Santorum: Why Charity can't replace Health Care

we are doing everything we can to harass gays now? Hilarious.

You never stopped.

You'd think if we were doing everything we could to harass gays, we would be talking about them a bit more. We generally dont. In fact, I can probably count on my fingers the amount of times gays have come up in a topic of conversation at Church. Go figure.

He's against pre-natal testing.:cuckoo:
He said that an imprisoned father was preferable to a same-sex parent.:cuckoo:
he thinks contraception is a grievous moral wrong :cuckoo:

And that's just 3 quick examples.

OK...I admit that I couldn't resist the "You" in the previous post.

The only thing I'd say about Santorum is that he is preferable to the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Welcome to the board.

Santorum stated that he believed "there is no such thing as global warming." :cuckoo:
He proposed to "drill, drill everywhere" as a solution to high energy prices, and has called for repealing the federal ban on drilling in sensitive areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. :cuckoo:
Santorum has also called for curbing the powers of the EPA to enforce federal regulations around pollution and air quality, calling them "job killing radical regulatory approaches,":cuckoo:
Santorum stated that he believed mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.:cuckoo: Now THAT I'd like to see him try to enforce!!!!!
If that's better than the guy who's there now, you have a very strange concept of what the US should be.
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He's against pre-natal testing.:cuckoo:
He said that an imprisoned father was preferable to a same-sex parent.:cuckoo:
he thinks contraception is a grievous moral wrong :cuckoo:

And that's just 3 quick examples.

OK...I admit that I couldn't resist the "You" in the previous post.

The only thing I'd say about Santorum is that he is preferable to the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Welcome to the board.

Santorum stated that he believed "there is no such thing as global warming." :cuckoo:
He proposed to "drill, drill everywhere" as a solution to high energy prices, and has called for repealing the federal ban on drilling in sensitive areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. :cuckoo:
Santorum has also called for curbing the powers of the EPA to enforce federal regulations around pollution and air quality, calling them "job killing radical regulatory approaches,":cuckoo:
Santorum stated that he believed mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.:cuckoo: Now THAT I'd like to see him try to enforce!!!!!
If that's better than the guy who's there now, you have a very strange concept of what the US should be.

Guilty as charged.

I'm one of those folks who believes in the Constitution, and the rights of the individual

I don't believe in big government solutions over the free market.

I believe that President Reagan was correct when he said
We are a nation that has a government—not the other way around.
He's against pre-natal testing.:cuckoo:
He said that an imprisoned father was preferable to a same-sex parent.:cuckoo:
he thinks contraception is a grievous moral wrong :cuckoo:

And that's just 3 quick examples.

OK...I admit that I couldn't resist the "You" in the previous post.

The only thing I'd say about Santorum is that he is preferable to the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Welcome to the board.

Santorum stated that he believed "there is no such thing as global warming." :cuckoo:
He proposed to "drill, drill everywhere" as a solution to high energy prices, and has called for repealing the federal ban on drilling in sensitive areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. :cuckoo:
Santorum has also called for curbing the powers of the EPA to enforce federal regulations around pollution and air quality, calling them "job killing radical regulatory approaches,":cuckoo:
Santorum stated that he believed mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.:cuckoo: Now THAT I'd like to see him try to enforce!!!!!
If that's better than the guy who's there now, you have a very strange concept of what the US should be.

He is absolutely right on all fronts.
We have the right wing fringe kooks that instead of questioning the terrible job Obama has done as President they come up with all this birther nonsense with Orly Taitz leading the way.
And on the other end of the spectrum we have the left wing fringe kooks that are questioning the tax returns and charitable donations Santorum has made instead of the terrible job he did as a Senator.
No wonder nothing gets done in Washington. The voters are complete dumb asses be they far left or far right.
OK...I admit that I couldn't resist the "You" in the previous post.

The only thing I'd say about Santorum is that he is preferable to the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Welcome to the board.

Santorum stated that he believed "there is no such thing as global warming." :cuckoo:
He proposed to "drill, drill everywhere" as a solution to high energy prices, and has called for repealing the federal ban on drilling in sensitive areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. :cuckoo:
Santorum has also called for curbing the powers of the EPA to enforce federal regulations around pollution and air quality, calling them "job killing radical regulatory approaches,":cuckoo:
Santorum stated that he believed mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.:cuckoo: Now THAT I'd like to see him try to enforce!!!!!
If that's better than the guy who's there now, you have a very strange concept of what the US should be.

He is absolutely right on all fronts.

