Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies

So the government provides an army..a real one..to protect the interests of oil companies abroad..with taxes I send in..and what?

These guys get to make more money then any other capitalistic venture in history combined?

Oh really..

Remember Mossadegh? Ron Paul clearly highlights the fact of blowback with the overthrow of Mossadegh.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

Where do you people dream this shit up?
So the government provides an army..a real one..to protect the interests of oil companies abroad..with taxes I send in..and what?

These guys get to make more money then any other capitalistic venture in history combined?

Oh really..

Remember Mossadegh? Ron Paul clearly highlights the fact of blowback with the overthrow of Mossadegh.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

Where do you people dream this shit up?

They see it in the logs they lay in their water-efficient toilets.
So the government provides an army..a real one..to protect the interests of oil companies abroad..with taxes I send in..and what?

These guys get to make more money then any other capitalistic venture in history combined?

Oh really..

Remember Mossadegh? Ron Paul clearly highlights the fact of blowback with the overthrow of Mossadegh.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

And If it was about OIL? Where is it? Is it flooding the markets yet?

Same as Saying the Faulklands War was about sheep.

Its not my job to free you of your ignorance.
So the government provides an army..a real one..to protect the interests of oil companies abroad..with taxes I send in..and what?

These guys get to make more money then any other capitalistic venture in history combined?

Oh really..

Remember Mossadegh? Ron Paul clearly highlights the fact of blowback with the overthrow of Mossadegh.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

Where do you people dream this shit up?

Its called history. Why do you have a problem with history?
So the government provides an army..a real one..to protect the interests of oil companies abroad..with taxes I send in..and what?

These guys get to make more money then any other capitalistic venture in history combined?

Oh really..

Remember Mossadegh? Ron Paul clearly highlights the fact of blowback with the overthrow of Mossadegh.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

And If it was about OIL? Where is it? Is it flooding the markets yet?

Same as Saying the Faulklands War was about sheep.

Again..and with feeling for like the 100th time..

A company does not make money on a surplus of their goods..they make money on the shortages..

That's simple economics T.
Cutting subsidies to anyone, or any group, is not going to be popular with any side you chose in Washington.

Even though it is the right thing to do........

I believe the subsidies that oil companies get is called a depletion allowance and amounts to about $4 Billion. Eventually the well runs dry. Now, how about cutting the $16 Billion subsidy given to the ethanol industry. The ground will always grow corn.

That's a good idea.
I really hate "libertarians" who think it was good to overthrow a democratically elected republic for oil, then install the SHAH and the SAVAK, then preach about liberty.

Fuck you assholes, you cannot even comprehend the basic foundations of liberty.
Remember Mossadegh? Ron Paul clearly highlights the fact of blowback with the overthrow of Mossadegh.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

And If it was about OIL? Where is it? Is it flooding the markets yet?

Same as Saying the Faulklands War was about sheep.

Again..and with feeling for like the 100th time..

A company does not make money on a surplus of their goods..they make money on the shortages..

That's simple economics T.
DUH moment for you?

So *IF* there's a surplus of OIL? WHY the high prices?
And If it was about OIL? Where is it? Is it flooding the markets yet?

Same as Saying the Faulklands War was about sheep.

Again..and with feeling for like the 100th time..

A company does not make money on a surplus of their goods..they make money on the shortages..

That's simple economics T.
DUH moment for you?

So *IF* there's a surplus of OIL? WHY the high prices?


Remember Enron?
Remember Mossadegh? Ron Paul clearly highlights the fact of blowback with the overthrow of Mossadegh.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

Where do you people dream this shit up?

Its called history. Why do you have a problem with history?

I call it lies. And yes I do have a problem with lies.
Its called history. Why do you have a problem with history?

I call it lies. And yes I do have a problem with lies.

I have problems with lies. Please state your case.

Then recently, it was officially announced that the Iraq War was about oil. However, Repukes think it was because Iraqis hate our freedom.

Who "Officially" announced this?

And who are you to tell anyone else what they think?

There's your lie that you should have a problem with, I know why we went into Iraq, I was still on active duty when it all started back in 90. And it has nothing to do with the Iraqis hating us or our freedom. But you believe your talking points and pass on the lie.
There's your lie that you should have a problem with, I know why we went into Iraq, I was still on active duty when it all started back in 90. And it has nothing to do with the Iraqis hating us or our freedom. But you believe your talking points and pass on the lie.

Why did we invade, shitbag?

This should be most amusing.
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I really hate "libertarians" who think it was good to overthrow a democratically elected republic for oil, then install the SHAH and the SAVAK, then preach about liberty.

Fuck you assholes, you cannot even comprehend the basic foundations of liberty.

The guy the Shah replaced was a nutcase. Even his own people wanted him out.

However, libertarians generally don't approve of interfering with foreign governments. For instance, they don't approve of Obama's war against Libya with nothing for the U.S. to gain at all.
DUH moment for you?

So *IF* there's a surplus of OIL? WHY the high prices?


Remember Enron?

Yeah, I remember that happened on Clinton's watch. I don't recall a huge jump in electricity prices where I lived. It seems only the government of California got snookered by the Enron crooks.
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I really hate "libertarians" who think it was good to overthrow a democratically elected republic for oil, then install the SHAH and the SAVAK, then preach about liberty.

Fuck you assholes, you cannot even comprehend the basic foundations of liberty.

The guy the Shah replaced was a nutcase. Even his own people wanted him out.

However, libertarians generally don't approve of interfering with foreign governments. For instance, they don't approve of Obama's war against Libya with nothing for the U.S. to gain at all.

Mossadegh was the preferred candidate. Why was he ousted?
I really hate "libertarians" who think it was good to overthrow a democratically elected republic for oil, then install the SHAH and the SAVAK, then preach about liberty.

Fuck you assholes, you cannot even comprehend the basic foundations of liberty.

The guy the Shah replaced was a nutcase. Even his own people wanted him out.

However, libertarians generally don't approve of interfering with foreign governments. For instance, they don't approve of Obama's war against Libya with nothing for the U.S. to gain at all.

And there IS no Gain for the US at all...and for those that say "well? NATO is in charge..."?

Lest we forget? NATO would be ZERO without the U.S.. WE own it.
DUH moment for you?

So *IF* there's a surplus of OIL? WHY the high prices?


Remember Enron?

ENRON is Bankrupt. Next strawdog you'd like to erect?

It's seriously hard to believe we are about the same age. One day, maybe, you'll understand the way the world works. I sometimes see ludicity in your posts..but they are few are far between.

So today..is not that day.
DUH moment for you?

So *IF* there's a surplus of OIL? WHY the high prices?


Remember Enron?

Yeah, I remember that happened on Clinton's watch. I don't recall a huge jump in electricity prices where I lived. It seems only the government of California got snookered by the Enron crooks.

Enron went under during the Bush administration. You probably think that 9/11 happened under Clinton too.

Try real news outlets next time..

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