have to take the jobs we usually reserve for the migrants. They can put down their fucking bongs for 10 hours a day to pick strawberries. It is patently unfair that human waste leech off the taxpaying public and give nothing in exchange. I am talking about the little powder puff Gen-Y faggots too; the ones who feel they are entitled to prosper without putting in the time. Every last white TikTok user out there should be picking melons and strawberries for $2.00/hr. But I digress.

I am not saying that the Saudi model of border enforcement is the best. But it is certainly not the worst. After they whack enough scumbags the bulk will stop coming. In the end, I guarantee you that the net loss of life will diminish as a direct and proximate result of the border guards gunning these mad dogs down. In fact, the more they mow down, the more lives they will save, as the bigger the atrocity, the more media coverage there is. If all the UN groups and anti-American pro-immigrant groups REALLY wanted to save lives, then they would be advocating for the U.S. to patrolling our southern border with Hueys armed with mini-guns and incendiary explosive devices, among other tactics. But they are not interested in saving lives. They are interested in diluting the American state and, thereby, dissolving the American nation. And if it takes millions of the peasants to die in order for their narratives to work, then so be it, in their eyes.

I, on the other hand, want to preserve our republic AND prevent the necessary loss of life. With immigrants, we do this by killing the fuckers that illegally cross our borders. They word will get back to the masses and they will stop coming. This is not to say that they cannot come here legally, or apply for asylum the correct way (meaning they have to apply in a country contiguous to the shit-hole they crawled out of). They just cannot fucking cross our borders illegally. If they obey the fucking law, then nothing happens. If they break the law, then there will be consequences. What is wrong with that?

They main problem is that we are encouraging these fuckers to come here because they are doing so with no consequence. They are even being assisted in coming here by anti-American interests. But they are dropping like flies due to a number of reasons. So, let's stop them from coming here. There is no war going on in their countries. There is no famine. They are just poor, and that is not a valid reason for asylum.
In MAGA world, causing a refugee crisis and then slaughtering those refugees is an act of caring.
It's obvious.

Like or dislike how Saudi Arabia society is there aside, there is something to be said for a society that sticks to its morals, standards and values. And they will do what it takes to keep their country the way it has always been.

If only America drew a line in the sand of its own morals, standards and values.
Do you think comparing todays Dems to the Nazis is fair ??
The Nazis for all their faults are better than democrats.

I have a degree in History. My son has two. Between the two of us we cannot recall a national leader that ever imported an army to kill off the existing population. The Nazis, no matter how deranged and depraved did not hate the German people.
But they gassed their undesirables. Before they even got to the Jews.

There was a very informative exhibition about their Eugenics Programme at the D.C. Holocaust Museum.
Has there ever been any leader so deranged as to invite a foreign entity in to kill the existing population?
Has there ever been any leader so deranged as to invite a foreign entity in to kill the existing population?
well---what do you mean "foreign entity"----The ancient greeks---especially the SPARTANS did kill their "not so perfect" babies. The idea of getting rid of the
"imperfect" did not originate with Adolf. I do not remember who said it---but some
ancient guy did comment on the WEIRD JEWS who actually let all their kids live---no
matter how crippled. Both the Romans and the Greeks got rid of the imperfect SPECIMENS
well---what do you mean "foreign entity"----The ancient greeks---especially the SPARTANS did kill their "not so perfect" babies. The idea of getting rid of the
"imperfect" did not originate with Adolf. I do not remember who said it---but some
ancient guy did comment on the WEIRD JEWS who actually let all their kids live---no
matter how crippled. Both the Romans and the Greeks got rid of the imperfect SPECIMENS
So you agree. No leader in history has invited foreigners in to kill the existing population.
Sadly, ancient people, like animals, had to kill off those with genetic or birth defects. The Nazis were just madmen. Not as bad as democrats. Still mad Men. The Spartans, Roman's and Greeks, killed the afflicted, not preservation of racial purity but survival.
Has there ever been any leader so deranged as to invite a foreign entity in to kill the existing population?
Well if you're all going to be so soft as to allow it why wouldn't we? I guess everyone figured out all those guns were just for show. :funnyface:

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