Sanders To Trump...."Drain THAT Swamp!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Nothing makes me happier then to watch a Socialist/communist kick Sh#t Stain{Obama} right in the teeth. Sanders FULLY supports PRESIDENT TRUMP in killing TPP. Its been such a great week that Nixon is walking around Hell with a hard on!

First you got CNN caught in an open lie and then Time magazine! And it just so happens Time/Warner OWNS CNN. Who would have guessed right? The media wing of the Sorro's machine has been totally exposed. And un-like those lying liberal ass claims about Hitler Sorros WORKED for Hitler HAS admitted it and IS proud of it.

Any time YOU want to tie a party OR person to the Nazis its always a good idea to start with a LIVING ADMITTED PROUD Nazi. It was a busy week for Sh#t Stain as well too. He sent 221 MILLION dollars to islamic terrorists. The Gaza strip has long been the breeding ground of almost every terrorist group thru out the world.

TPP the "brain child" of Sh#t Stain and that frail feeble nasty old woman {Hillary} has died. And for the sake of God and Country I hope Sh#t Stain and Hillary are standing next to the coffin as AMERICANS fill the hole.

Keystone Pipeline
In the immortal words of the late Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis "DRILL BABY DRILL!"

Abortion On Demand
NO American citizen funding for abortion ANYWHERE in the world! And Roe vs Wade ain't looking to good right now. If Somali's and Syrian's WANT to kill each other off with AIDS or abortion LET THEM!

Lest we NOT forget you USMB liberals with your fake news, your hack posting and your fake polls. YOU called us "fly over country". YOU told us we did NOT understand Polls and Pundits. WE understood those lying sacks of sh#t just fine thank you. YOU need to line up and kiss the ass of every Conservative, Christian and libertarian poster here.

You have at least EIGHT YEARS to get in some practice. And just to be fair and honest I want to THANK Sh#t Stain for doing to the DNC what I have hoped for for YEARS. NOW this is change I CAN support!

Laughing My Ass Off.

Just imagine, the demos were almost electing this asshole as their nominee.

Just a suggestion for liberals: Chelsea/Bradly Manning needs to be chosen as a Dems presidential candidate for 2020: "a woman", a trans-gender, probably a gay as well. Looks like a perfect candidate if you are a [crazy] liberal. If he converts to Islam during the next 4 years, I don't doubt all the liberals will vote for him unanimously. :lol:
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Just a suggestion for liberals: Chelsea/Bradly Manning needs to be chosen as a Dems presidential candidate for 2020: "a woman", a trans-gender, probably a gay as well. Looks like a perfect candidate if you are a [crazy] liberal. If he converts to Islam during the next 4 years, I don't doubt all the liberals will vote for him unanimously. :lol:
A Manning/Jenner ticket!

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