Safe spaces at your local universities are being transitioned into Anti Jew spaces


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Safe spaces at universities around the country have been controversial as they traditionally censored conservative speech. that make some other Left-wing students feel threatened. However, they are now being replaced by Anti Jew spaces.

"It's time to support killing Jews cuz they deserve it", boasted a student at Harvard. "The Hamas massacre was entirely Israel's fault". "Kill the Jew where you find him!" yelled the student.

Professors signed a letter praising the student and supporting the student saying, "Allah Akbar!" "It is about time we converted the safe spaces into killing zones for Jews" said a Harvard spokesperson.

When asked about the Harvard comments, Joe Biden said, "Listen folks, this is all nonsense. Our biggest threat to Jews and to democracy and to the entire universe are white Supremacists, so I won't listen to another MAGA lie!." as the President walked away eating an ice cream cone
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Safe spaces at universities around the country have been controversial as they traditionally censored conservative speech. that make some other Left-wing students feel threatened. However, they are now being replaced by Anti Jew spaces.

"It's time to support killing Jews cuz they deserve it", boasted a student at Harvard. "The Hamas massacre was entirely Israel's fault". "Kill the Jew where you find him!" yelled the student.

Professors signed a letter praising the student and supporting the student saying, "Allah Akbar!" "It is about time we converted the safe spaces into killing zones for Jews" said a Harvard spokesperson.

When asked about the Harvard comments, Joe Biden said, "Listen folks, this is all nonsense. Our biggest threat to Jews and to democracy and to the entire universe are white Supremacists, so I won't listen to another MAGA lie!." as the President walked away.

Is this where it starts, folks?

Glad that so many of the higher learning schools in my state are Agricultural schools, where young folks actually learn something.

A pushback has begun and only time will tell if it will be effective at putting an end to this nonsense.

Major Law Firms Issue Ultimatum To Law Schools Over Recent Protests: ‘Stop Producing Anti-Semites’​

A number of major law firms issued a letter to law schools across the United States, warning them that students involved in radical protests — specifically those who have gotten involved in anti-Semitic protests — are likely to face an uphill battle when they graduate and search for jobs.

The New York Times published the letter along with an article on Tuesday, noting that two dozen Wall Street firms had already signed on to the call for “top law schools to crack down on discrimination and harassment amid an escalation in incidents targeting Jewish students.”

“Some of the largest law firms in the country have a message for the deans of law schools who have tolerated anti-semitic activities conducted by their students,” Joel Petlin posted, sharing a photo of the letter on X. “If you want your graduates to get good jobs in our law firms, stop producing Antisemites.”

“Over the last several weeks, we have been alarmed at reports of anti-Semitic harassment, vandalism and assaults on college campuses, including rallies calling for the death of Jews and the elimination of the State of Israel. Such anti-Semitic activities would not be tolerated at any of our firms,” the letter read in part. “We also would not tolerate outside groups engaging in acts of harassment and threats of violence, as has also been occurring on many of your campuses.”

The law firms went on to argue that, as institutes of higher learning, law schools had a responsibility to educate students in an environment where they were encouraged to engage civilly with those whose opinions and views were different than their own.

“As employers who recruit from each of your law schools, we look to you to ensure your students who hope to join our firms after graduation are prepared to be an active part of workplace communities that have zero tolerance policies for any form of discrimination or harassment, much less the kind that has been taking place on some law school campuses,” the letter continued.

At least one of the undersigned firms, Davis Polk & Wardwell, has already rescinded job offers to students who signed on to letters blaming Israel for the October 7 attacks — when Hamas terrorists breached the border from Gaza and killed more than 1,400 Israelis, most of them civilians.

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Safe spaces at universities around the country have been controversial as they traditionally censored conservative speech. that make some other Left-wing students feel threatened. However, they are now being replaced by Anti Jew spaces.

