Santorum says Cruz 'Did More Harm' Than Good..'

Ultimately, the GOP gave the Dems everything they wanted; since the Dems wouldn't budge, it probably was the best option out of horrible ones.

So yes, Cruz did somewhat hurt us on this one. What he taught us is that it's 100% imperative that we get a Republican Senate so we don't have to be at the mercy of Harry Reid.
I met and voted for Santorum in the last primary. He's a good man and so is Cruz.

Either of them would be a far, far better president than the lying scumbucket we have now!
I agree, before all this mess what with the government shutdown, both Santorum and Cruz had established a good reputation and credibility amongst conservative Republicans and Democrats alike. Their past track record is good, thus they will bounce back, I am sure. I would support either one.
Cruz holding a small ax, dressed in a George Washington little boy costume, pointing at a cut down cherry tree: "I cannot tell a lie. Obama did it."
The Republican love from the left goes on

they accused this man of playing with this dead baby

this is how sick the left is, one day hate him and say vile things about him, then he puts down someone they hate, instant LOVE

sick sick people

I never faulted Santorum for doing that, and even pointed out that there were psychologists who supported that as part of the greiving process. (Incidently, Romney supporters at the time were just as likely to rip on him for that as liberals.)

I have mixed feelings about Santorum. I think he's a religious loon, but I also think he's one of the few Republicans who understands the GOP has lost touch with the interests of working people.

On this point, he's correct. The Shutdown hurt the GOP for no other reason that it reminded people that if Government wasn't there, they'd miss it. Therefore, they defeated their own purpose.

i don't think the shutdown hurt the GOP that much.....only if you're gullible and believe the sleazy lying liberal press....

in fact the shutdown reminded people that the GOP was against Obamacare.....and when people get frustrated by THAT trainwreck and then later get their jacked-up bills or fines they are going to remember that Cruz was against Obamacare...

...not to mention how the Vets were quisling Obama used MORE government resources just to keep vets from visiting the open-air monuments...:mad:
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The Republican love from the left goes on

they accused this man of playing with this dead baby

this is how sick the left is, one day hate him and say vile things about him, then he puts down someone they hate, instant LOVE

sick sick people

The instant love is a figment of YOUR sick imagination.
well well the witch is back to run roughshod over a thread

lovely, you all deal with it
Rick Santorum: Ted Cruz 'Did More Harm' Than Good With Government Shutdown

ormer senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) criticized Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for the partial government shutdown, admitting Cruz "did more harm" than good with his attempt to defund President Barack Obama's health care law. ...

...Prior to the shutdown, which left hundreds of thousands of federal workers furloughed without pay for over two weeks and cost the U.S. economy an estimated $24 billion, Santorum voiced support for Cruz's plan to tie anti-Obamacare measures to the government funding bill.

Of all people, shitty little Santorum supported loose cannon, anti-America Cruz until he saw what the whole world had already figured out - that it do more harm and good.

Since when did Santorum ever want to do anything "good" for his own country?

Maybe Cruz and Santorum will run on a "Let's Screw Americans" ticket.

Cruz will be our next POTUS. Show him some respect won't you?

Obamacare is unwanted by the majority of Americans and Cruz used the Constitutional mechanism our Founding Fathers included in the Constitution for preventing abuses such as those used by Pelosi and Obama to ram ACA down our throats to prevent their abuse.


i don't think the shutdown hurt the GOP that much.....only if you're gullible and believe the sleazy lying liberal press....

in fact the shutdown reminded people that the GOP was against Obamacare.....and when people get frustrated by THAT trainwreck and then later get their jacked-up bills or fines they are going to remember that Cruz was against Obamacare...

...not to mention how the Vets were quisling Obama used MORE government resources just to keep vets from visiting the open-air monuments...:mad:

Except all the polls showed that they did get hurt... so there's that. Even Ratmuffin.

For the Vets, if you can't maintain the site, you keep people off. Sorry. If you can't pay the people who maintain security and clean up the garbage, you need to keep people out.

Trust me, this was a disaster, because when those things got taken away, people remembered they LIKE those things.

i don't think the shutdown hurt the GOP that much.....only if you're gullible and believe the sleazy lying liberal press....

in fact the shutdown reminded people that the GOP was against Obamacare.....and when people get frustrated by THAT trainwreck and then later get their jacked-up bills or fines they are going to remember that Cruz was against Obamacare...

...not to mention how the Vets were quisling Obama used MORE government resources just to keep vets from visiting the open-air monuments...:mad:

Except all the polls showed that they did get hurt... so there's that. Even Ratmuffin.

For the Vets, if you can't maintain the site, you keep people off. Sorry. If you can't pay the people who maintain security and clean up the garbage, you need to keep people out.

Trust me, this was a disaster, because when those things got taken away, people remembered they LIKE those things.

i'm sorry but despite the hyped up polls....the American voter votes with his pocketbook......and he ain't gonna like his Bammycare bill.....
Dumbass liberals don't know crap about conservatives! I met and voted for Santorum in the last primary. He's a good man and so is Cruz.

Either of them would be a far, far better president than the lying scumbucket we have now!

Yes, of course you feel this way.

i don't think the shutdown hurt the GOP that much.....only if you're gullible and believe the sleazy lying liberal press....

in fact the shutdown reminded people that the GOP was against Obamacare.....and when people get frustrated by THAT trainwreck and then later get their jacked-up bills or fines they are going to remember that Cruz was against Obamacare...

...not to mention how the Vets were quisling Obama used MORE government resources just to keep vets from visiting the open-air monuments...:mad:

Except all the polls showed that they did get hurt... so there's that. Even Ratmuffin.

For the Vets, if you can't maintain the site, you keep people off. Sorry. If you can't pay the people who maintain security and clean up the garbage, you need to keep people out.

Trust me, this was a disaster, because when those things got taken away, people remembered they LIKE those things.

i'm sorry but despite the hyped up polls....the American voter votes with his pocketbook......and he ain't gonna like his Bammycare bill.....

Just watch. When the midterm elections get here, people are going to be so pissed over their insurance that Democrats will do everything they can to distance themselves from Obamacare. People who voted for it will claim to have never heard of Obamacare. The shutdown will pay dividends next fall when Republicans campaign on trying to stop Obamacare in its tracks.
Except all the polls showed that they did get hurt... so there's that. Even Ratmuffin.

For the Vets, if you can't maintain the site, you keep people off. Sorry. If you can't pay the people who maintain security and clean up the garbage, you need to keep people out.

Trust me, this was a disaster, because when those things got taken away, people remembered they LIKE those things.

i'm sorry but despite the hyped up polls....the American voter votes with his pocketbook......and he ain't gonna like his Bammycare bill.....

Just watch. When the midterm elections get here, people are going to be so pissed over their insurance that Democrats will do everything they can to distance themselves from Obamacare. People who voted for it will claim to have never heard of Obamacare. The shutdown will pay dividends next fall when Republicans campaign on trying to stop Obamacare in its tracks.

"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

- Jim DeMint, 4years ago

i'm sorry but despite the hyped up polls....the American voter votes with his pocketbook......and he ain't gonna like his Bammycare bill.....

Which voters are those.

I got my bill, and there is absolutely no change from last year. And that's probably the case with everyone who already had insurance.

The only people really affected are folks who had shitty insurance that doesn't comply.

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