There is global warming now. He is wrong on that. Only thing to be questioned and I do it is what has caused it.
Drilling is nothing other than a short term answer if that.
EPA has too much power but who curbs that power? Santorum who is being pulled by big unions?
You believe you do not have a constitutional right to privacy with your sex life?
He is dead wrong on that one also.
The progressive lefts shinning example of how they can be such creepy little twerps.

Its nobodies business but his.Pissing for distance over charitable giving is so small.

And yet, it's the right wing who always bring it up. Go figure.
He's against pre-natal testing.:cuckoo:
He said that an imprisoned father was preferable to a same-sex parent.:cuckoo:
he thinks contraception is a grievous moral wrong :cuckoo:

And that's just 3 quick examples.

OK...I admit that I couldn't resist the "You" in the previous post.

The only thing I'd say about Santorum is that he is preferable to the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Welcome to the board.

Santorum stated that he believed "there is no such thing as global warming." :cuckoo:
He proposed to "drill, drill everywhere" as a solution to high energy prices, and has called for repealing the federal ban on drilling in sensitive areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. :cuckoo:
Santorum has also called for curbing the powers of the EPA to enforce federal regulations around pollution and air quality, calling them "job killing radical regulatory approaches,":cuckoo:
Santorum stated that he believed mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.:cuckoo: Now THAT I'd like to see him try to enforce!!!!!
If that's better than the guy who's there now, you have a very strange concept of what the US should be.

That's how the right wingnuts in the Teanut Gallery sees the future of the country. They think that's what they want. Even all the ones on food stamps, disability, welfare, medicare and social security. Every man for himself.
OK...I admit that I couldn't resist the "You" in the previous post.

The only thing I'd say about Santorum is that he is preferable to the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Welcome to the board.

Santorum stated that he believed "there is no such thing as global warming." :cuckoo:
He proposed to "drill, drill everywhere" as a solution to high energy prices, and has called for repealing the federal ban on drilling in sensitive areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. :cuckoo:
Santorum has also called for curbing the powers of the EPA to enforce federal regulations around pollution and air quality, calling them "job killing radical regulatory approaches,":cuckoo:
Santorum stated that he believed mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.:cuckoo: Now THAT I'd like to see him try to enforce!!!!!
If that's better than the guy who's there now, you have a very strange concept of what the US should be.

That's how the right wingnuts in the Teanut Gallery sees the future of the country. They think that's what they want. Even all the ones on food stamps, disability, welfare, medicare and social security. Every man for himself.

1. You talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk....

2. "In the book, he cites extensive data analysis to demonstrate that values advocated by conservatives -- from church attendance and two-parent families to the Protestant work ethic and a distaste for government-funded social services -- make conservatives more generous than liberals.

The book, titled "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism" (Basic Books, $26), is due for release Nov. 24.

When it comes to helping the needy, Brooks writes: "For too long, liberals have been claiming they are the most virtuous members of American society. Although they usually give less to charity, they have nevertheless lambasted conservatives for their callousness in the face of social injustice."
Newsvine - Philanthropy Expert Says Conservatives Are More Generous --

3. This is the reason that, in the marketplace of idea, conservatives eat liberal's lunch...
you guys are the most disingenuous tight-fisted skinflints...and frauds.

Right up to this President. Always gave less than 1%to charity....until the spotlight was on him.

4. And the funny part- he gave to charity money he made for the 'autobiography' that terrorist Bill Ayers wrote for him!!!
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I do just not understand why this is a issue. Stop doing charity. We should just build a good social system that takes care of ill people.
Santorum stated that he believed "there is no such thing as global warming." :cuckoo:
He proposed to "drill, drill everywhere" as a solution to high energy prices, and has called for repealing the federal ban on drilling in sensitive areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. :cuckoo:
Santorum has also called for curbing the powers of the EPA to enforce federal regulations around pollution and air quality, calling them "job killing radical regulatory approaches,":cuckoo:
Santorum stated that he believed mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.:cuckoo: Now THAT I'd like to see him try to enforce!!!!!
If that's better than the guy who's there now, you have a very strange concept of what the US should be.

He is absolutely right on all fronts.

There is global warming now. He is wrong on that. Only thing to be questioned and I do it is what has caused it.
Drilling is nothing other than a short term answer if that.
EPA has too much power but who curbs that power? Santorum who is being pulled by big unions?
You believe you do not have a constitutional right to privacy with your sex life?
He is dead wrong on that one also.

No. There isn't global warming. He's not wrong at all. If the earth was warming they wouldnt be talking about global cooling now. Global warming was supposed to have had the oceans covering our coastal cities two years ago. There is a reason global warming scientists have been frabricating information about it. It's because it's a political scam. The politicians funda the scientists to falsify data. The scientists do so, the politicians then try to scare people into acting without thinking by giving them more and more power to control their lives.