"It's time to support killing Jews cuz they deserve it", boasted a student at Harvard. "The Hamas massacre was entirely Israel's fault". "Kill the Jew where you find him!" yelled the student.

Professors signed a letter praising the student and supporting the student saying, "Allah Akbar!" "It is about time we converted the safe spaces into killing zones for Jews" said a Harvard spokesperson.

When asked about the Harvard comments, Joe Biden said, "Listen folks, this is all nonsense. Our biggest threat to Jews and to democracy and to the entire universe are white Supremacists, so I won't listen to another MAGA lie!." as the President walked away eating an ice cream cone

A few years ago, before the pandemic, I saw one of these "safe spaces" at my old college during a visit. I was a bastion of lefty DEI crap, including Palestinian agitprop. Recently when I went back it was gone. Not sure if gone gone or just relocated.
A pushback has begun and only time will tell if it will be effective at putting an end to this nonsense.

Major Law Firms Issue Ultimatum To Law Schools Over Recent Protests: ‘Stop Producing Anti-Semites’​

A number of major law firms issued a letter to law schools across the United States, warning them that students involved in radical protests — specifically those who have gotten involved in anti-Semitic protests — are likely to face an uphill battle when they graduate and search for jobs.

The New York Times published the letter along with an article on Tuesday, noting that two dozen Wall Street firms had already signed on to the call for “top law schools to crack down on discrimination and harassment amid an escalation in incidents targeting Jewish students.”

“Some of the largest law firms in the country have a message for the deans of law schools who have tolerated anti-semitic activities conducted by their students,” Joel Petlin posted, sharing a photo of the letter on X. “If you want your graduates to get good jobs in our law firms, stop producing Antisemites.”

“Over the last several weeks, we have been alarmed at reports of anti-Semitic harassment, vandalism and assaults on college campuses, including rallies calling for the death of Jews and the elimination of the State of Israel. Such anti-Semitic activities would not be tolerated at any of our firms,” the letter read in part. “We also would not tolerate outside groups engaging in acts of harassment and threats of violence, as has also been occurring on many of your campuses.”

The law firms went on to argue that, as institutes of higher learning, law schools had a responsibility to educate students in an environment where they were encouraged to engage civilly with those whose opinions and views were different than their own.

“As employers who recruit from each of your law schools, we look to you to ensure your students who hope to join our firms after graduation are prepared to be an active part of workplace communities that have zero tolerance policies for any form of discrimination or harassment, much less the kind that has been taking place on some law school campuses,” the letter continued.

At least one of the undersigned firms, Davis Polk & Wardwell, has already rescinded job offers to students who signed on to letters blaming Israel for the October 7 attacks — when Hamas terrorists breached the border from Gaza and killed more than 1,400 Israelis, most of them civilians.

The pushback is not from the powers that be. The pushback comes from trying to grind down human decency.

Democrats know they have the youth exited about Jewish extermination due to their indoctrination efforts, so now all they need to do is sit back and enjoy the fireworks as these college graduates become our future leaders. Then we will become Nazi Germany.

The Left is just normalizing Jewish genocide, like they have normalized all other endeavors of evil like a child cutting off his wee wee to become a girl. They can make the populace believe virtually anything.
The pushback is not from the powers that be. The pushback comes from trying to grind down human decency.

Democrats know they have the youth exited about Jewish extermination due to their indoctrination efforts, so now all they need to do is sit back and enjoy the fireworks as these college graduates become our future leaders. Then we will become Nazi Germany.

The Left is just normalizing Jewish genocide, like they have normalized all other endeavors of evil like a child cutting off his wee wee to become a girl. They can make the populace believe virtually anything.
I don't think you're right about one thing.

We won't become Nazi Germany. The Universities are already showing signs of it, but we will become Mao's China.

Many of those who came to this country from China who are old enough to remember are remarking on how our culture is mimicking China right now. Right down to the Red Guard coming out of our universities..

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