Santorum endorsed by Sharron Angle


Feb 14, 2011
Sharron Angle endorses Rick Santorum in Nevada - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Former Nevada assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) has endorsed Rick Santorum, giving the former Pennsylvania senator’s struggling presidential bid a boost from a tea party favorite.

A "boost"? Really?

The person who was so wacky that she lost what should have been a gimme against Reid? An endorsement by her would be a boost?

Is she still a "tea party favorite"?

If you consider yourself a tea partier, is she a "favorite" to you?
Sharron Angle endorses Rick Santorum in Nevada - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Former Nevada assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) has endorsed Rick Santorum, giving the former Pennsylvania senator’s struggling presidential bid a boost from a tea party favorite.

A "boost"? Really?

The person who was so wacky that she lost what should have been a gimme against Reid? An endorsement by her would be a boost?
You sound surprised.


Sharron Angle endorses Rick Santorum in Nevada - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Former Nevada assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) has endorsed Rick Santorum, giving the former Pennsylvania senator’s struggling presidential bid a boost from a tea party favorite.

A "boost"? Really?

The person who was so wacky that she lost what should have been a gimme against Reid? An endorsement by her would be a boost?

Is she still a "tea party favorite"?

If you consider yourself a tea partier, is she a "favorite" to you?

So how do you define what was "whacky" about her?

My own thought it that the whole thing is pointless, Santorum is a dead man walking. All he really does is keep the anti-Mittens vote from forming around Newt.
Santorum is a loon. Paul holds ideas that are an anthema to many Americans. Gingrinch is the definition of slime. And Romney connects with the average american about as well a the Koch Brothers.
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That was really the best you had, some silly argument about football jerseys 20 years ago?

20 years ago, Romney was a pro-abortion liberal who denounced Reagan.

That was the easiest to google. Her absurdities are not in the news now so they are not as easy to find in a search engine. Some were alluded to in that article. I've largely put the details out of my mind because she is so irrelevant now, thank goodness, so I'd have to think hard to remember all of the reasons why I was glad that if she did win she would only be the junior senator from Nevada and would thus not be influential enough to do much harm.

Are you seriously suggesting you didn't think she was nutters or are you just messing with me? :lol:
Sharron Angle endorses Rick Santorum in Nevada - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Former Nevada assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) has endorsed Rick Santorum, giving the former Pennsylvania senator’s struggling presidential bid a boost from a tea party favorite.

A "boost"? Really?

The person who was so wacky that she lost what should have been a gimme against Reid? An endorsement by her would be a boost?

Is she still a "tea party favorite"?

If you consider yourself a tea partier, is she a "favorite" to you?

OMG, we move here a couple years ago and I was looking forward to helping vote Reid out of office. Then the stupid frikkin' GOP decided that Tea Party whackjob botch was their BEST choice!!?!?!?!? WTF???
I watched her on local tv and my jaw just kept on dropping. I literally thought the interview was a SNL skit or something. From there, it just kept getting worse.
She makes Joe Biden & Michele Bachmann look like the smartest people in government.
That was really the best you had, some silly argument about football jerseys 20 years ago?

20 years ago, Romney was a pro-abortion liberal who denounced Reagan.

That was the easiest to google. Her absurdities are not in the news now so they are not as easy to find in a search engine. Some were alluded to in that article. I've largely put the details out of my mind because she is so irrelevant now, thank goodness, so I'd have to think hard to remember all of the reasons why I was glad that if she did win she would only be the junior senator from Nevada and would thus not be influential enough to do much harm.

Are you seriously suggesting you didn't think she was nutters or are you just messing with me? :lol:

I think she was further to the right than I am, absolutely.

Looking at this list, I'm not seeing anything I consider too off the reservation, though.

Issue Positions | Sharron Angle for Congress

She has said some things that were factually incorrect, like the 9/11 Hijackers came in through Canada (wrong).

Of course, here big improvement over Romney- At least I know WHERE she stands.
Sharron Angle endorses Rick Santorum in Nevada - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Former Nevada assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) has endorsed Rick Santorum, giving the former Pennsylvania senator’s struggling presidential bid a boost from a tea party favorite.

A "boost"? Really?

The person who was so wacky that she lost what should have been a gimme against Reid? An endorsement by her would be a boost?

Is she still a "tea party favorite"?

If you consider yourself a tea partier, is she a "favorite" to you?

So how do you define what was "whacky" about her?

My own thought it that the whole thing is pointless, Santorum is a dead man walking. All he really does is keep the anti-Mittens vote from forming around Newt.

second amendment solutions to not winning elections
she is not a well liked person.

The ONLY peopel who approve of her crazy ideas are tea party extremists
Yes she is. Why to people like her and Trump think anyone is seeking their endorsement?
Why do people on your side seek the endorsement of brain dead actors and celebritards?
It really does cut both ways.

Rather than insult, maybe I could offer oh, I dunno, some debate? Joe I dont know if you saw Angle when she was running but I did. It was like watching a car wreck run for office.
So an Angle endorsement definitely sways me - to vote against whoever she endorses. She has no real public credibility or admiration.
Whereas the "brain dead actors" you reference, do have a lot of admiration. Chuck Norris has a lot of clout with a certain demographic and his endorsement has helped more Republicans than Angle ever will. Sarah Palin still carries some political capital and she is nothing more than a "celibritard" now.
Oprah has been considered one of the most powerful women of the 20th Century. her endorsement is huge. Could you imagine the effect if she came out against Obama?
So that's why people on both sides seek endorsements. In this case, the only person concerned about the endorsement, is the person giving it.
20 years ago, Romney was a pro-abortion liberal who denounced Reagan.

He still is.

Pity Romney can’t be Romney.

As for Angle, one of my favorites:

"We needed to have the press be our friend ... We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported." --Sharron Angle, during an interview with Fox News Channel's Carl Cameron, Aug. 2, 2010.

A revealing glimpse into the conservative perception of ‘freedom of the press.’

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