
I'm talking about the classic debate on the interpretation of predestination, anyone want to engage in this discussion?

I thought maybe some people needed a break from the "this is a fairy tale, no its not" type discussions.
I've always looked at it as though we have the power to choose even though God already knows the outcome before it happens.
I've always looked at it as though we have the power to choose even though God already knows the outcome before it happens.

I hear ya, but if that was the case, would I be mistaken to say that the glory would then go to you, instead of God?
John 3:3 - Jesus said, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

If our salvation was up to God or Jesus, God would have just made it happen and Jesus would not have told us to be born again.

Genesis 2:17 - for in the day, that you eat of it, you shall surely die.

God's blessings are optional, you can accept them or reject them. God warned the first man Adam about what would happen, if Adam made the wrong choice, because Adam was free to choose and God was not going to decide for him.
So, if God did not decide the fate or destiny of the first man, would the same God choose for the third, tenth or millionth man?
Jesuits have spent entire careers studying Biblical concepts. Don't expect a quick answer on a political forum.
Does man choose salvation or does God choose who gets saved?

The bible says God first chose us and drew us by sending the Holy Spirit and then if man responds to God by accepting his offer of salvation through Jesus Christ shed blood at the cross, he becomes born again. The bible says, Whosever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God is not willing that any should perish but that all should turn from their wicked ways and repent and receive Jesus Christ as their savior but it is definitely the Holy Spirit who opens a persons eyes to their need for A Savior.

This is why it is so important to pray for the lost. We are saved because someone prayed for us. Years ago I asked the LORD who prayed for my salvation and he showed me who the person was. I was in awe that it was someone who really didn't know me that well. She just had a heart to pray for my salvation and she did! I thank God she did.

Now when I am driving down the road I will be praying for people in front of me, beside me and asking the Holy Spirit to go to them and draw them that they can be saved. I pray for stangers alot. I feel like some of them may not have any family members who are saved and I may be the only one praying for them!

I have no idea how many of those prayers God has answered but I have seen some pretty amazing miracles in the area of salvation. It is the greatest high in the world to see another person come to Christ and be filled with joy. There is nothing like it on earth. It is the best.
Does man choose salvation or does God choose who gets saved?

The bible says God first chose us and drew us by sending the Holy Spirit and then if man responds to God by accepting his offer of salvation through Jesus Christ shed blood at the cross, he becomes born again. The bible says, Whosever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God is not willing that any should perish but that all should turn from their wicked ways and repent and receive Jesus Christ as their savior but it is definitely the Holy Spirit who opens a persons eyes to their need for A Savior.

This is why it is so important to pray for the lost. We are saved because someone prayed for us. Years ago I asked the LORD who prayed for my salvation and he showed me who the person was. I was in awe that it was someone who really didn't know me that well. She just had a heart to pray for my salvation and she did! I thank God she did.

Now when I am driving down the road I will be praying for people in front of me, beside me and asking the Holy Spirit to go to them and draw them that they can be saved. I pray for stangers alot. I feel like some of them may not have any family members who are saved and I may be the only one praying for them!

I have no idea how many of those prayers God has answered but I have seen some pretty amazing miracles in the area of salvation. It is the greatest high in the world to see another person come to Christ and be filled with joy. There is nothing like it on earth. It is the best.

So wtf does it mean to repent? I don't perform any evil, at least I'm pretty sure I don't. If I knew of any I would repent of it.

Any advice?
I have a neat story I want to share with you. I had a new cell phone years ago and the cell number was formerly owned by a drug dealer! I get this text message on my phone asking for drugs! The young man thought I was the former owner of the phone apparently. I texted him back, I don't have any of that but I do have Jesus! I told him I don't believe God is in the policing business and I have no intention of turning him in so he can relax but would he mind if I keep him in my prayers.

He texted me back and said, Pray what for me? I said, well how about if I just pray Gods will would be fulfilled in your life and also pray for protection over you. So that you will be kept save while you are out there apart from God. He texted back I guess that would alright.

So I began to pray for this person every day. Gods will be fulfilled in his life and God send angels to surround this young man and protect him.

About a week later it is New Years Day. He texted me and said, have you been praying for me? I texted back, every day. I pray angels around you that God will keep you protected whever you go and his will be fulfilled in your life.

He said, I need to thank you. He said, last night I was in an accident in the middle of the night. My car rolled 3 times and was totaled. They could not believe this young man was not harmed in any way and the police officer said to him if he hadn't had his seat belt on he would have been dead. He told me I didn't have my seat belt on. Something kept me in my seat. I told him that was the angels I prayed to keep him safe. He said, he was "trippin' over that" and wanted to thank me. Please keep praying.

Well, each year once or twice a year I text him to check on him and he will tell me he was just thinking about me and wondering if I was still praying for him! The last time I heard from him he told me he is in school now and doing very well. I believe he is also making his way back to God now as he told me his mother is a christian and they may come visit my church some day. ( we have never met in person before )

So you never know how God is going to use you. Always be ready to talk to someone about Jesus and ask them if you can pray for them. You never know. You just may be saving a life out there.

Does man choose salvation or does God choose who gets saved?

