Sanctuary Campuses


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Sanctuary Campuses
How the safety of students and faculty are compromised to achieve the leftist agenda.
December 8, 2016
Michael Cutler


Two disturbing articles focusing on “Sanctuary college campuses,” serve as the predication for my article today.

On November 22, 2016 “The Atlantic” published, “The Push for Sanctuary Campuses Prompts More Questions Than Answers: It’s not clear how far colleges would or could go to stop the deportation of students.”

This article detailed how some “Sanctuary” colleges will not cooperate with immigration authorities.

Consider this excerpt from this article:

“Faculty at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, who would like to see the school become a sanctuary campus, met on Monday with administrators to “have a better sense of what their expectations are for a sanctuary campus,” said Joanne Berger-Sweeney, the school’s president. Her faculty expressed interest in the school declining to pass immigration information to federal authorities, and in establishing a network of alumni who are willing to offer pro bono legal help to undocumented students.”

On December 1, 2016 the website, “The College Fix” posted, “UC President Napolitano to campus cops: Don’t enforce federal immigration law.”

Here is are salient excerpts from this article:

Napolitano — who served as Secretary of Homeland Security under the Obama administration, charged with protecting the nation’s borders — put out a statement Wednesday that her office will “vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.”

The announcement comes as students in the country illegally and their peer allies are distraught that there might be mass deportations of undocumented students under a Donald Trump presidency. Many student leaders have announced their schools are “sanctuary campuses.” Now campus leaders are essentially following suit.

According to Napolitano’s office, there are about 2,500 undocumented students enrolled across the 10-campus UC system.

“While we still do not know what policies and practices the incoming federal administration may adopt, given the many public pronouncements made during the presidential campaign and its aftermath, we felt it necessary to reaffirm that UC will act upon its deeply held conviction that all members of our community have the right to work, study, and live safely and without fear at all UC locations,” Napolitano stated.

The article went on to report:


For starters, any school that declares itself to be a “Sanctuary” for illegal aliens should have its authority to issue the form I-20 to foreign students summarily revoked.

Foreign students must present that form (I-20) to the U.S. embassy or consulate in order to be issued a student visa so that they may be admitted into the United States to attend school.

Foreign student advisors at each and every school are responsible for notifying DHS about foreign students who fail to attend those schools for which they were granted visas. Clearly “Sanctuary Schools” cannot be trusted to cooperate fully with the DHS and make proper notification to the DHS.

No I-20 Forms: No Visas: No Foreign Students.

Sanctuary Campuses
Same useless argument used by the establishment against the student revolutions in the 1960s.
Same useless argument used by the establishment against the student revolutions in the 1960s.
Never pass up the opportunity to bump. Ya those students are teaching today's kids left wing subjects that do nothing for there future. I will have a thread on this subject coming soon, some parents will be shocked out of pay for that crap...
Same useless argument used by the establishment against the student revolutions in the 1960s.
Never pass up the opportunity to bump. Ya those students are teaching today's kids left wing subjects that do nothing for there future. I will have a thread on this subject coming soon, some parents will be shocked out of pay for that crap...
No, i dobut that you will, and if you do, then, no, they won't.
The Freedom Center's newest campaign takes on the seditious "sanctuary campus" movement.
March 20, 2017

David Horowitz


(you've heard the saying "a pig with lipstick on it" ...)

There are now 500 sanctuary cities in the United States, virtually all Democratic, which are pledged not to cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security in its efforts to secure our borders, identify terrorists, and deport criminal aliens. California has taken the lead in this pernicious movement and is about to become the first sanctuary state. Moreover, every public California institution of higher learning has declared itself a “sanctuary campus” including the University of California whose president Janet Napolitano is a former Obama appointee to head the Department of Homeland Security itself. This is the most massive movement of sedition since the Civil War and is the centerpiece of the so-called “resistance” – itself a form of sedition in a democracy - that Democrats have mobilized against the Trump administration.




Sanctuary campuses are not only part of a radical attack on America’s social, political, and educational establishment but a dagger aimed at the rule of law and the nation’s safety. The illegal immigrant’s first act on American soil is to break the most fundamental of U.S. laws. The administrators who make their schools sanctuaries are making that lawlessness part of the character and identity of our most important intellectual institutions. The Freedom Center’s campaign will move from California to the rest of the U.S, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. It will call out by name administrators such as Napolitano and White who defy federal immigration law and hopefully will galvanize trustees, alumni and attorneys general to resist this assault on our country and take action against these administrators. It will also make the case against sanctuary campuses to the American public whose taxes underwrite the UC and Cal State University systems and other schools across the country.


The time has come for patriotic Americans to form their own resistance to the growing threat from within, orchestrated by the political left. The president is under incredible, unprecedented attack for his efforts to defend the republic from these threats. He needs help in the form of local movements to remove from office seditious officials running our cities and universities, who have been able to do so with no consequences for them until now. The time has come to make America secure again.

Prosecute the Sanctuary Secessionists

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