Catholics are a hate group ?

I wish immature people would stop trolling the White House's petition Web site.

To HomeInspect: That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. Socialists/Communists and lesser liberals usually rail against God. In truth they hate organized religion; specifically Roman Catholicism, while they love psychiatry. To be precise Socialists despise the confessional. After all, only fools believe that God gave a few chosen men the authority to forgive sin. Yet the confessional-haters replaced the confession box with a couch.

The real tragedy is that the only thing ordained priests ever got from the government was protection against being forced to reveal what a penitent said in confession; whereas, psychiatrists were given the power to legitimate sin, diminish punishment for the most reprehensible crimes, drug patients by force, and incarcerate individuals on nothing more than a judge’s signature.
Wouldn't you know. The Oblama administration considers the Ft. Hood shooting to be an example of workplace violence in order to protect the jihad base in the democrat party and then they go after the Catholic Church for refusing to supply condoms to sluts. The world is upside down to liberals.
Wouldn't you know. The Oblama administration considers the Ft. Hood shooting to be an example of workplace violence in order to protect the jihad base in the democrat party and then they go after the Catholic Church for refusing to supply condoms to sluts. The world is upside down to liberals.

You are absolutely vile.
Wouldn't you know. The Oblama administration considers the Ft. Hood shooting to be an example of workplace violence in order to protect the jihad base in the democrat party and then they go after the Catholic Church for refusing to supply condoms to sluts. The world is upside down to liberals.

Free condoms for sluts sounds good to me!
Wouldn't you know. The Oblama administration considers the Ft. Hood shooting to be an example of workplace violence in order to protect the jihad base in the democrat party and then they go after the Catholic Church for refusing to supply condoms to sluts. The world is upside down to liberals.

Free condoms for sluts sounds good to me!

Well get out there and give em out. Say what? You want me to pay for them?
Wouldn't you know. The Oblama administration considers the Ft. Hood shooting to be an example of workplace violence in order to protect the jihad base in the democrat party and then they go after the Catholic Church for refusing to supply condoms to sluts. The world is upside down to liberals.

try not to be any more stupid than genetics dictate, otay?
In fairness, this is the WhiteHouse Petition Site, Anyone can start a Petition....... In contrast......

we petition the obama administration to:
Designate as a hate group the bigoted people who started the petition to designate the Catholic Church as a hate group.

Some people are petitioning to label the Catholic Church as a "hate group" because of the Church's teaching on same-sex marriage. But in the United States, we have this awesome thing called freedom of religion which means we don't have to agree with your efforts to redefine marriage. When you call Catholics hateful for holding this religious opinion, you're being bigoted. And I think we can all agree bigotry is pretty hateful. So, the people who want to designate the Catholic Church as a "hate group" are actually themselves a "hate group."
Created: Jan 04, 2013

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