Sanders staffing up for 2020

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
Because having the wrong, or too few, pall bearers would be a disaster. What is with the trend of late for old fogeys to run for the Presidency? This guy could kick over any day. Enough with the baby boomers begging millenials to like them. It's time for Generation X to take the reins and restore sanity.

Means of Production, the filmmaking cooperative that created the viral campaign video that propelled Ocasio-Cortez’s House campaign, is in talks with the Sanders team about a major role in 2020. And two people who powered Sanders’ record-breaking small-dollar fundraising operation in 2016 have agreed to join a subsequent presidential bid if it materializes, according to a Sanders campaign aide: Tim Tagaris and Robin Curran, his digital fundraising director and digital production director in 2016, respectively.

Bernie Sanders staffs up for 2020
The overarching images of Clinton and Trump last time certainly helped to make Sanders look relatively good. It was positive that he brought something to the debate. His attachment to very old-style socialist articles of faith pretty much disqualify him, however. We need new, more open thinking about government and economics. Of course, he is not alone in being out of date; most of the others we see gearing up for a run share in being outmoded on important points.
It is painfully early for beginning the campaign.

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