San Francisco’s New DA: Public Urination ‘Will Not Be Prosecuted.’

As this thread illustrates, nearly all conservatives are constantly weeping with jealousy concerning everything about California. They have to be. Their cult orders it, and none of 'em has the balls or brains necessary to form an independent opinion.

It's understandable. They know they'll never be able to match the success of California, or the good morality of the residents. Conservatives can't lift themselves up, so they try to drag everyone else down to their own sewage-saturated level. Some people just want to watch the world burn.
many posters here "weeping" about California currently live there or lived there at one time....they know what they experienced....the ones who either never been there or visited at one time years ago are just repeating what they heard or read....

Pictures say a thousand words, so do countless newspaper articles, 60 minutes investigations

You need a dump/needle app now

Along with your Luke Skywalker blaster and chewie as your side kick
i am talking about those who are saying California sucks as a whole.....someone looking at a picture of an area or listening to a news story have no idea what life is like in the state.....not all of California is as described by the non residents here....

How much time do you think you have left? It has to be coming at you pretty fast.
Might be one of the ones with a wall around his compound, and armed gaurds with AK's to protect him from the democrat policies he supports.
Thread summary:

As this thread demonstrates, Trump cult pajama bois spend their days spewing bug-eyed and spittle-flecked hatred at the blue states. Then they spin about and whimper about how they're all victims of liberal hate. Don't worry, Trump cultists. At this stage, nobody expects you not to be eternal-victims and hypocrites, so you're not disappointing anyone.

Naturally, our nutty conservative MSM shares that double standard. Hatred of blue states is encouraged, hatred of red states is forbidden, yet the media narrative is about liberal elitists. It's quite the opposite. Conservatism is raging elitism. Their whole schtick is now about how superior they are to normal Americans. In stark contrast, liberalism doesn't look down on any Americans. As is always the case, moral high ground to the liberals.

The most disturbing thing? The poop-fetish of all the Trump cultists here. They hang around exclusively in these conservative SafeSpaces, where everyone is expected to have a poop-fetish, so there's nobody to tell them that a poop-fetish isn't normal. Meaning, as usual, I'm the one who has to stage the intervention.
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Thread summary:

As this thread demonstrates, Trump cult pajama bois spend their days spewing bug-eyed and spittle-flecked hatred at the blue states. Then they spin about and whimper about how they're all victims of liberal hate. Don't worry, Trump cultists. At this stage, nobody expects you not to be victims and hypocrites, so you're not disappointing anyone.

Naturally, our nutty conservative MSM shares that double standard. Hatred of blue states is encouraged, hatred of red states is forbidden, yet the media narrative is about liberal elitists. It's quite the opposite. Conservatism is raging elitism. Their whole schtick is now about how superior they are to normal Americans. In stark contrast, liberalism doesn't look down on any Americans. As is always the case, moral high ground to the liberals.

The most disturbing thing? The poop-fetish of all the Trump cultists here. They hang around exclusively in these conservative SafeSpaces, where everyone is expected to have a poop-fetish, so there's nobody to tell them that a poop-fetish isn't normal. Meaning, as usual, I'm the one who has to stage the intervention.

Interesting, SF (and LA) doesn't seem to mind the poop in the streets and we have a poop-fetish....go figure.
Pandering to the lowest common denominator is a sure recipe for failure
The guy is all pasty and looks like he just got out of rehab
Will be interesting to see how he is responded to when he declares illegalities are to be put into effect.
Let's all thank the nice liberal for turning the city into South Korea 20 - 30 years ago, for turning American streets into benjo ditches.

** A benjo ditch is an Oriental solution for the toilet.
Thread summary:

As this thread demonstrates, Trump cult pajama bois spend their days spewing bug-eyed and spittle-flecked hatred at the blue states. Then they spin about and whimper about how they're all victims of liberal hate. Don't worry, Trump cultists. At this stage, nobody expects you not to be victims and hypocrites, so you're not disappointing anyone.