The bible says God first chose us and drew us by sending the Holy Spirit and then if man responds to God by accepting his offer of salvation through Jesus Christ shed blood at the cross, he becomes born again. The bible says, Whosever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God is not willing that any should perish but that all should turn from their wicked ways and repent and receive Jesus Christ as their savior but it is definitely the Holy Spirit who opens a persons eyes to their need for A Savior.

This is why it is so important to pray for the lost. We are saved because someone prayed for us. Years ago I asked the LORD who prayed for my salvation and he showed me who the person was. I was in awe that it was someone who really didn't know me that well. She just had a heart to pray for my salvation and she did! I thank God she did.

Now when I am driving down the road I will be praying for people in front of me, beside me and asking the Holy Spirit to go to them and draw them that they can be saved. I pray for stangers alot. I feel like some of them may not have any family members who are saved and I may be the only one praying for them!

I have no idea how many of those prayers God has answered but I have seen some pretty amazing miracles in the area of salvation. It is the greatest high in the world to see another person come to Christ and be filled with joy. There is nothing like it on earth. It is the best.

So wtf does it mean to repent? I don't perform any evil, at least I'm pretty sure I don't. If I knew of any I would repent of it.

Any advice?

Definitely. The bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No one is sinless. We came into this world with the sin of Adam on us and we need to be redeemed. The good news is that because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins we can be pardoned completely and received into heaven if we were to die suddenly.

Salvation is a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Jesus died on the cross and paid the penalty for your sins so that you would not have to spend eternity apart from God. His shed blood on the cross washes your sins clean. If you are willing to accept that pardon, Jesus said, he will receive you.

The bible says if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, rose on the 3rd day and is seated in heaven you shall be saved. You can say this prayer with me right now and be saved. You can know without any doubt that if you died tonight you'd be in heaven with him. It is not a matter of your perfection but His. He paid the price. You can enter in because of that. In other words we are to come to Jesus Christ as we are because it is His life in us that changes us and makes us a brand new creation. He will change your desires, your thoughts, everything. He says he came to give you life and life more "abundantly". When Jesus Christ comes into your life you will experience a joy, a peace, a love from Him you have never known before. It is miraculous but true. I cannot imagine life without Him! It is a totally awesome life and you cannot imagine the wonderful ways God will show up in your life! He loves you so much and sacrificed his own Son in order to redeem you! God loves you!

Pray this prayer out loud where you are at and you can be saved right now.

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I want to be forgiven for my sins and believe that when you shed your blood at the cross you died for my sins so I could go to heaven. I believe you rose on the third day and are seated at the right hand of the father. I accept you as my Savior and my Lord and I thank you for forgiving me for my sins and saving me right now. In Jesus Name, Amen.

If you said that prayer out loud and you meant it in your heart, your name is right now being written in the lambs book of Life. The angels in heaven are all rejoicing over your salvation because God sent his only begotten Son to come to this earth and die on the cross so that he could be reconciled to all who would recieve his Son! ( John 3: 16 )

Get a bible and start reading in the book of John. That is a great place to start. I will be praying for you that God shows you where to find a good church. - Jeremiah
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John 3:3 - Jesus said, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

If our salvation was up to God or Jesus, God would have just made it happen and Jesus would not have told us to be born again.

Genesis 2:17 - for in the day, that you eat of it, you shall surely die.

God's blessings are optional, you can accept them or reject them. God warned the first man Adam about what would happen, if Adam made the wrong choice, because Adam was free to choose and God was not going to decide for him.
So, if God did not decide the fate or destiny of the first man, would the same God choose for the third, tenth or millionth man?

That is why we must believe in our hearts and confess with our mouth when we come to Christ. We need to believe Jesus is who He says he is, ( John 7: 17 ) that God sent him, ( John 3:16 ) and invite Jesus Christ to become our Lord and Savior. God will not force any person to believe or confess Jesus Christ is their Lord. It a free will choice. We must come to the foot of the cross of our own volition not being forced.

Our God is not a God who forces people to come to him or to convert to Christianity. It is a free will choice to receive His Son. What a wonderful God we have! We are blessed!

- Jeremiah
Does man choose salvation or does God choose who gets saved?

The bible says God first chose us and drew us by sending the Holy Spirit and then if man responds to God by accepting his offer of salvation through Jesus Christ shed blood at the cross, he becomes born again. The bible says, Whosever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God is not willing that any should perish but that all should turn from their wicked ways and repent and receive Jesus Christ as their savior but it is definitely the Holy Spirit who opens a persons eyes to their need for A Savior.

This is why it is so important to pray for the lost. We are saved because someone prayed for us. Years ago I asked the LORD who prayed for my salvation and he showed me who the person was. I was in awe that it was someone who really didn't know me that well. She just had a heart to pray for my salvation and she did! I thank God she did.

Now when I am driving down the road I will be praying for people in front of me, beside me and asking the Holy Spirit to go to them and draw them that they can be saved. I pray for stangers alot. I feel like some of them may not have any family members who are saved and I may be the only one praying for them!

I have no idea how many of those prayers God has answered but I have seen some pretty amazing miracles in the area of salvation. It is the greatest high in the world to see another person come to Christ and be filled with joy. There is nothing like it on earth. It is the best.

So wtf does it mean to repent? I don't perform any evil, at least I'm pretty sure I don't. If I knew of any I would repent of it.

Any advice?

God Bless you. You have made my night. I am truly grateful for being able to share Christ with you tonight, brother. God bless you. - Jeremiah

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