Sarah Palin closes her PAC

Lick on it, boys...

Always remember, folks, that a RW nut, separated from his money, Is always a good thing. Even if the money goes to an obvious opportunist flake.

No, that was a photo of an angry liberal klunt that wore a vagina mask at the anti-Trump march where klunts declared that they owned their vaginas....bully for them. One ugly, fat lesbian klunt was interviewd that was bare chested (my eyes.......arrrrrghhhh) had an arrow pointing down over her ample belly telling Trump that it was off limits to first thought was that good luck to anyone wanting to find it under those huge rolls of fat. The producers of the reality show "The Biggest Loser" should have been there trying to recruit....what an assortment of fat, tans-gendered angry liberal klunts.......

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an erection lasting longer than 4 hours? Take a gander at this for awhile....problem solved.
click on the google dumbass and it will give you a page of links....pick your own....what a fucking dumbass

i give you links and you come back with what...the inability to click on google?