Naturally, our nutty conservative MSM shares that double standard. Hatred of blue states is encouraged, hatred of red states is forbidden, yet the media narrative is about liberal elitists. It's quite the opposite. Conservatism is raging elitism. Their whole schtick is now about how superior they are to normal Americans. In stark contrast, liberalism doesn't look down on any Americans. As is always the case, moral high ground to the liberals.

The most disturbing thing? The poop-fetish of all the Trump cultists here. They hang around exclusively in these conservative SafeSpaces, where everyone is expected to have a poop-fetish, so there's nobody to tell them that a poop-fetish isn't normal. Meaning, as usual, I'm the one who has to stage the intervention.

Interesting, SF (and LA) doesn't seem to mind the poop in the streets and we have a poop-fetish....go figure.

That's mamooth for you always trying to hide the this case its poop.

Thread summary:

As this thread demonstrates, Trump cult pajama bois spend their days spewing bug-eyed and spittle-flecked hatred at the blue states. Then they spin about and whimper about how they're all victims of liberal hate. Don't worry, Trump cultists. At this stage, nobody expects you not to be eternal-victims and hypocrites, so you're not disappointing anyone.

Naturally, our nutty conservative MSM shares that double standard. Hatred of blue states is encouraged, hatred of red states is forbidden, yet the media narrative is about liberal elitists. It's quite the opposite. Conservatism is raging elitism. Their whole schtick is now about how superior they are to normal Americans. In stark contrast, liberalism doesn't look down on any Americans. As is always the case, moral high ground to the liberals.

The most disturbing thing? The poop-fetish of all the Trump cultists here. They hang around exclusively in these conservative SafeSpaces, where everyone is expected to have a poop-fetish, so there's nobody to tell them that a poop-fetish isn't normal. Meaning, as usual, I'm the one who has to stage the intervention.
"Conservative MSM".

Politics is relative. To a Marxist, a socialist is a fundy rethug.
As this thread illustrates, nearly all conservatives are constantly weeping with jealousy concerning everything about California. They have to be. Their cult orders it, and none of 'em has the balls or brains necessary to form an independent opinion.

It's understandable. They know they'll never be able to match the success of California, or the good morality of the residents. Conservatives can't lift themselves up, so they try to drag everyone else down to their own sewage-saturated level. Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Success? You define homelessness, shit and piss running down the streets as success? You can have it.

Ignorant people like you think it’s the whole Ca. Name me a states that is better than Ca.
Now that the son of terrorists, raised by terrorists, Chesa Boudin is DA, San Francisco is going to get much much much worse.
If they voted that scumbag in they deserve him.

Yet California is the most visited state in the entire America. No states can even come close.

Yet California is the 5th largest economy in the world.
Unemployment is at 4%.

Booming economy better than any other states.
Of course you people are jealous.
Pandering to the lowest common denominator is a sure recipe for failure
The guy is all pasty and looks like he just got out of rehab
Will be interesting to see how he is responded to when he declares illegalities are to be put into effect.

My apologies I didn’t mean to give you like. And I cannot take it off.
Thread summary:

As this thread demonstrates, Trump cult pajama bois spend their days spewing bug-eyed and spittle-flecked hatred at the blue states. Then they spin about and whimper about how they're all victims of liberal hate. Don't worry, Trump cultists. At this stage, nobody expects you not to be eternal-victims and hypocrites, so you're not disappointing anyone.

Naturally, our nutty conservative MSM shares that double standard. Hatred of blue states is encouraged, hatred of red states is forbidden, yet the media narrative is about liberal elitists. It's quite the opposite. Conservatism is raging elitism. Their whole schtick is now about how superior they are to normal Americans. In stark contrast, liberalism doesn't look down on any Americans. As is always the case, moral high ground to the liberals.

The most disturbing thing? The poop-fetish of all the Trump cultists here. They hang around exclusively in these conservative SafeSpaces, where everyone is expected to have a poop-fetish, so there's nobody to tell them that a poop-fetish isn't normal. Meaning, as usual, I'm the one who has to stage the intervention.

Thank you mamooth. I’m not sure why I cannot give you likes. It keeps going to these parasites.
Thread summary:

As this thread demonstrates, Trump cult pajama bois spend their days spewing bug-eyed and spittle-flecked hatred at the blue states. Then they spin about and whimper about how they're all victims of liberal hate. Don't worry, Trump cultists. At this stage, nobody expects you not to be victims and hypocrites, so you're not disappointing anyone.

