‘Sanctuary city’ law let gang member walk free from Rikers


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
An illegal immigrant gang member from El Salvador was allowed to walk free from Rikers Island under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “Sanctuary City” law — in defiance of a federal petition to hold him for deportation, officials said Tuesday.

“This man is by his own admission a member of a violent street gang and he was released back into the community,” said Thomas Decker, field office director for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement unit in New York. “Honoring a detainer request is not about politics, it is about keeping New York citizens safe.”

Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez, an admitted member of the notorious MS-13 gang, was released from Rikers Island on Feb. 16 after serving time for disorderly conduct.

ICE officials had requested last May that Velasquez — who was ordered removed by an immigration judge in November 2015 — be turned over to them when he was done serving his sentence, but no one at ICE was alerted to his release.

Can these pathetic mayors be thrown in jail?

I will tell you what would stop them, since they are being "so brave" in allowing these thugs out. If they commit any crimes AFTER they are set free, then all of those who allowed them to be set free are sent to prison.

Well, since they are such good people and that would never happen according to them, then there should not be a problem.

Also, whoever protested their incarceration and cheered when they are set free get to be punched square in the face with brass knuckles until all of their teeth are knocked out of their spoiled jobless faces.

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