RW lies about people walking out of Obama speech

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
We all saw the photos of the huge crowd, jam packed right up to the rafters, but RWs lied about it anyway.

Lying Media Help Obama Haters Falsely Portray Killer Speech to Jam-Packed Crowd As Epic Fail
Author: Elisabeth Parker October 20, 2014 6:00 pm

Conservatives constantly whine about their world view being under attack by “lame stream” media. But despite reality’s known liberal bias, the center and the left often get the short end of the stick.

In the sort of article one would expect from Fox News or Breitbart, the giant press syndicate Reuters ran a real humdinger on Sunday with the totally-not-biased title, “Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance, people leave early.”

President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland [Lt. Governor Anthony Brown], but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.

There’s just one problem: The story wasn’t even true.

Here’s how the Obama ‘early leavers’ rumor started.
Sarah Jones from PoliticusUSA did a little sleuthing and found that Obama delivered his speech to a jam-packed, cheering crowd of over 8,000 people. That doesn’t even include the throngs Obama addressed outside because they couldn’t get in to the auditorium.

“So I’m going to make a long speech in there. But I had to come to the folks who didn’t get a seat. Because this is a group right here that is truly enthusiastic,”

Jones continues as she describes an atmosphere that sounds more like a Zayne Malik concert — complete with screaming fan girls — than a political campaign event:

“Crowd shrieked again as POTUS wrapped up and made his way to the rope line,” Pool reported as Obama got ready to speak to a sold out crowd of 8,000 at Wise High School. So, many excited fans. Much love. People shouted “I love you!” at POTUS.

The only people who left early were a handful of journalists who had gotten all the photos they needed.

Obama Speaks To Packed Rally With Overflow Crowd, Reuters Turns It Against Him

By karoli October 20, 2014 7:00 am - 117
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The overflow crowd got a personal appearance from the President, but Reuters still found a way to make it into a negative.

For all of the talk about how unpopular President Obama is, you'd never be able to tell from the rallies he held on Sunday. In Maryland, for example, he spoke to a packed house with an overflow crowd, firing them up for the midterm election.

Then he went to Chicago to campaign for Governor Quinn, and had a packed house there, too.

Big, enthusiastic crowds, but this is what Reuters chose to report instead:

"You've got to vote," Obama repeated over and over at a rally for Brown in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, near Washington.

Democrats have a history of not turning up to vote in midterm elections.

"There are no excuses. The future is up to us," Obama said.

A steady stream of people walked out of the auditorium while he spoke, however, and a heckler interrupted his remarks.

Obama's help, or lack thereof, may not matter much to Brown, who is 11 points ahead of Republican opponent Larry Hogan, according to an average of polls by RealClearPolitics.

Quinn's race is tighter. He is ahead of Republican opponent Bruce Rauner by 1.8 points, according to the RealClearPolitics average.

Obama is scheduled to spend the night at his Chicago home after the campaign event for Quinn.

What they failed to observe was why some people were leaving. See, there was an overflow room. President Obama spoke to them first. And then they left because they had seen what they had come to see.
True lybyryls always had faith in our secular savior, President Obama. We knew that his faithful would never desert hym, especially not so openly.

Try to spin this, conservatards. I dare you.
Oh the President and his supporters have a boo boo. The big bad media wasn't nice to their idol.

There are many Clinton supporters in the media. Make no mistake about that. I'm sure more than a few want a payback for all the years Obama has treated the media like lackeys. So sad, too bad.

Looks like Reuters was the quoted source for many articles. Nice you can write a story without even being in the room now. Just use another reporters story.
The Baltimore Sun

haha! I love it, from the paper from there-
The Baltimore Sun
The president's address was interrupted by a protester holding a sign that read "#NotOneMore," a reference to a campaign by immigration advocates who are upset the administration has delayed executive action on deportations until after the election.

A steady stream of people, meanwhile, left the event shortly after the president began speaking. It was not clear whether they were escaping the gym's heat — at least one person was carried out by stretcher — or for some other reason. Many carried signs and wore T-shirts for Brown, and many had waited hours to attend.
it's amusing the excuse they tried to suggest might be the cause.
It was a Reuters right-wing conspiracy and stuff, even if Reuters is the only news agency on the planet more left-wing than AP. Just how much more bullshit from Buckwheat do you think Americans, even black Americans, even black democrat Americans, are willing to listen to? Everything out of his mouth is jive-ass bullshit. Many people walked out. Live with it. Buckwheat is getting exactly the respect a sorry race-baiting bastard deserves. Didn't he have a riot or something scheduled for that night, anyway?

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