It's a very convenient issue, because no matter what happens, that's evidence for it. If the tempature goes up, it's global warming. If the tempature goes down, that's global warming. If there are alot of hurricanes, that's global warming. If there are no hurricanes, that's global warming. If there is an earthquake, it's global warming (I still cant understand that stupid argument). If there is lots of snow, that's global warming. If there is no snow, that's global warming.

No matter what happens, the politician can use the issue to scare people into giving them more and more power. Don't you think it's an odd coincidence that the same exact things that politicians tried to sell the people under economics, are the exact things that we need to do to save the world from global warming? It's much easier to sell stupid policies if you can make people act emotionally instead of allowing them to think through things.

If drilling is a short term solution then let's do it till the long term solution becomes viable. It's absolutely stupid to handicap ourselves by having our enemies provide us with the energy we need. Especially those phonies who pretend to oppose it for the environments sake. If they were serious about protecting the environment, they would be encouraging us getting the oil safely and cleanly rather than relying on outside countries who dont have the standards we do.

The EPA does have too much power. Especially since the Federal Government has absolutely zero authority to pass a single environmental law. Can you cite the grant of authority to govern the environment?

There is no Constitutional right to privacy. In fact, the Constitution explicitly grants the government authority to invade our privacy. It requires probable cause and/or a search warrant, but the Constitution grants the government authority to search our person and seize things that are unlawful. And since that is the main justification for the so called right to privacy, it simply doesn't exist in the Constitution.

I'm sorry. You might not like Santorum, but the man isnt wrong on those things. You might disagree with my rational and his, but all you've done is provide denials and absolutely no explanation for why you are correct and we are not.
The progressive lefts shinning example of how they can be such creepy little twerps.

Its nobodies business but his.Pissing for distance over charitable giving is so small.

And yet, it's the right wing who always bring it up. Go figure.

So it's the right wing that started this thread? Im pretty sure that's not true.
That's how the right wingnuts in the Teanut Gallery sees the future of the country. They think that's what they want. Even all the ones on food stamps, disability, welfare, medicare and social security. Every man for himself.

You mean we expect people to govern themselves and fulfill their God given responsibilities? Yes. That was the whole point of our nation. We are free from the government so we can fulfill our responsibilities without their interference.

Charity is the future of this nation, and the world. Government oppression isnt.
I do just not understand why this is a issue. Stop doing charity. We should just build a good social system that takes care of ill people.

It's an issue because there are some people who think that they should not have to provide for others. They would rather empower the government to force others to.

They think that by using violence, they can fix the problems of the world. They are wrong of course. Only when we step up and start voluntarily fulfilling our responsibilities to ourselves, our families, our employers and employees, and our local communities will our problems be fixed.

They've been trying to do this since at least the days of the tower of babel.
Rick Santorum Explains His Low Rate of Charitable Giving

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum was confronted about his low rate of charitable giving, less than two percent in 2010, on "Fox News Sunday." He said that he should do better, but he has been giving less in order to care for Bella, his daughter who suffers from Trisomy 18.

In 2010, President Obama gave 14.2 percent and presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave 13.8 percent of their income to charity. Santorum gave only 1.76 percent, or $16,289, of his $923,411 income to charity. Newt Gingrich gave 2.6 percent of his $3.1 million income to charity and Ron Paul has refused to release his tax returns.

Rick Santorum Explains His Low Rate of Charitable Giving, Christian News

See? Turns out that giving to Charity for the super rich is an "after thought".

If Romney wasn't required by his church to give so much, would he? He still gives LESS than Obama. They all do.

And as soon as the family has a problem, they stop giving to charity assuming they gave more in the past. There is no proof Santorum ever gave more. Even Catholic charities gets nearly 70% of it's funding from the government. My taxes go to a mystical organization. I don't like that.

And when someone like Paul says "let the church take care of them" and then won't tell how much he gives? It can't be much, if any.

So what are Republican's plan for health care? They better start practicing. It's a fair question and it will be coming up during the election.

I wonder if Santorum get "Obamacare". After all, his child is covered by the President's plan.

Which explains why Bill Gates gave billions to charity, and why Romney gives significantly more than Santorum even though he has a lot more money.

FYI, the president's plan doesn't actually cover anyone, it, theoretically, requires other people to cover them.
He is absolutely right on all fronts.

There is global warming now. He is wrong on that. Only thing to be questioned and I do it is what has caused it.
Drilling is nothing other than a short term answer if that.
EPA has too much power but who curbs that power? Santorum who is being pulled by big unions?
You believe you do not have a constitutional right to privacy with your sex life?
He is dead wrong on that one also.

