Sarah Palin Will Make America Want Her As President Nov 14th.

And I simply can't imagine her sitting down with, say, soft-spoken Netanyahu, and discussing peace. If Palin isn't yelling, she's completely ineffective because she is so unlearned on the issues.

She would be terrible for foreign relations, and the rest of the world would be laughing at us if we elected her.
Bill Clinton was governor of tiny Arkansas and had no foriegn relations experience.

Bill Clinton didn't make her gaffes either. C'mon, a Canadian DJ with a horrible accent punked her claiming he was Sarkozy and she bought it for goodness' sake. Her staff was partially to blame for not screening the call properly, but she obviously has no concept of diplomatic relations whatsoever on top of being naive as hell. I have no idea if she's really that stupid, but grossly misinformed is an understatement.

Let her make her millions smiling for the cameras. Those who love her will get to see her, those who don't won't have to go through the ordeal of following her attempting to campaign, she'll be happy with her fame and fortune, it's a win-win.
And I simply can't imagine her sitting down with, say, soft-spoken Netanyahu, and discussing peace. If Palin isn't yelling, she's completely ineffective because she is so unlearned on the issues.

She would be terrible for foreign relations, and the rest of the world would be laughing at us if we elected her.

I think Canada snickers at us behind our backs already.

Oh! I know they do. I live near the border, and they have quite the opinion on us, our health care, and Palin. I have never met one person from Canada who hate their health care.
The funny thing is she never gets on the air and says, what, specifically, she would do to remedy our current troubles. It's always very vague generalizations and attacks on people who are actually doing the heavy lifting.

That conservatism. They are like Goldilocks who cant find the "just right" bowl of porridge.

Every bill they oppose doesnt have enough *blank*, needs more *blank*, or the effect wont be fast enough, or too slow.

Where were you for the 8 years under Bush? That's politics and it's played on both sides.

Doubletalk. All of them do it.

Sarah Palin Will Make America Want Her As President Nov 14th.

I'm sure she will. All she needs to do is present the US with a single policy that isn't a "sound byte" - 8 words or less.
Sarah Palin Will Make America Want Her As President Nov 14th.

I'm sure she will. All she needs to do is present the US with a single policy that isn't a "sound byte" - 8 words or less.

Oh, raising the bar? Won't this disqualify your candidates?
The funny thing is she never gets on the air and says, what, specifically, she would do to remedy our current troubles. It's always very vague generalizations and attacks on people who are actually doing the heavy lifting.

Vague generalizations is exactly right.

And even at that, she had to write the core beliefs of conservatism on her hand to remember them.

She's an empty suit.

There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...
There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...


Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.
I'm sure the bond issues for a multi-million dollar sports complex that was necessary in a town of less than 6,000 helped tremendously.

It's just amazing that all these "deficit hawks" never bring this up on their own.

Not really, not the ones who try to defend her on her record. :lol:

But then, her support isn't exactly unanimous among conservatives either. She's a controversial kind of woman, to put it mildly.

Yep only the most insane of the right support Palin.
There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...


Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.

So you are saying that Rand Paul is like Obama?
There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...


Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.

Not for nothing, Claudette, but there's a difference between a man who makes a great impression on the hiring committee and then kinda sorta disappoints and the potted plant sitting next to his desk.
There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...


Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.

So you are saying that Rand Paul is like Obama?

There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...


Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.

Did you even read my post?

I never said she wasn't qualiied to be President. To the best of my knowledge, she meets all the criteria to run for and hold the office. So did/does Obama.

All I said was, I don't want either of them in the big chair.
There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...


Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.

Not for nothing, Claudette, but there's a difference between a man who makes a great impression on the hiring committee and then kinda sorta disappoints and the potted plant sitting next to his desk.

Good one Madeline LOL

I like Palin and think she's doing fine just where she is.

Don't really think she will run for anything. Why should she??

But I find it rather amusing that folks make fun of her qualifications and think that BHO is the greatest.

Pot/kettle sorta thing in my book. LOL
There is nothing Sarah Palin could say or do that would make me want her to be my President.

And while we're on the subject...

Nothing Obama has said or done makes me want him to continue to be my Presdient.

Just sayin'...


Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.

Did you even read my post?

I never said she wasn't qualiied to be President. To the best of my knowledge, she meets all the criteria to run for and hold the office. So did/does Obama.

All I said was, I don't want either of them in the big chair.

My post wasn't directed at you there hj. Sorry if you took it that way.

There are plenty on the board that it WAS dircted at though LOL
The funny thing is she never gets on the air and says, what, specifically, she would do to remedy our current troubles. It's always very vague generalizations and attacks on people who are actually doing the heavy lifting.

Vague generalizations is exactly right.

And even at that, she had to write the core beliefs of conservatism on her hand to remember them.

She's an empty suit.


And Obama needs a teleprompter, so what's your point, Clean?

Palin isn't running for anything but just listen to some of the folks on this board.

According to them Palin isn't qualified to be the Prez.

She has no foreign policy experience.

She's dumber than a box of rocks and yada, yada yada.

Yet they fell all overthemselves electing Barack Hussein Obama. A guy with virtually no experience whatsoever to be POTUS.

Talk about a good laugh.

Did you even read my post?

I never said she wasn't qualiied to be President. To the best of my knowledge, she meets all the criteria to run for and hold the office. So did/does Obama.

All I said was, I don't want either of them in the big chair.

My post wasn't directed at you there hj. Sorry if you took it that way.

There are plenty on the board that it WAS dircted at though LOL

Well, it was my post you quoted. LOL.

No harm, no foul.
The funny thing is she never gets on the air and says, what, specifically, she would do to remedy our current troubles. It's always very vague generalizations and attacks on people who are actually doing the heavy lifting.

Vague generalizations is exactly right.

And even at that, she had to write the core beliefs of conservatism on her hand to remember them.

She's an empty suit.


And Obama needs a teleprompter, so what's your point, Clean?

They all use teleprompters.

Even St Reagan.


But chances are he had the core beliefs of conservatism memorized and didn't need them for that.
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Vague generalizations is exactly right.

And even at that, she had to write the core beliefs of conservatism on her hand to remember them.

She's an empty suit.


And Obama needs a teleprompter, so what's your point, Clean?

They all use teleprompters.

Even St Reagan.


But chances are he had the core beliefs of conservatism memorized and didn't need them for that.

Your right, Clean they all need what's the issue with Palin having her help on her hand? She sure didn't have a teleprompter.

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