Russia's Unreasonable Demands for Peace Deal!

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Which is asking America to accept total defeat and walk away from its proxy war with Russia. No progress toward a peace deal for the Ukraine is possible as long as Russia stays committed to their agenda, as it's stated in this article.

Speaking to TASS news agency, the diplomat said Moscow “is convinced that a peace settlement will be possible only if the Ukrainian armed forces cease hostilities, and Western weapons shipments are stopped.”

He also stressed that to achieve a durable peace, Ukraine “must return to a neutral non-aligned status” and “refuse to join NATO and the EU,” adding that Kiev should recognize the “new territorial realities” that emerged after people exercised their right to self-determination. The diplomat was referring to four former Ukrainian regions that overwhelmingly voted to join Russia in public referendums last autumn, as well as Crimea.
This is a war that never should have happened. Didn't need to happen. Only happened because it conveniently laundered money into the Biden pockets.

Russia was never and is never going to tolerate NATO on its doorstep. The reasons we used to reach the brink of nuclear war over Cuba applies here. All those people died for nothing. All that destruction for nothing. Now it's keep the killing going for American pride. It's disgusting. This is only going to end one way. There will be no NATO Ukraine. Or there will be no Ukraine.
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This is a war that never should have happened. Didn't need to happen. Only happened because it conveniently laundered money into the Biden pockets.

Russia was never and is never going to tolerate NATO on its doorstep. The reasons we used to reach the brink of nuclear war over Cuba applies here. All those people died for nothing. All that destruction for nothing. Now it's keep the killing going for American pride. It's disgusting. This is only going to end one way. There will be no NATO Ukraine. Or there will be no Ukraine. [\b]

(my bolding of your comments.)

There may be another way?
One possibility is on a Ukrainian patriot taking out Zelensky on the assumption that would save millions of the Ukrainian people. That wouldn't have the desired effect if Russia has to do it.

The question would then be on whether America could find another willing puppet, now that the war has turned sour. For both sides!

For now we have to wait for the Ukraine's offensive, because Russia is going to get serious and ensure that the Ukraine fails miserably.

(fwiw, you've read the socalled Cuba crisis wrong. There's no way that Kennedy was ever going to make a stand against Russia's demands.)
forum's HTML code didn't work properly in my previous post. ???
To get these demands done Russia will need another large scale offensive, including their new blitz on Kiev, to install their puppet government. There is no any way on Earth to achieve that differently.
These sanctions will stop Russia
These Javelins will stop Russia
These Howitzers will stop Russia
These Himars will stop Russia
These Tanks will stop Russia
These Patriots will stop Russia
Now these F-16s will stop Russia
$113 billion later and nothing has stopped Russia

The US never actually calls for Peace, because there is no money in it
This is a war that never should have happened. Didn't need to happen. Only happened because it conveniently laundered money into the Biden pockets.

Russia was never and is never going to tolerate NATO on its doorstep. The reasons we used to reach the brink of nuclear war over Cuba applies here. All those people died for nothing. All that destruction for nothing. Now it's keep the killing going for American pride. It's disgusting. This is only going to end one way. There will be no NATO Ukraine. Or there will be no Ukraine.
Have you heard of Finland?
To get these demands done Russia will need another large scale offensive, including their new blitz on Kiev, to install their puppet government. There is no any way on Earth to achieve that differently.
Russia has already reduced the Ukraine's 34 million population to about half and that by only destroying a small per centage of Ukraine's territory.

Russia appears to be bent on reducing it still further, and that would make the remainder compliant to Russia's advance.

The people of the Ukraine know very well that they can ask for peace and Russia will grant it to them. No puppet Russian government will ever be necessary.

Only America stands in the way of peace now.
These sanctions will stop Russia
These Javelins will stop Russia
These Howitzers will stop Russia
These Himars will stop Russia
These Tanks will stop Russia
These Patriots will stop Russia
Now these F-16s will stop Russia
$113 billion later and nothing has stopped Russia

The US never actually calls for Peace, because there is no money in it
Try to understand that this war is a 'life or death' struggle for both America and Russia.