Naturally, our nutty conservative MSM shares that double standard. Hatred of blue states is encouraged, hatred of red states is forbidden, yet the media narrative is about liberal elitists. It's quite the opposite. Conservatism is raging elitism. Their whole schtick is now about how superior they are to normal Americans. In stark contrast, liberalism doesn't look down on any Americans. As is always the case, moral high ground to the liberals.

The most disturbing thing? The poop-fetish of all the Trump cultists here. They hang around exclusively in these conservative SafeSpaces, where everyone is expected to have a poop-fetish, so there's nobody to tell them that a poop-fetish isn't normal. Meaning, as usual, I'm the one who has to stage the intervention.

Interesting, SF (and LA) doesn't seem to mind the poop in the streets and we have a poop-fetish....go figure.

Of course we do. That is why they installed portable potties all over SF and LA.
Ignorant people like you are very dishonest that keep posting the same shit.
Pandering to the lowest common denominator is a sure recipe for failure
The guy is all pasty and looks like he just got out of rehab
Will be interesting to see how he is responded to when he declares illegalities are to be put into effect.

My apologies I didn’t mean to give you like. And I cannot take it off.
That’s fine. Thank you for your consideration
What I don’t understand why people especially Trump cult followers keeps bashing Ca?

WHY IS THAT? Can someone please help me why?

You keep posting poop and shit. The same shit. Do you honestly believe that they just leave it there so city leaders will get embarrassed? Every time someone posted about Ca the same poop over and over.
I mean talking fucking ignorant people.

I traveled SF and LA regularly but I have not seen a piece of shit in any streets. But I seen enough piece of shit human being.
Now that the son of terrorists, raised by terrorists, Chesa Boudin is DA, San Francisco is going to get much much much worse.
If they voted that scumbag in they deserve him.

Yet California is the most visited state in the entire America. No states can even come close.

Yet California is the 5th largest economy in the world.
Unemployment is at 4%.

Booming economy better than any other states.
Of course you people are jealous.

Jealous that you didnt learn from history or science?

Seriously dude this is how the black plague started in Europe it killed 20 million plus people.
The quality of life of the productive, has been decimated.

Store owners are asking people to please wipe the shit off their feet before entering, if they can get passed the garbage in front of the owner's door to begin with. The smell must be appalling.
They are devolving to the filthy early 1800's, and keep voting for it to compound. Incredible. :eusa_doh:

Then there are the real freebies. Shop lifting is de facto, no longer a criminal offense under $950.00.
Imagine yourself a business owner. How many $950.00 hits can you take per day before your inventory and your livelihood are wiped out?
And yet they vote for the situation to deteriorate even more. :ack-1:

And worse yet is, the productive are leaving the shit holes they helped to create and insist on voting for the same downward spiral in the once normal cities they escaped to! :102:

Prove to me your lies.
Now that the son of terrorists, raised by terrorists, Chesa Boudin is DA, San Francisco is going to get much much much worse.
If they voted that scumbag in they deserve him.

Yet California is the most visited state in the entire America. No states can even come close.

Yet California is the 5th largest economy in the world.
Unemployment is at 4%.

Booming economy better than any other states.
Of course you people are jealous.

Jealous that you didnt learn from history or science?

Seriously dude this is how the black plague started in Europe it killed 20 million plus people.

I’ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me.
Fascinating, the psychology of it.

Liberals never make posts hating on red areas.

Conservatives constantly make posts hating on blue states. They don't sound confident at all, and they do sound as if they're repeating what they're told to repeat.

That's another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. There's nobody ordering us to spend our days hating.

That is a lie if there ever was one. Nothing is more discriminatory than the leftist mob, hateful enough to dedicate their lives to get people fired from their platforms and jobs.

Just keep in your own state, take the piss proudly when we come to visit, and finally be properly replaced by more obedient 3rd worlders as your masters demand. Be a good shitlib.

Oh we want to keep our state and we are very proud.

So why the hell you cannot leave us alone?

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