RW lies about people walking out of Obama speech

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–

Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.

Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

A caller told Rush Limbaugh about this today.

Here’s the transcript:

CALLER: Well, I’m glad you’re home. Just something real quick just to go along with what you’re talking about, the president’s favoritism amongst people is low. We went to a college football game here in Michigan this last weekend, and they did a public service announcement during the game. It reminded me more of like a, “yes, we can” kind of deal again, but it was about taking care of each other and working together.

RUSH: Okay, now, wait. Wait, wait. I don’t want gloss over this.


RUSH: Who did the PSA? On whose behalf was it?

CALLER: Obama.

RUSH: It was an Obama PSA?

CALLER: Yes. Joe Biden’s face was talking about doing things together along with students. He was in the middle of the announcement. It was about a 30-second announcement. It was put up on all the big screens at the stadium.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: And at the very end of the announcement was President Obama. And as soon as his face came up there, there were boos in that stadium that surprised me. I was just so happy to hear it because I thought, you know, it was like a positive thing for me, because it was like, okay, other people are feeling the same way I am.

RUSH: Exactly.

CALLER: A lot of the people in that stadium –

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: — including the student section.​

Hat Tip Mara

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
True lybyryls always had faith in our secular savior, President Obama. We knew that his faithful would never desert hym, especially not so openly.

Try to spin this, conservatards. I dare you.

Its obvious you place Party and Lying Pricks before your Country.

Fuck you.
Obama Speaks To Packed Rally With Overflow Crowd, Reuters Turns It Against Him

By karoli October 20, 2014 7:00 am - 117
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The overflow crowd got a personal appearance from the President, but Reuters still found a way to make it into a negative.

For all of the talk about how unpopular President Obama is, you'd never be able to tell from the rallies he held on Sunday. In Maryland, for example, he spoke to a packed house with an overflow crowd, firing them up for the midterm election.

Then he went to Chicago to campaign for Governor Quinn, and had a packed house there, too.

Big, enthusiastic crowds, but this is what Reuters chose to report instead:

"You've got to vote," Obama repeated over and over at a rally for Brown in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, near Washington.

Democrats have a history of not turning up to vote in midterm elections.

"There are no excuses. The future is up to us," Obama said.

A steady stream of people walked out of the auditorium while he spoke, however, and a heckler interrupted his remarks.

Obama's help, or lack thereof, may not matter much to Brown, who is 11 points ahead of Republican opponent Larry Hogan, according to an average of polls by RealClearPolitics.

Quinn's race is tighter. He is ahead of Republican opponent Bruce Rauner by 1.8 points, according to the RealClearPolitics average.

Obama is scheduled to spend the night at his Chicago home after the campaign event for Quinn.

What they failed to observe was why some people were leaving. See, there was an overflow room. President Obama spoke to them first. And then they left because they had seen what they had come to see.

It is true that some did not walk out.
They just stayed and booed.

Some of these dumb fuck lefties think it's an ethical crime to walk out on The Great Leader. There were many protesters there, morons! They were there not to fawn and drool like useful idiots, but to exercise their right to protest, and to challenge the president to back up some his bullshit.

"No can right-wing...ummm...left-wingers," said the president. "Errr, wait a minute, I mean you republican...ummm...terrorists!!" (Tom pauses his monolog to advise any readers that the president is sans teleprompter at this point, and is feverishly patting down his brow with the embroidered silk hanky his very, very special friend Eric Holder gave him while Mooshell was huffing and puffing her way round the Great Wall of China. We resume...)

"No, wait a minute. I meant you...racists! Yeaaa, that's it! That's the ticket! You racists!" Oh those darned, darned racists. That black protester Larry, the mechanical engineer shouting from under the rafters at the back of the auditorium because he hasn't found a job in 2 years? Racist. That little 19 year-old white chick wearing spectacles, holding a protest sign, whose tuition just went up by 34%? Racist. The 72 year-old auditorium janitor, Roy, who'll work till he drops dead because his social security check lost 48% of its buying power since dipshit was elected? Racist. UmmmHmmm. All racists, every one of them racists. So there you have it. They’ve been outed. Happy ending.
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True lybyryls always had faith in our secular savior, President Obama. We knew that his faithful would never desert hym, especially not so openly.

Try to spin this, conservatards. I dare you.
lol Systyr, I must take issue with your use of secular savior. President Obola is a black Theologian and worships at the altar of race and that idiot Rev. Wright, less we simply forget 20 yrs..
Looks like Reuters was the quoted source for many articles. Nice you can write a story without even being in the room now. Just use another reporters story.

So much for The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

Actually it just shows that parrot each other frequently. Usually that bias runs in favor of liberals. Apparently this president has done such a poor job, liberals now se value in distancing themselves from Obama. The bias in still intact, not to worry.
You have a democrat running in Georgia, who won't admit voting for Obama, but will brag about working for BUSH. Your guy is a failure, get over it luddley.
True lybyryls always had faith in our secular savior, President Obama. We knew that his faithful would never desert hym, especially not so openly.

Try to spin this, conservatards. I dare you.
lol Systyr, I must take issue with your use of secular savior. President Obola is a black Theologian and worships at the altar of race and that idiot Rev. Wright, less we simply forget 20 yrs..
NOT BLACK.., he is a fucking half breed, better known as a fucking mooslime MULATTO !! :up:
:fu: ................. Mr.Obola
Looks like Reuters was the quoted source for many articles. Nice you can write a story without even being in the room now. Just use another reporters story.

Just a heads up. Reuters just like the AP and others are "news agencies" who employ thousands of reporters world wide. Global media have used them as sources for years on end.

It's impossible for example to have Fargo reporters stationed in London, Vancouver, Paris or in Tierra del Fuego to cover breaking news around the globe.

Consequently media outlets utilize these sources.

Just makes sense.

BUT and it's a big but if one of these agencies slants a story and one is on the receiving end of negative coverage, you become instantly toast on a global scale.

Really a huge double edged sword.
It was reported by Reuters, a very reputable news agency, and I had no reason to not believe it.
If it turns out the story is false, then fine, but to claim we all lied about it is absurd.
And by the way, it's a fact that Obama is nowhere near as popular as we was previously, so the story was easy to believe.
You have a democrat running in Georgia, who won't admit voting for Obama, but will brag about working for BUSH. Your guy is a failure, get over it luddley.

Luddy and rdean are the perfect partisan hacks. They'll believe anything and love to be led around by the nose.
after so many years of that happening this is what Dean now looks like.....

careful Ludd.....thats after just a few short years.....dont let this happen to you....
OH, the right-wing nuts made up some stuff about Obama.

Gee ...... I'm shocked. I'm sure it's the first time that ever happened.

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