Saturday Drive-In: The Hobbit and the Hightower (Trump-Day)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does 'TrumpUSA' remind you of Ishtar?

On Fox, Trump directed blame at the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, of which Saudi Arabia is a member. Asked if someone was manipulating oil markets, Trump said: “OPEC is and they better stop it because we’re protecting those countries, many of those countries" (


A large gathering of Americans in D.C. were enjoying an outdoor NFL preseason summer/August game on Thursday on a giant TV, an event sponsored by the White House. Trump was present and had large food-trucks deliver potato-salad and BBQ chicken and fruit-salad and punch to the attendees. It was an event meant to advertise Trump's new campaign of reaching out to the American people while the government negotiated more pedestrian-friendly commercial contracts between BP (British Petroleum) and OPEC. It was basically a giant Super Bowl ad!


A NASCAR driver named Racer-X, a celebrity in the sport, attended the event, but no one knew he was a secret operative of the CIA who was sent on suspicions that there would be some politically-oriented danger at the NFL White House summer outdoor TV event. Racer-X was concerned that homegrown angst as well as foreign terrorist infiltration angst would create a situation of 'mob psychology' so he was there to supervise and spy. Racer-X was a true American. As a car-driver, Racer-X was personally interested in petroleum-politics and how it affected pedestrians/consumers.


A demonic presence, an underworld 'siren' named Medusa, a semi-snake woman and a staunch anarchist, was also at the NFL summer TV event in D.C. that August night and was stealthily roaming around invisibly while her snake-like hair writhed around on her seductive head. Medusa could turn men into stone with deadly hypnosis, and she wondered if she should 'disrupt' this unusual White House PR-event so as to throw a proverbial 'monkey-wrench' into petroleum-politics. Medusa immediately spotted Racer-X.


As Racer-X was met by Medusa, there was an immediate uprising among the crowds at the NFL TV summer event, and soon, factions of people at the event revealed themselves to have political passions, and it was a page right out of a Tolkien novel or Peter Jackson film. This subtle 'battle-of-factions' was desperately being managed/controlled by Racer-X who ran around reminding people that this White House NFL TV summer event was meant to create solidarity, not stereotypes. President Trump simply hoped Racer-X could hush the free-speech hysteria.


As Racer-X scrambled to keep the peace, and Medusa challenged him and everyone else with metaphysical goosebumps about socialization and sanity, the security-personnel ran around carrying buckets of potato-salad and urging the crowds to consider the fun of summer and not the allure of media. It was funny and bizarre. After everything calmed down, and everyone simply sat back down to enjoy the NFL preseason game on the giant outdoor TV (a game between the Washington Redskins and Philadelphia Eagles), Trump declared the event to be a 'socialization-idealistic success.' The day after, Trump commissioned a White House artist to make a First Lady painting to commemorate the patriotic event in D.C. He took a photo of this painting to his trade-summit between North Korea and OPEC.


GOD: That summer pedestrianism event should be called 'Trump-Day.'
SATAN: Yes, Trump managed to make a commemorative image of the event...
GOD: Yes, that First Lady painting was presented (a photo of it) at the trade-summit.
SATAN: The Trump Administration seems to really care about commercial governmentalism.
GOD: Well, what can you expect from a capitalism-baron President?
SATAN: Trump is only the second celebrity-president in American history.
GOD: Reagan gave us Reaganomics...
SATAN: Will 'Trumponomics' be a veiled form of consumer-based propaganda?
GOD: I think the forces of patriotism (e.g., Racer-X) may create 'tides' of idealism.
SATAN: Let's hope Medusa doesn't show up again...
GOD: I wonder what Medusa thinks about the Boston Marathon Bombing [2013].
SATAN: There's a movie about that incident called Patriots Day (Mark Wahlberg).
GOD: Are you a fan of Orson Welles' Citizen Kane?
SATAN: I do appreciate platforms/fables about 'patriotism-prophecies.'



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