Russia is going to align with China, the Brics, and 3/4's of the world's countries.
America must defeat Russia and this is the last opportunity.
The people in power trying to start a war with 2 nuclear powers so that they can maintain their hegemony have bunkers, do you?
The people in power trying to start a war with 2 nuclear powers so that they can maintain their hegemony have bunkers, do you?
You're being quite silly, but it's harmless speculation thinking that the bunkers of the rich and famous will prolong their life styles.

On a bright and optimistic note, when the nuclear war threat gets them thinking, they'll start thinking that war isn't worth it.
If everything goes according to plans, Russia will use a tactical nuke on Ukraine's army.

Then America will be faced with the decision to use nuclear weapons against Russia.

And all that entails!

Do all Americans feel confident that their government will do it and teach Russia a final lesson?

Oh say can you see, by the bomb's blinding light? (flash)
Anybody who believes that BS that a Ukrainian defeat is a mortal blow to the US is brain dead from too much Fentanyl.

We would've been better off leaving it a European problem & can still back away, reverse course on sanctions & maybe stave off the rest of the world crashing our dollar global reserve status if they see some sanity from us for a change
Forget Russia...the end will be coming soon enough.

russain war spoils.jpg
These sanctions will stop Russia
These Javelins will stop Russia
These Howitzers will stop Russia
These Himars will stop Russia
These Tanks will stop Russia
These Patriots will stop Russia
Now these F-16s will stop Russia
$113 billion later and nothing has stopped Russia

The US never actually calls for Peace, because there is no money in it

Javelins and stingers did stop Russia. That's why they've barely advanced an inch and had to retreat. It's why they've barely used their airforce or helicopters. It's why they've lost thousands of tanks and ifvs. Next!
Howitzers are why Russia is incapable of advancing. Next!
Himars is why Russia lost Kherson and large portions of the Donbas and why Russia continues to lose control centers, ammo depots and unable to stage any kind of sustained offensive outside the little 16 sq mile city of Bahkmut. Next!
Western tanks & F16s haven't been used yet, but I think it's safe to assume they will "stop russia" Why do you think Putin has warned the west not to supply them? Next!
Patriots have stopped countless missile attacks on Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities. They've even stopped multiple kinzhal missiles, which Russia claims is unstoppable. Next!

Ukraine hasn't received the right equipment and training all at once in order to make the big push they're planning, but now with most of the things they need they finally can. Russia will be stopped.
If everything goes according to plans, Russia will use a tactical nuke on Ukraine's army.

Then America will be faced with the decision to use nuclear weapons against Russia.

And all that entails!

Do all Americans feel confident that their government will do it and teach Russia a final lesson?

Oh say can you see, by the bomb's blinding light? (flash)

So why haven't they? Why continue to be bludgeoned week after week, month after month? That's because there's no path to victory once you do that. Everyone knows this, even Putin. :cuckoo:
(my bolding of your comments.)

There may be another way?
One possibility is on a Ukrainian patriot taking out Zelensky on the assumption that would save millions of the Ukrainian people. That wouldn't have the desired effect if Russia has to do it.

The question would then be on whether America could find another willing puppet, now that the war has turned sour. For both sides!

For now we have to wait for the Ukraine's offensive, because Russia is going to get serious and ensure that the Ukraine fails miserably.

(fwiw, you've read the socalled Cuba crisis wrong. There's no way that Kennedy was ever going to make a stand against Russia's demands.)
We all know by now that the western allies are in this for the long run and that the Russian economy cannot support this war in the long run, so the only way this ends is for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine. There was no possibility NATO would have accepted Ukraine before the Russian invasion and now there is no way this war can end without NATO guaranteeing the peace.

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