Santorum says Cruz 'Did More Harm' Than Good..'

Rick Santorum: Ted Cruz 'Did More Harm' Than Good With Government Shutdown

ormer senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) criticized Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for the partial government shutdown, admitting Cruz "did more harm" than good with his attempt to defund President Barack Obama's health care law. ...

...Prior to the shutdown, which left hundreds of thousands of federal workers furloughed without pay for over two weeks and cost the U.S. economy an estimated $24 billion, Santorum voiced support for Cruz's plan to tie anti-Obamacare measures to the government funding bill.

Of all people, shitty little Santorum supported loose cannon, anti-America Cruz until he saw what the whole world had already figured out - that it do more harm and good.

Since when did Santorum ever want to do anything "good" for his own country?

Maybe Cruz and Santorum will run on a "Let's Screw Americans" ticket.

Of course Cruz did more harm than good. He shut down the government for no good reason. He caved. He didn't get a single thing. You never, ever make a threat you are not willing to carry out. He caved, and America lost.
for starters.....the 16 million who can no longer keep their old individual market plans because they do not conform to the Obamacare regulations...

that's quite a few voters...

yeah, except most of those folks knew their plans were shit to start with.

and they are going to find they like their new plans a lot better.

If the Repukes thought that ObamaCare would be that unpopular, they'd just let it happen.

Not take the World Economy hostage to try to stop it.


"Stop ObamaCare or we'll shoot this Dog!"

even if they KNEW their plans were "shit" that was none of yours or this governments BUSINESS
that was THEIR CHOICE...remember that thing you all WAIL about for ABORTIONS?

Freedoms to CHOSE and freedom from this fascist federal government sticking some insurance scan on the people they couldn't afford in the first place

We all had the freedom to choose in the last election.

And you lost. Tough. That is how the USA is run.
Dear neocons;

You can't have it both ways. You can't move your party hard right, and declare three-quarters of the party RINO's for not moving right along with you.

You just can't.



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