No. There isn't global warming. He's not wrong at all. If the earth was warming they wouldnt be talking about global cooling now. Global warming was supposed to have had the oceans covering our coastal cities two years ago. There is a reason global warming scientists have been frabricating information about it. It's because it's a political scam. The politicians funda the scientists to falsify data. The scientists do so, the politicians then try to scare people into acting without thinking by giving them more and more power to control their lives.

It's a very convenient issue, because no matter what happens, that's evidence for it. If the tempature goes up, it's global warming. If the tempature goes down, that's global warming. If there are alot of hurricanes, that's global warming. If there are no hurricanes, that's global warming. If there is an earthquake, it's global warming (I still cant understand that stupid argument). If there is lots of snow, that's global warming. If there is no snow, that's global warming.

No matter what happens, the politician can use the issue to scare people into giving them more and more power. Don't you think it's an odd coincidence that the same exact things that politicians tried to sell the people under economics, are the exact things that we need to do to save the world from global warming? It's much easier to sell stupid policies if you can make people act emotionally instead of allowing them to think through things.

If drilling is a short term solution then let's do it till the long term solution becomes viable. It's absolutely stupid to handicap ourselves by having our enemies provide us with the energy we need. Especially those phonies who pretend to oppose it for the environments sake. If they were serious about protecting the environment, they would be encouraging us getting the oil safely and cleanly rather than relying on outside countries who dont have the standards we do.

The EPA does have too much power. Especially since the Federal Government has absolutely zero authority to pass a single environmental law. Can you cite the grant of authority to govern the environment?

There is no Constitutional right to privacy. In fact, the Constitution explicitly grants the government authority to invade our privacy. It requires probable cause and/or a search warrant, but the Constitution grants the government authority to search our person and seize things that are unlawful. And since that is the main justification for the so called right to privacy, it simply doesn't exist in the Constitution.

I'm sorry. You might not like Santorum, but the man isnt wrong on those things. You might disagree with my rational and his, but all you've done is provide denials and absolutely no explanation for why you are correct and we are not.
Avatar, do you eat imbecile crackers all day? You think the government should be policing our sex acts between adults? So I can't bang my girlfriend in any other position but missionary? Santorum also wants to outlaw porn, that's just too funny.
The US is the world's biggest polluter and you think that the EPA has TOO MUCH power? lol, good one. Our enemies provides us with oil? Like Canada and Saudi Arabia? LOL, another funny one. And there's no global warming? Well, that much stupid speaks for itself.
Rick Santorum Explains His Low Rate of Charitable Giving

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum was confronted about his low rate of charitable giving, less than two percent in 2010, on "Fox News Sunday." He said that he should do better, but he has been giving less in order to care for Bella, his daughter who suffers from Trisomy 18.

In 2010, President Obama gave 14.2 percent and presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave 13.8 percent of their income to charity. Santorum gave only 1.76 percent, or $16,289, of his $923,411 income to charity. Newt Gingrich gave 2.6 percent of his $3.1 million income to charity and Ron Paul has refused to release his tax returns.

Rick Santorum Explains His Low Rate of Charitable Giving, Christian News

See? Turns out that giving to Charity for the super rich is an "after thought".

If Romney wasn't required by his church to give so much, would he? He still gives LESS than Obama. They all do.

And as soon as the family has a problem, they stop giving to charity assuming they gave more in the past. There is no proof Santorum ever gave more. Even Catholic charities gets nearly 70% of it's funding from the government. My taxes go to a mystical organization. I don't like that.

And when someone like Paul says "let the church take care of them" and then won't tell how much he gives? It can't be much, if any.

So what are Republican's plan for health care? They better start practicing. It's a fair question and it will be coming up during the election.

I wonder if Santorum get "Obamacare". After all, his child is covered by the President's plan.

LOL, he used his daughter as an excuse?
Charity cannot replace a modern health care delivery system because there is more illness and poverty than there has EVER BEEN charity in the hearts of man.

Let's review which people want us to eschew social services and replace those services with charity, shall we?

The most selfish people in society, demand that we do this.

The very same people who stand before crowds where somebody says something like "Let them DIE!" but who then don't have the STONES to tell that person to grow up.

And WHY don't these people take that uncharitable person by the figuative threat and throddle them?

Becuase they AGREE with that heartless dipshit, that's why.
Romney's a mor(m)on, so he has to pay to be in a church. That's not really charity to give to the already wealthy. Plus, you have to factor in the tax deduction received, which also isn't a donation to charity.

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